Sunday, July 07, 2013

Pet Dander Allergies--5 Ways To Minimize Symptoms

Even though pet dander is invisible, your body doesn't have to see it to know it's there.  The protein that it contains is one of the most potent allergens known and can  cause continuous symptoms.

 The aggravating symptoms are usually triggered by warm-blooded pets such as dogs, cats, birds, ferrets and other cuddly fur balls. So if you know you have allergies fish make nice pets without the dander. But if you've already fallen in love with something other than fish, here are 5 ways to minimize the symptoms your pet causes.

 Keep Cleaning---Pets give a lot of love, and in return those of us who love them unconditionally know that there will be more clean up involved.

 You will know how often you need to clean based on how much dust your friend creates. Remember to avoid dry cleaning (dusting, sweeping) and opt for cleaning with water.

 Pet bedding can also attract dust mites.  These don't care who the owner of the dander is. Wash any area rugs weekly. Use window coverings that can we washed or wiped down to keep particulates from accumulating.

 Limit piles because they create extra surface area where dust can and will settle. Keep knick-knacks to a minimum for the same reason. Reducing these 2 things alone will cut down greatly on what you have to clean each week.

 Keep The Numbers Low---Don't let a big heart get you in over your head.. So the temptation is to save every pooch with big eyes. Ultimately that is not the best thing for either of you.

 Too many animals often equals too much dander as well. This will eventually make it hard for you to breathe, often forcing the owner to place pets in a new home or a shelter. And that's hard on everyone. You can't explain your decision to your pet. This is a case where more is not better.

 Consider Baths---Always check with the veterinarian before implementing a bath regimen. However, this can often drastically reduce the amount of hair, dander, dust, and/or feathers that is available for your pet to send into the air.

 Use Allergy-Friendly Furnishings---What's this you are probably wondering? It's using furniture and accessories that allow particles to fall to the floor. Smooth surfaces rather than woven are best.

 Opt for furniture that is not upholstered (fabric).  Woven material hold particles and are difficult to clean thoroughly.  Normal use will send particles into the air, and fabrics generally cannot be cleaned easily or cheaply.

 Flooring choices include area rugs, linoleum, tile, slate and other non-porous surfaces. Avoid wall-to-wall carpet because it is hard to clean thoroughly, and in between cleanings it allows a tremendous number of particulates and odors to accumulate.

 The slightest amount of movement on the carpet will cause the particles to go airborne and available for you to inhale. This can become a vicious cycle which can cause allergy symptoms to be continuous.

 Filter The Air----Regardless of how careful you are, and how many steps you take to minimize the allergens generated by pets and other normal indoor activities, you will still have more than you want in your air.

 The most reliable way to eliminate them consistently and effectively is to use multiple-sized filters to eliminate them from the air. Pre-filters are effective yet inexpensive ways to remove visible particulates.

 The high efficiency particle arresting or HEPA filter is an excellent fit for microscopic particles like dander, mold and mildew spores, and dust mites. Designed to eliminate 99,997 out of every 10,000 particles that are .3 microns or larger, it is the best filter for the job.

This is the type of filtration that hospitals use because it's only by-product is fresh air. Avoid those units that produce any amount of ozone or ionized particles. Experts can't seem to agree about if and how much is safe for living things.

Love your pet and lose the dander with help from the Pet Dander Air Purifier from See it now at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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