Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dust Filter For Bedroom

The bedroom in your home should be one of the most relaxing places to be both physically and emotionally.

Air that is clogged with dust, other particles, and odors can really stop you from being refreshed and rejuvenated there.

In fact, all of these silent and often unseen irritants in the air can make your bedroom a nightmare even when you’re awake.

In order to filter dust and other smaller irritants such as dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, bacteria, and viruses, you need a HEPA filter for sure.

HEPA stands for high efficiency particle arresting and describes a filter that can remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 particles that are .3 microns or greater in size.

And while this is a great filter to have, it shouldn’t be the only one. In fact, having just one filter in the bedroom is a recipe of disappointment.

One filter can’t adequately do it all, and even if it could it would necessitate replacing the filter more frequently than you would want to do or pay for.

What is necessary is multiple particle filters that can remove the big and medium size particles that you can see (pre-filters), carbon cloth that gives additional protection against particles as well as gas and odors, and a filter of activated carbon to remove airborne chemicals and odors.

With this combination of filters you can relax because it air is clear and because you know that it always will be when you are ready to retreat to your bedroom after a long and busy day.

Filtering the air so completely will give you a better chance at many nights of peaceful sleep and waking to feel refreshed and ready for a new day.

The National Sleep Foundation has endorsed a portable air filter that contains not one, two, or three filters but 5 filters. is pleased to offer the Bedroom Air Purifier for your bedroom at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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