Thursday, April 30, 2009

Getting Rid of Indoor Smoke

Smoke is a mixture of gases produced by combustion as well as very fine particulates from solids that disintegrate because of the fire. These gases and particulates are easily inhaled and if the smoke is thick enough, it can choke out the oxygen in a matter of minutes making it impossible to breathe.

Whether the smoke in your air comes from a family member, friend, or co-worker who uses tobacco products, or whether you sustained damage from a house or office fire, or are dealing with smoke from outdoor environmental issues beyond your control such as wildfires—removing indoor smoke is imperative if you are to remain healthy.

Central heat and air conditioning filters can help and should be change frequently for maximum filtration. But many of these filters are not fine enough to filter gases and particulates that result from smoke. That’s why adding an extra layer of protection with a portable high efficiency particle arresting air purifier just can’t be beat. It’s a proactive, non-invasive, and environmentally friendly way to protect you and your family and your pets.

Military carbon cloth which was first developed by the British Military is one of the most effective mediums for smoke filtration, and a smoke air purifier with both a HEPA filter and military carbon make a powerful tool for raising your indoor air quality by constantly producing fresh clean air, and clearing the smoke away. offers the Smoke Air Purifier that can send 250 cubic feet of fresh smoke-free air into your home or office every 60 seconds. Call us now at (800) 997-2989 and let us send it to you with Free Same Day Shipping today!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Air Purifier for Red Tailed Black Cockatoo

The Red Tailed Black Cockatoo is one of the rarest of the Cockatoo species. And an air purifier for the Red Tailed Black Cockatoo will go a long way towards helping it enjoy its full life span of 100 years! offers the Bird Dander Air Purifier as a proactive and non-invasive way to improve indoor air quality for both you and your Red Tail.

In captivity your parrot is exposed to far more dander, feathers, and dust than it ever would be in the wild. And because our homes are so well insulated these airborne pollutants have no place to go. Unless you do something, you, your bird, and your family are breathing an increased number of bird related pollutants in addition to the normal household pollutants of dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, pollen, bacteria, and viruses.

Not only does the Bird Dander Air Purifier remove bird related pollutants, but household pollutants as well. Designed to clean 700 square feet by sending 125 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds, this air purifier will help all in the family to enjoy the healthiest air possible.

For larger spaces, offers the Pet Dander Air Purifier which cleans 1500 square, and if you need an air purifier for pet odor as well, we offer the Pet Machine Air Purifier which also cleans 1500 square feet.

Both these purifiers are used by the Aviary at Theater of the Sea in Islamorada Florida, and we feel that this is truly the acid test for any air purifier for birds.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and protect your bird, your family, and your investment by asking for the Bird Dander Air Purifier. It is the air purifier for your Red Tailed Black Cockatoo that will really work.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Air Purifier for Bird Allergies from

An air purifier for bird allergies can mean the difference between keeping your beloved bird, and having to find another home for it. If you have gradually developed sensitivity to your bird, you owe it to both of you to try the Bird Dander Air Purifier from

The Bird Dander Air Purifier uses a multi-prong approach in helping you deal with allergies. Not only does it remove bird related allergens such as bird dander, dust, and feathers, but normal household pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew, spores, pollen, as well as dander from all warm blooded pets.

Because airborne household pollutants are often also responsible for allergic reactions, removing them all with one high efficiency particle arresting (abbreviated as HEPA) air purifier gives you the most bang for your buck.

The Bird Dander Air Purifier will also save you money. It is guaranteed to last for 5 years with a 5 year prorated filter warranty; its high capacitor motor allows it to run 24 hours a day using roughly the same amount of electricity that a 60 watt light bulb does. takes your savings to the next level with Free Same Day UPS Shipping, and No Taxes in the United States. This includes no taxes for Virginia residents even though our headquarters are located in Virginia. And today (Tax Day in the U. S.) and every other day, is happy to help cut your taxes even by a little bit.

The Bird Dander Air Purifier cleans 700 hundred square feet, and for multiple birds, or larger spaces, we offer the Pet Dander Air Purifier which cleans 1500 square feet. If you also need an air purifier for pet odor, we offer the Pet Machine Air Purifier as well!

