Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cockatiel Safe Air Purifier

One of the best things you can give to any bird is clean air.

Of course food and water are important, but if your bird can’t breathe, not much else will matter.

And because Cockatiels are powder- down birds, it’s even more important to be able to clear the air of bird-related dust as well as other more natural indoor pollutants.

The first indication that the cleaner is safe is that the only by-product it produces is fresh air. Stay away from by-products that continue to be controversial---ozone and ionized particles.

The unit should also be able to run safely 24 hours to continually keep air quality high by minimizing airborne particulates that stand a very great chance of clogging their air passages and causing disease and infection. Look for a split capacitor motor that can make continuous filtration possible.

HEPA filtration is the way to go when you want to remove particles. Designed to remove 99.97% of airborne particulates that are .3 microns or greater in size, it won’t remove all particles, but it will take 99,997 out of every 10,000. And that’s pretty darn close to all of them.

This type of filtration is the same type used in hospitals to insure clean air. And only produces fresh air as its result.

Once the particles have fallen to the floor, an air purifier will not pick them up. That’s a good application for a vacuum.

Carbon cloth is a safe dual purpose filter that is safe yet effective. Because it’s made of carbon it will remove gaseous pollutants. But because it is woven like fabric, it can give you and your bird additional protection against particles.

The Bird Dust Air Purifier from is safe and effective and can go a long way towards helping you and your cockatiel live a healthier life. See it now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Eliminating Airborne Mold Spores

Mold spores are nature’s way of returning things to their natural state.

This is probably of little comfort if you are allergic and/or are trying to get rid of spores that are creating a problem in some part of your home.

Unless you are allergic (and there are a lot of people who are) these spores are harmless unless they find moisture.

Once they find moisture under the sink, in the bathroom, or basement they start to grow. And growing causing them to produce more spores, and voila, there is a problem.

Once spores have started to grow remediation by a professional is the best and most effective option. Once the problem has been fixed, you can reduce the spore population by using an air cleaner to actively filter them from the air.

A cleaner that has multiple filters for particles is the best. See the air purifier with 4 filters for particles from now at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Nail Salon Air System

It doesn’t take long for the air in a nail salon to become polluted.

After a couple of manicures and pedicures are done by each technician, many times you can smell the chemicals from outside.

Breathing fumes day in and day out is physically hard, but it is also a little bit scary wondering what these fumes are doing to your health and those who work in the salon with you.

Consistently keeping the fumes to a minimum is the best way to reduce the short term symptoms such a burning eyes, runny nose, dry throat, dry cough, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.

Filtering the air is the most reliable and effective way to do this, unless you would rather wear a gas mask for protection!

The best type of filtration is a system that you can control, and one that can work continuously whether you are there or not. Opening door and windows is not always effective and can aggravate others who share the building with you.

And just because you put the top on the polish or remover doesn’t mean the smell goes away. And even closing the shop at the end of the day doesn’t get rid of the smell. That can be really obvious when you first open the door to the shop each morning.

The most effective solution is a purifier with a carbon filter that is enhanced with an additive to increase its ability to remove the volatile organic chemicals that off-gas from many products used in the nail salons.

The Nail Salon Air Purifier from offers a cleaner with multiple filters and multiple filtration speeds. It can operate 24 hours a day, is guaranteed to last for 5 years, and has a prorated filter warranty.

Put it to work in your nail salon starting today. See it now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Eliminating Airborne Cat Dander

Andy called yesterday, and wanted some technical explanation for why the right air purifier can eliminate airborne cat dander.

He explained that he has owned his cats since they kittens, and now they are about 5 years old. These cats even accompanied him overseas (Holland) when his job took him there last year.

But since he has been back in the states, he has relocated to Texas and is having a hard time even tolerating being in the presence of the cats. He says he waits up in the morning feeling like the poster boy for allergies.

Here are 5 reasons why the right air cleaner can work.

1.It is able to clean continuously without having to give the motor a break.

2.It has multiple filters that are sized to eliminate particles of various sizes. This includes the big particles that can be seen, and the ones that are microscopic.

3.There are multiple filtration speeds that allow you to clean the air faster when you need it.

4.It contains a HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filter that can eliminate 99.97% of airborne solids that are .3 microns or greater in size.

5.The maintenance is minimal so that filtration does not need to be interrupted.

The Cat Dander Air Purifier from has these 5 features and more that make it excellent not only for cat-related particles, but more normal indoor pollutants including dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, bacteria, and viruses.

Love your cats and get more control of your allergies now with help from the air purifier at Eliminating Airborne Cat Dander

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Removing Parakeet Dander

Parakeets are active, happy, and friendly pets to have. But you’ve probably noticed that they produce a lot of feathers, dust, and dander as they hop and fly about enjoying life in your home.

However, this is a good thing because a physically active bird is frequently a sign that it is well adjusted and properly stimulated by the conditions in your home.

