Air Purifier for Bird Allergies from

Bird dander is one of the leading pet allergens. Since it is the protein in the dander that triggers reactions, a air purifier for bird allergies must be able to remove dander. The Bird Dander Air Purifier from is designed to remove bird dander down to .3 microns.
The Bird Dander Air Purifier is a high efficiency particle arresting (abbreviated as HEPA) air purifier that removes particulates as small as .3 microns. That includes bird-related pollutants such as dander, feathers, and dust.
It will also remove normal household pollutants such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria, and viruses—all of which are known to exacerbate allergies and asthma.
One of the best features of this purifier is that it is low maintenance. Set it on high for the first hour, then turn it back to low, and let it filter your air 24 hours a day every day. This prohibits the build up of dander and the other pollutants that typically cause flare ups. Vacuum the outside of the purifier several times a month to increase the life of the filter which is already 5 years.
The Bird Dander Air Purifier cleans 700 square feet and is ideal for a small studio apartment or small bird room. For greater cleaning capacity we recommend the Pet Dander Air Purifier which cleans 1500 square feet sending 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds.
Cleaning the air will not only alleviate many of the symptoms that you now suffer from, but will also help your bird live a longer healthier life too. Inhaling high concentrations of dander, feather and dust are not good for your bird either, as their respiratory systems are far more sensitive than humans. Filtering the air will help your bird avoid disease and infection caused by airborne particulates, and will ultimately go a long way towards increasing the quality of life and life span of your bird.
Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Bird Dander Air Purifier. Make it your air purifier for bird allergies, and one that will help your bird too.
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air purifier bird allergies, air purifier bird dander, filter bird dander
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