So whether you have one bird or many, has an air purifier for bird allergies that will work for both you and your bird.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Air Purifier for Spring Allergies from

Spring allergies can range from annoying to debilitating. But with an air purifier for spring allergies from, you can look forward to spring with the rest of the world.

If you allergy symptoms soar when spring arrives, most likely you are allergic one or more tree pollens. Your allergies may also be exacerbated by indoor household and office allergens.

The Hay Fever Air Purifier is specifically designed to remove both indoor and outdoor allergens that find their way into your home. It removes household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, as well as bacteria and viruses.

Its high efficiency particle arresting filter can remove these pollutants down to .3 microns in size with 99.97% efficiency, and its inner filter of carbon zeolite will remove odors.

Reducing the airborne triggers inside your home is in direct proportion to the number of symptoms and flare ups you experience. And the Hay Fever Air Purifier removes 99,997 irritants out of 10,000 leaving only 3 out of every 10,000.

Cleaning your air is a non-invasive and effective way to increase your indoor air quality and your comfort level during peak allergy season. You simply plug this purifier in and let it work for you day in and day out. There is no assembly required and virtually no maintenance.

You’ll practically forget it’s there except you will notice an overall improvement in how well you feel, and how much energy you have, as removing the pollutants can possibly reduce the amount of medication you need to take!

The only by product of the Hay Fever Air Purifier is fresh clean air, and we can all use more of that.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Hay Fever Air Purifier. Just because you have allergies doesn’t mean you have to be miserable in the spring. Let this air purifier for springtime allergies put the spring back in your step and your life today!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Air Purifier for Asthma from

An air purifier for asthma can mean the difference between breathing easy and struggling for every breath. offers the Allergy Machine Air Purifier for relief from asthma.

The Allergy Machine Air Purifier’s name suggests that it is only capable of helping those with allergies. But like allergies, asthma is often triggered by common household pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, pet dander, smoke, volatile organic chemicals, as well as bacteria and viruses.

This Allergy Machine Air Purifier for asthma is capable of removing all of those pollutants 24 hours every day making the air in your home the safest it can be. It boasts an efficiency rate of 99.97% in removing particulates as small as .3 microns. So for every 10,000 pollutants it removes 99,997 of them leaving only 3 out of the 10,000.

Its military carbon cloth filter is just as effective at removing odors and gases as the HEPA filter is at removing particulates. Together they pack a powerful punch against airborne irritants that can so easily trigger an asthma attack.

Just knowing that you have a purifier that is capable of filtering your air day in and day out without spiking your electricity bill, or having to be cleaned, charged, washed, or sprayed can give you a wonderful sense of emotional security, letting you relax and rejuvenate surrounded by those you love in the home you've worked so hard to create.

The Allergy Machine is guaranteed for 5 years, and its filter carries a 5 year prorated warranty as well.

So if you’re looking for an air purifier that will really help you exhale both physically and emotionally, the Allergy Machine Air Purifier is for you.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Allergy Machine Air Purifier. The only things you have to lose are the airborne pollutants that can trigger an asthma attack. Make it your air purifier for asthma that really works starting now!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Air Purifier for Pet Lovers from

If the Easter bunny brought you a bunny or any other warm-blooded pet, you’ll need the air purifier for pet lovers from to help minimize the hair, dander, and pet urine odor in your air--the Pet Machine Air Purifier.

The Pet Machine Air Purifier is designed to clean 1500 square feet twice each hour by totally cleaning the air and sending 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds.

And because it is a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier, it will remove hair and dander as small as .3 microns. It will also remove other household pollutants found in the cleanest of homes such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, as well as bacteria and viruses.

The Pet Machine uses a 4 stage filtration process which makes it so efficient at cleaning your air. Its filter is composed of large and medium size particle pre-filters, the HEPA filter, and an inner filter composed of ammonasorb that is effective in removing pet urine odor. And even though there are 4 filters, they are contained in a canister that makes for easy one-step replacement.

And speaking of replacements, the filter is guaranteed to last for 5 years, so you can expect to change it 5 years from now in 2013! If it doesn’t last for 5 years, you can take advantage of the 5 year prorated filter warranty. The purifier is also guaranteed for 5 years!

