Air Purifier for Spring Allergies from

Spring allergies can range from annoying to debilitating. But with an air purifier for spring allergies from, you can look forward to spring with the rest of the world.
If you allergy symptoms soar when spring arrives, most likely you are allergic one or more tree pollens. Your allergies may also be exacerbated by indoor household and office allergens.
The Hay Fever Air Purifier is specifically designed to remove both indoor and outdoor allergens that find their way into your home. It removes household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, as well as bacteria and viruses.
Its high efficiency particle arresting filter can remove these pollutants down to .3 microns in size with 99.97% efficiency, and its inner filter of carbon zeolite will remove odors.
Reducing the airborne triggers inside your home is in direct proportion to the number of symptoms and flare ups you experience. And the Hay Fever Air Purifier removes 99,997 irritants out of 10,000 leaving only 3 out of every 10,000.
Cleaning your air is a non-invasive and effective way to increase your indoor air quality and your comfort level during peak allergy season. You simply plug this purifier in and let it work for you day in and day out. There is no assembly required and virtually no maintenance.
You’ll practically forget it’s there except you will notice an overall improvement in how well you feel, and how much energy you have, as removing the pollutants can possibly reduce the amount of medication you need to take!
The only by product of the Hay Fever Air Purifier is fresh clean air, and we can all use more of that.
Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Hay Fever Air Purifier. Just because you have allergies doesn’t mean you have to be miserable in the spring. Let this air purifier for springtime allergies put the spring back in your step and your life today!
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air purifier allergies, allergies, spring allergies, tree pollen allergies
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