In the wild, the particles that its activity generates would simply dissipate into the atmosphere or the bird would simply fly away and air quality would never become an issue because of too many bird-generated particles in the air.

But because our homes are so well-insulated, it is often hard if not impossible to exchange the air for fresher and less polluted air. What usually happens is that air is circulated again and again throughout the house with no way out for the abundance of particles that your pet is creating.

This can make breathing unhealthy not only for you but for your bird. Birds have tiny air passages that can easily become clogged. And because instinctively birds hide symptoms of illness, it is often impossible to reverse a condition when it finally becomes obvious.

That is why removing dander, dust, feathers and more normal household pollutants such as dust, pollen, mold and mildew spores, is important in maintaining the health of everyone in your home.

The Bird Dander Air Purifier is equipped with 4 filters for particles. It includes a high efficiency particles arresting (HEPA) filter as well as carbon cloth which can remove both particles and gaseous pollutants.

See this incredibly effective air purifier that continues to help bird lovers enjoy their birds without air that is clogged with dander and other particles now at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Clearing Air In Salons

Stuart called today and said he thinks the fumes in his salon are slowly killing him.

The chemicals that evaporate from various salon products leave the air smelling awful, and they make him feel bad.

So in order to get rid of some of the smell, they have started to open the doors and windows, and that’s another reason he called.

It seems that the other tenants in the building are not interested in having the chemical smells from his salon in their space. And that has started to happen now that he has opened windows and doors.

He is now afraid that if these odors bother the other businesses in the building, he will be asked to vacate his space.

He said there is no filtration provided for them in the space that they rent, so their only choice is to keep the doors and windows closed and suffer, or let the fumes out and have the neighboring tenants complain.

After we talked, he understood that there is another choice. Using an air cleaner with a carbon filter that is enhanced with an additive that takes out powerful chemicals found in many salon products can really clear the air in his salon and in yours as well.

The Beauty Salon Air Purifier from is equipped with activated carbon zeolite and enhanced with potassium iodide.

It gives two room cleans per hour and can run 24 hours a day to safely and effective eliminate the fumes (such as formaldehyde) that can clog the air.

Imagine having 250 cubic feet of fresh air being sent into to your salon every 60 seconds.

See the air purifier that has helped so many in the beauty industry offer clean air to their staff and clients at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Controlling Pollen Indoors

If you are allergic to seasonal pollen, you know that inevitably it will get into your indoor space.

There are some things you can do to keep the levels to a minimum in your home, and still feel like your home is a place where you can breathe clean air.

Parking indoors can make a huge difference. This keeps a lot of pollen from settling on the car, going into the car, and up your nose.

If you’ve been outside a lot during the day, you can use a mud room to remove clothes and shoes leaving them outside of the main living area. Then take a shower to wash the rest of the pollen from your skin and hair.

Even though you do these things, there will still be a considerable amount that comes in on other family members and pets. Pollen is tenacious stuff.

Filtering the air with a cleaner that is specifically designed to remove this allergen is one of the best ways that you can keep amounts low not only throughout peak seasons but all during the year.

See the air cleaner designed to remove the irritants that trigger hay fever including tree, flower, grass and weed pollens.

Get a leg up on hay fever season this year with the air purifier at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dust Filter For Bedroom

The bedroom in your home should be one of the most relaxing places to be both physically and emotionally.

Air that is clogged with dust, other particles, and odors can really stop you from being refreshed and rejuvenated there.

In fact, all of these silent and often unseen irritants in the air can make your bedroom a nightmare even when you’re awake.

In order to filter dust and other smaller irritants such as dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, bacteria, and viruses, you need a HEPA filter for sure.

HEPA stands for high efficiency particle arresting and describes a filter that can remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 particles that are .3 microns or greater in size.

And while this is a great filter to have, it shouldn’t be the only one. In fact, having just one filter in the bedroom is a recipe of disappointment.

One filter can’t adequately do it all, and even if it could it would necessitate replacing the filter more frequently than you would want to do or pay for.

What is necessary is multiple particle filters that can remove the big and medium size particles that you can see (pre-filters), carbon cloth that gives additional protection against particles as well as gas and odors, and a filter of activated carbon to remove airborne chemicals and odors.

With this combination of filters you can relax because it air is clear and because you know that it always will be when you are ready to retreat to your bedroom after a long and busy day.

Filtering the air so completely will give you a better chance at many nights of peaceful sleep and waking to feel refreshed and ready for a new day.

The National Sleep Foundation has endorsed a portable air filter that contains not one, two, or three filters but 5 filters. is pleased to offer the Bedroom Air Purifier for your bedroom at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Thursday, March 08, 2012

Bird Air Purifier Placement

If you have a bird as part of your family, you know how important clean air is to your pet.

Using the right air purifier and placing it well are 2 factors that can make the difference between fair results and great results.