This makes the Pet Machine Air Purifier an air purifier that is highly recommended for allergy and asthma relief because it is able to remove the airborne triggers that contribute to flare ups of respiratory conditions such as allergy and asthma whose symptoms can range from being annoying to debilitating.

So regardless of which pet the Easter bunny brought you has you covered.

Call us now at (800) 997-2989 and let us send you the Pet Machine Air Purifier. It’s the air purifier for pet lovers that will make you love your pet all the more!

Happy Easter!
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Air Purifiers from

Air purifiers are families’ first line of defense against polluted indoor air. offers air purifiers that can help you and your family improve your indoor air quality regardless of the pollutants that are causing you problems.

Purer only offers high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifiers that by definition remove 99.97% of airborne pollutants as small as .3 microns. This efficiency rate translates as removal of 99,997 pollutants out of every 10,000 leaving only 3 per 10,000--a really fabulous efficiency rate by anyone's standards.

You may be wondering what kind of pollutants these purifiers that we offer remove, and whether they match with what you need to remove from your air.

All of the air purifiers we offer remove airborne household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, dander from birds, dogs, cats, bunnies, ferrets and other warm-blooded animals. They also remove bacteria and viruses as small as .3 microns.

The HEGA series of purifiers has an additional inner filter that is best at removing smoke and odor.

The HealthMate series has an inner filter of carbon zeolite that removes a variety of pollutants such as smoke, odors, and volatile organic chemicals.

The HealthMate Plus purifiers have an inner filter of carbon zeolite Plus potassium iodide and they are best at removing airborne chemicals from paint, beauty and nail salons, manufactured homes, woodworking shops, and offices with copiers and other products that off gas chemical fumes.

Our air purifiers are guaranteed for 5 years and carry a 5 year prorated filter warranty. With a manufacturer’s guarantee like that, you are assured of buying once and buying right. also offers a 30 day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose and only clean, healthy air to gain.

So regardless of whether you are trying to remove bird dander from your pet Amazon, or chemical fumes from your beauty shop, has the air purifier you need.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and let us provide the solution to your problem with an air purifier that works.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, April 10, 2009

Austin Air Baby’s Breath Air Purifier from

The Austin Air Baby’s Breath Air Purifier is great at removing airborne pollutants and providing fresh, clean, healthy air for your baby. And providing clean air is one of the best gifts you can give any baby.

The Baby’s Breath Purifier clears the air of normal household pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, pet dander, and volatile organic chemicals found in new paint, furniture, and carpet in the nursery and elsewhere throughout your home. It can also remove bacteria and viruses that often attach to the larger particles enabling them to travel easily from one person to another.

And even though the Baby’s Breath Air Purifier should be standard in every nursery, it’s not just for babies alone. After all, babies aren’t the only ones that benefit from clean air. Toddlers, older children, as well as moms, dads, grandparents, and other caregivers can all benefit from clean air.

The healthier the air in your home, the healthier every one will be, and letting the Baby’s Breath Air Purifier continuously filter the air will not only improve the health of your baby or toddler, but all who live in your home.

The Baby’s Breath Air Purifier is available in 6 designer colors, and ships free in the United States and Canada when you order from

It carries a 5 year purifier warranty, and a 5 year prorated filter warranty. So it is entirely possible that this air purifier will be around long after your baby isn’t a baby anymore.

So call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the air purifier that will help everyone in the family stay well—ask for the Austin Air Baby’s Air Purifier today!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Thursday, April 09, 2009

Air Purifier for Allergic Child from

An air purifier for an allergic child can remove allergy triggers and create a safe place where your child can relax and enjoy being a kid. offers the Baby’s Breath Air Purifier as a permanent solution.

Designed to clean rooms up to 700 square feet, the Baby's Breath Air Purifier is a must as part of any allergy management plan and is perfect for making your child’s bedroom safe and virtually allergen free.

It will send 125 cubic feet of fresh air into your child’s room every 60 seconds after having filtered triggers such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, and pet dander from any warm-blooded pet.

Having the Baby’s Breath Air Purifier work around the clock to help keep your child’s allergies under control will mean a stronger immune system because the body is not constantly reacting to allergens. And for times when allergens are greater in the outside world due to pollen, mold, or exposure to cold and flu germs at preschool or regular school, the Baby’s Breath will also remove bacteria and viruses giving your child’s body a chance to rejuvenate at home with air that is as pure and healthy as it can be.

