Cockatiel Safe Air Purifier

One of the best things you can give to any bird is clean air.
Of course food and water are important, but if your bird can’t breathe, not much else will matter.
And because Cockatiels are powder- down birds, it’s even more important to be able to clear the air of bird-related dust as well as other more natural indoor pollutants.
The first indication that the cleaner is safe is that the only by-product it produces is fresh air. Stay away from by-products that continue to be controversial---ozone and ionized particles.
The unit should also be able to run safely 24 hours to continually keep air quality high by minimizing airborne particulates that stand a very great chance of clogging their air passages and causing disease and infection. Look for a split capacitor motor that can make continuous filtration possible.
HEPA filtration is the way to go when you want to remove particles. Designed to remove 99.97% of airborne particulates that are .3 microns or greater in size, it won’t remove all particles, but it will take 99,997 out of every 10,000. And that’s pretty darn close to all of them.
This type of filtration is the same type used in hospitals to insure clean air. And only produces fresh air as its result.
Once the particles have fallen to the floor, an air purifier will not pick them up. That’s a good application for a vacuum.
Carbon cloth is a safe dual purpose filter that is safe yet effective. Because it’s made of carbon it will remove gaseous pollutants. But because it is woven like fabric, it can give you and your bird additional protection against particles.
The Bird Dust Air Purifier from is safe and effective and can go a long way towards helping you and your cockatiel live a healthier life. See it now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air purifier parrot dust, Cockatiel, cockatiel dust, cockatiel safe air purifier, safe bird air purifier