Removing Parakeet Dander

Parakeets are active, happy, and friendly pets to have. But you’ve probably noticed that they produce a lot of feathers, dust, and dander as they hop and fly about enjoying life in your home.
However, this is a good thing because a physically active bird is frequently a sign that it is well adjusted and properly stimulated by the conditions in your home.
In the wild, the particles that its activity generates would simply dissipate into the atmosphere or the bird would simply fly away and air quality would never become an issue because of too many bird-generated particles in the air.
But because our homes are so well-insulated, it is often hard if not impossible to exchange the air for fresher and less polluted air. What usually happens is that air is circulated again and again throughout the house with no way out for the abundance of particles that your pet is creating.
This can make breathing unhealthy not only for you but for your bird. Birds have tiny air passages that can easily become clogged. And because instinctively birds hide symptoms of illness, it is often impossible to reverse a condition when it finally becomes obvious.
That is why removing dander, dust, feathers and more normal household pollutants such as dust, pollen, mold and mildew spores, is important in maintaining the health of everyone in your home.
The Bird Dander Air Purifier is equipped with 4 filters for particles. It includes a high efficiency particles arresting (HEPA) filter as well as carbon cloth which can remove both particles and gaseous pollutants.
See this incredibly effective air purifier that continues to help bird lovers enjoy their birds without air that is clogged with dander and other particles now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air cleaner bird dander, air purifier bird dander, parakeet, parakeets, parkaeet dander
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