In addition to being effective at removing allergy triggers, it is also effective at blending into any decor, and is available in pink, blue, black, white, sandstone, or silver.

It comes with a 5 year warranty, and a 5 year prorated filter warranty. But we at are still selling replacement filters to clients who purchased their purifiers before 1995! So it’s not unreasonable to expect that this purifier will last your child far beyond childhood.

Your child only gets one childhood, and the Baby’s Breath Air Purifier can really help your family remember it as a happy, carefree time rather than one filled with worry and tension about allergies, and what triggered the next flare up. Life’s too preciously short for worries like that.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Baby’s Breath Air Purifier. It’s the air purifier for allergic child that will help your child have a happy, healthy childhood starting from the moment you plug it in.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Allergen Removal Air Purifier from

If you suffer from airborne allergies, an allergen removal air purifier can help eliminate the allergens that can trigger flare ups and make you miserable. offers the Allergy Machine Air Purifier for constant and effective removal of allergens.

Most allergies are triggered by a combination of allergens that work together to cause you problems. Household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, and pet dander are all well known for their ability to trigger sneezing, coughing, watering eyes, runny nose, and congestion.

The Allergy Machine Air Purifier systematically removes common household pollutants and even bacteria and viruses down to .3 microns so you can feel good in your home or office 24 hours a day regardless of the triggers that are present indoors or in the air outside.

Guaranteed for 5 years with a 5-year prorated filter warranty, it's easy to live with and requires almost no maintenance. Vacuuming the outside of the purifier several times a month will pull the big particles such as dust, dirt, and hair away from the pre-filters extending the filter life even longer. And that’s it for maintenance. There is no washing, spraying, dipping, charging or anything else that requires your time.

The Allergy Machine also requires zero assembly. Take it out of the box, plug it in, set it on high for an hour, then turn it to low and let it run forever.

Tens of millions of people suffer from allergies, but you can be one of the tens of millions who know about the Allergy Machine and feel great in spite of their allergies.

Call now and ask for the Allergy Machine Air Purifier. This allergen removal air purifier will give you control again over your allergy symptoms and your life.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Get Rid of Pet Urine Odor with an Air Purifier for Pet Odor

If you are trying to eliminate pet urine odor, you know how frustrating it can be. offers an air purifier for pet odor that will get of if for good—the Pet Machine Air Purifier.

Why is the Pet Machine Air Purifier so effective against pet urine odor? It contains a special inner filter that is designed to target and remove pet odor (and urine odor in particular) 24 hours every day.

In addition to the inner filter for odor, it also contains a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filter that allows it to remove particulates such as hair and dander down to .3 microns with 99.97% efficiency. What does that mean to you and your pet? For every 10,000 particles suspended in your air, the Pet Machine will remove 99,997 of them.

The Pet Machine Machine also contains large and medium size particle pre-filters that increase the filter life by trapping large particles before they can clog the inner filters. And even though there are 4 filters working for you in this 4-stage filtration process. Changing the filter is simple because they all in one big filter that you simply drop in when it’s time to remove the old one.

The filter life of the Pet Machine is 5 years and carries a prorated warranty, and the purifier is guaranteed for 5 years as well. We are still selling replacement filters to customers whose units were built before 1995, so we know these machines last much longer than the warranty indicates.

Regardless of whether you share your home with a cat, dog, ferret, bird, bunny, guinea pig or any other warm-blooded pet whose odor you want to remove, the Pet Machine Air Purifier is equal to the task.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Pet Machine Air Purifier. It’s the air purifier for pet odor you’ve been looking for!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, April 06, 2009

Solution for Pet Dander Allergies from

If you have pet dander allergies, an excellent solution for pet dander allergies is offered by—the Pet Dander Air Purifier.

Designed with pet dander allergies in mind, the Pet Dander Air Purifier will remove the nearly invisible dander from birds, cats, dogs, bunnies, ferrets, hamsters and any other warm-blooded companion that shares your home.

With a cleaning capacity of 1500 square feet, the Pet Dander Air Purifier will send 250 cubic feet of fresh, virtually dander-free air into your home every 60 seconds giving you 2 complete changes of air every hour.

