Thursday, April 02, 2009

Tree Pollen Air Purifier from

Tree pollen is one of the first signs of spring, and for those who are allergic a tree pollen air purifier is just what you need to make the season more of a joy. offers the Hay Fever Air Purifier that will let you enjoy spring in spite of the pollen.

Since most pollens range in size from 2 to 100 microns, the Hay Fever Air Purifier is ideal because its high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filter removes airborne pollutants that are as small as .3 microns in size.

Why can it help? Allergy-triggering pollen is nearly invisible and attaches to hair, clothes, pets, brief cases and book bags, and is even blown in through open doors as you come and go from your home or office. And because pollen is so light weight, it can remain airborne for hours indoors and eventually find its way into your nasal cavities and eyes to make you congested and itchy.

With the Hay Fever Air Purifier you can say goodbye to those kinds of symptoms that are triggered by tree pollen. Simply turn this purifier on high for the first hour, and leave it on forever. And not only will it remove tree pollen in the spring, but grass pollen in the summer, and ragweed and other pollens in the fold.

It will also remove normal household pollutants such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, bacteria, and viruses—all of which exacerbate existing allergies and asthma.

There are 35 million American who are nearly derailed with the barrage of tree pollen each spring, but this year you don’t have to be one of them.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Hay Fever Air Purifier. Make it the tree pollen air purifier that lets you look forward to spring.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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