Birds should be kept away from drafts. So the vent where the filter air comes out should be turned towards a wall to be deflected.
This helps diffuse the clean air without traumatizing your bird.

Cleaners pull in the air that is closest to them first. So it’s a good idea to place the unit in the same room where the bird spends most of its time.

This will allow the cleaner to pull the most polluted air first and then continue displace polluted air with fresh air.

A unit that can pull air from all sides will allow the most flexible placement. Make sure this is a feature by checking the technical specifications before you finalize your decision. This will prevent disappointment once you get it into your aviary.

It is important to size the unit correctly because unless areas are closed off, the purifier will pull all of the air that is open to it. It is crucial to the health of your avian friend that the unit you use is designed to efficiently clean the amount of space that you have. offers an air cleaner that can be placed anywhere in the room and can remove particles and odors from your bird’s air 24 hours a day every day.

See it now at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Aviary Air Cleaners

If you are a bird lover, you know that one of the best things you can give your bird is air that is as clean as possible. Of course this makes sense on an emotional level, but because of the way birds’ respiratory systems are made it is a must.

Birds have incredibly efficient respiratory systems which is both good and bad. But because their respiratory passages are so small, it doesn’t take much in the air to clog them. Once they become clogged, it is often the first step towards disease and infection.

Instinct keeps birds from showing weakness to avoid becoming prey to other animals in the wild. And even though they are in your home, that instinct to appear to remain strong can make it next to impossible to discover illness until it is often impossible to reverse.

Using the right air cleaner in your aviary to keep the air clear of particles and odors is the most effective way to keep you and your pet healthy. Bird dander, dust, and feathers are typical of the kinds of particulates your bird generates.

A HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filter is incredibly efficient at eliminating these airborne particulates as small as .3 microns. A HEPA doesn’t care about the source, so the good news is that it will also remove more normal household pollutants (typically allergens) like dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, bacteria, and viruses.

This type of technology is safe because it only creates clear air. This is important for birds that are incredibly sensitive to gases and odors. Speaking of gases and odors, a carbon cloth filter is as efficient at removing gaseous pollutants as the HEPA is at removing particles.

Carbon cloth was originally created by the British Military as a defense against chemical warfare. This is an excellent filter to have in a cleaner for birds to help minimize the gases, chemicals, and odors that can hang around in the air.

Having multiple filters for particles all in one cleaner for the aviary is ideal. See the air cleaner for birds that has both a HEPA and carbon cloth filter, plus 2 other filters for particles now at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-29989

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Friday, March 02, 2012

Control Dust From Pets

Those of us who are pet lovers believe that pets make a house a home.

They can also make a lot of extra dust to breathe which is not good for them or for humans.

Normal indoor air has dust issues of its own without pets.

Things like dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, bacteria and viruses can clump together and form dust bunnies and other unsightly layers on furniture and floors.

Add to this collection dust generated by pets---hair, dander, and fur being the big 3, and you’ve got an unhealthy number of particles in the air.

Filtering the air continually with filters that are sized to take out the dust that you can see, and the kind you can’t (pet dander, bacteria, viruses) is the best solution to the problem.

HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) filtration along with several pre-filters for large and medium size particles can mount an offensive against both normal and pet-related dust that can make a noticeable difference.

Get rid of the dust in your home, regardless of whether it's from a dog, cat, bird, bunny, ferret, or other warm fuzzy with the Pet Dander Air Purifier from at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Control Dust From Pets
Those of us who are pet lovers believe that pets make a house a home. They can also make a lot of extra dust to breathe which is not good for them or for humans.
Normal indoor air has dust issues of its own without pets. Things like dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, bacteria and viruses can clump together and form dust bunnies and other unsightly layers on furniture and floors.
Add to this collection dust generated by pets---hair, dander, and fur being the big 3, and you’ve got an unhealthy number of particles in the air.
Filtering the air continually with filters that are size to take out the dust that you can see, and the kind you can’t is the best solution to the problem.
HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) filtration along with several pre-filters for large and medium size particles can mount an offensive against both normal and pet-related dust that can make a noticeable difference.
Get rid of the dust in your home, regardless of the source with the Pet Dander Air Purifier from at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

Control Dust From Pets
Those of us who are pet lovers believe that pets make a house a home. They can also make a lot of extra dust to breathe which is not good for them or for humans.
Normal indoor air has dust issues of its own without pets. Things like dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, bacteria and viruses can clump together and form dust bunnies and other unsightly layers on furniture and floors.
Add to this collection dust generated by pets---hair, dander, and fur being the big 3, and you’ve got an unhealthy number of particles in the air.
Filtering the air continually with filters that are size to take out the dust that you can see, and the kind you can’t is the best solution to the problem.
HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) filtration along with several pre-filters for large and medium size particles can mount an offensive against both normal and pet-related dust that can make a noticeable difference.
Get rid of the dust in your home, regardless of the source with the Pet Dander Air Purifier from at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989