And since dander production is constant, any air purifier’s filtration needs to be constant as well. The Pet Dander Air Purifier accomplishes this with its high capacitor motor that is built to run safely and effectively 24 hours every day.

Guaranteed for 5 years with a prorated filter warranty of 5 years, the Pet Dander Air Purifier won’t let you down any time soon.

It has 4 filters in one, and this 4-step filtration process allows it not only to remove pet related allergens, but normal household pollutants as well. Allergens such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria and viruses can all exacerbate those with asthma, allergies, and other chronic respiratory conditions. Removing these additional allergens will help improve your air quality and quality of life.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Pet Dander Air Purifier. Make it your solution for pet dander allergies that really works!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Sunday, April 05, 2009

Dust Mite Allergies Air Purifier from

If you have dust mite allergies, a dust mite allergies air purifier is one of several non-invasive and proactive approaches you can take to reduce their numbers. offers the HealthMate Air Purifier as a solution to airborne dust mites and their food source—-dander.

Dust mites love warm, dark, and moist places. And one of their favorite places is in your bed. They become airborne when you make the bed, fluff your pillows, turn back the covers, and can leave you feeling congested, and tired with a headache in the morning because of a poor night's sleep. If you're tired of feeling tired because you're sharing your bed with mites, the HealthMate can help.

The HealthMate Air Purifier is so effective in removing dust mites because it is a high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air purifier that can remove airborne pollutants as small as .3 microns.

The dust mite averages 250-300 microns in length and dander size ranges from 12 to 100 microns. Both these pollutants are easily removed by the sub-micron filtration capability of the HEPA filter in the HealthMate Air Purifier.

Not only will the HealthMate remove dust mites and dander but other household pollutants like mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria, and viruses that often add to the problem and trigger asthma and allergy flare ups.

The HealthMate Air Purifier is designed to run 24 hours a day to filter your air continuously. This is the only way any purifier will stand a chance of keeping up with the prolific reproduction of the dust mite. By sending 250 cubic feet of filtered air into areas up to 1500 square feet every 60 seconds, you can be assured of clean air that allows you to relax physically and emotionally.

Even the cleanest of homes have dust mites, and nothing will remove them completely, but with the HealthMate Air Purifier you can reduce their presence to the point that you get control of your dust mite allergies and your life.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the HealthMate Air Purifier. It’s the dust mite allergies air purifier that will make a difference starting the moment you plug it in. You have only the dust mites to lose!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Saturday, April 04, 2009

Air Purifier for Bird Allergies from

Bird dander is one of the leading pet allergens. Since it is the protein in the dander that triggers reactions, a air purifier for bird allergies must be able to remove dander. The Bird Dander Air Purifier from is designed to remove bird dander down to .3 microns.

The Bird Dander Air Purifier is a high efficiency particle arresting (abbreviated as HEPA) air purifier that removes particulates as small as .3 microns. That includes bird-related pollutants such as dander, feathers, and dust.

It will also remove normal household pollutants such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria, and viruses—all of which are known to exacerbate allergies and asthma.

One of the best features of this purifier is that it is low maintenance. Set it on high for the first hour, then turn it back to low, and let it filter your air 24 hours a day every day. This prohibits the build up of dander and the other pollutants that typically cause flare ups. Vacuum the outside of the purifier several times a month to increase the life of the filter which is already 5 years.

The Bird Dander Air Purifier cleans 700 square feet and is ideal for a small studio apartment or small bird room. For greater cleaning capacity we recommend the Pet Dander Air Purifier which cleans 1500 square feet sending 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds.

Cleaning the air will not only alleviate many of the symptoms that you now suffer from, but will also help your bird live a longer healthier life too. Inhaling high concentrations of dander, feather and dust are not good for your bird either, as their respiratory systems are far more sensitive than humans. Filtering the air will help your bird avoid disease and infection caused by airborne particulates, and will ultimately go a long way towards increasing the quality of life and life span of your bird.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Bird Dander Air Purifier. Make it your air purifier for bird allergies, and one that will help your bird too.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, April 03, 2009

Austin Air Filters for Healthy Family Living

Are you looking for a proactive way to keep your family healthy? offers the full line of Austin Air Filters as the way to keep indoor air quality high and airborne pollutants that cause problems low. Now you can help your family live a healthier lifestyle every day without lifting a finger with an Austin Air Filter.

