Air Purifier for Red Tailed Black Cockatoo

The Red Tailed Black Cockatoo is one of the rarest of the Cockatoo species. And an air purifier for the Red Tailed Black Cockatoo will go a long way towards helping it enjoy its full life span of 100 years! offers the Bird Dander Air Purifier as a proactive and non-invasive way to improve indoor air quality for both you and your Red Tail.
In captivity your parrot is exposed to far more dander, feathers, and dust than it ever would be in the wild. And because our homes are so well insulated these airborne pollutants have no place to go. Unless you do something, you, your bird, and your family are breathing an increased number of bird related pollutants in addition to the normal household pollutants of dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, pollen, bacteria, and viruses.
Not only does the Bird Dander Air Purifier remove bird related pollutants, but household pollutants as well. Designed to clean 700 square feet by sending 125 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds, this air purifier will help all in the family to enjoy the healthiest air possible.
For larger spaces, offers the Pet Dander Air Purifier which cleans 1500 square, and if you need an air purifier for pet odor as well, we offer the Pet Machine Air Purifier which also cleans 1500 square feet.
Both these purifiers are used by the Aviary at Theater of the Sea in Islamorada Florida, and we feel that this is truly the acid test for any air purifier for birds.
Call now at (800) 997-2989 and protect your bird, your family, and your investment by asking for the Bird Dander Air Purifier. It is the air purifier for your Red Tailed Black Cockatoo that will really work.
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air purifier bird, air purifier parrot, black cockatoo, red tail black cockatoo
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