Designed to clean areas from 700 to 1500 square feet continuously and economically, Austin Air Filters require a filter change every 5 years, and the purifier is also guaranteed for 5 years.

Made of steel with a high capacitor motor and a 4-stage filtration process, Austin Air Filters remove every day household pollutants such as dust, dust mites, pollen, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, pet odor, smoke, volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), bacteria, and viruses.

These filters remove airborne allergy and asthma irritants that can exacerbate existing conditions; there is a special air purifier for babies and children; and there is also an air purifier for chemicals that provides relief for those who are chemically sensitive.

And now let's talk about pets! There is an air purifier for birds, an air purifier for cat dander, an air purifier to remove pet dander and pet urine odor that can be so daunting to eliminate; and an air purifier for pet dander. These purifiers will all filter your air and allow you to enjoy your pets to the fullest without sacrificing healthy air quality or your family's health.

And even though these filters are incredibly powerful, efficient, and versatile, they are also able to easily blend into any décor by only needing 6 inches of clearance from any wall, and being available in 6 beautiful designer colors!

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and let us help you select the Austin Air Filter that will allow everyone in your family to enjoy the healthiest life style possible all day, every day!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Tree Pollen Air Purifier from

Tree pollen is one of the first signs of spring, and for those who are allergic a tree pollen air purifier is just what you need to make the season more of a joy. offers the Hay Fever Air Purifier that will let you enjoy spring in spite of the pollen.

Since most pollens range in size from 2 to 100 microns, the Hay Fever Air Purifier is ideal because its high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filter removes airborne pollutants that are as small as .3 microns in size.

Why can it help? Allergy-triggering pollen is nearly invisible and attaches to hair, clothes, pets, brief cases and book bags, and is even blown in through open doors as you come and go from your home or office. And because pollen is so light weight, it can remain airborne for hours indoors and eventually find its way into your nasal cavities and eyes to make you congested and itchy.

With the Hay Fever Air Purifier you can say goodbye to those kinds of symptoms that are triggered by tree pollen. Simply turn this purifier on high for the first hour, and leave it on forever. And not only will it remove tree pollen in the spring, but grass pollen in the summer, and ragweed and other pollens in the fold.

It will also remove normal household pollutants such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, bacteria, and viruses—all of which exacerbate existing allergies and asthma.

There are 35 million American who are nearly derailed with the barrage of tree pollen each spring, but this year you don’t have to be one of them.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Hay Fever Air Purifier. Make it the tree pollen air purifier that lets you look forward to spring.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Air Purifier for Golden Retriever from

If you have a Golden Retriever in your life, you need an air purifier for your Golden Retriever to keep up with the beautiful golden hair that it sends airborne when it shakes, runs to greet you, or jumps in the air to retrieve the ball. offers the Pet Dander Air Purifier that will work 24 hours a day at keeping your Golden’s hair out of your air and your lungs. And not only will it remove the hair that you can see, but the flakes of dander (dead skin) that you can’t see. Removing dander is important because it is the protein in the dander that often aggravates those who suffer from allergies and asthma.

The Pet Dander Air Purifier is designed to clean 1500 square feet with 2 room changes each hour by sending 250 cubic feet of fresh, clean air into your home every 60 seconds. And if your Golden is as healthy and energetic as members of its breed usually are, that’s just the right speed for keeping your air clean.

This air purifier for hair and pet dander is efficient and economical to run and is safe for humans and pets because it produces zero ozone. Made of steel, it can easily resist the chewing of a puppy, and the baked on powder coat finish is lead free.

And because Goldens are bred as sporting dogs, they love to romp in the woods, swim, and roll in the grass which can produce, what some describe as, a “salty dog” smell. The Pet Dander Air Purifier will also clear your air of the “doggy” smell as long as it is not urine based.

If you need an air purifier to remove pet urine smell in addition to removing hair and dander, offers the Pet Machine Air Purifier for an additional $50.

Whatever, your Golden’s needs, has an air purifier that will solve the problem.

Call us now at (800) 9972989 and as for the Pet Dander Air Purifier. It’s the perfect air purifier for your Golden Retriever and you!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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