Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Living with Cats--3 Ways to Make It More Enjoyable

Living with your cat should be a shared pleasure. Your cat should think it’s a great home that provides great companionship when needed, and the essentials like food, water and toys. You, on the other hand, should look forward to sharing time with your cat but not have to sacrifice human company because of issues generated by having a cat. Here are 3 suggestions for making home a happy place for you both.

Keep the Litter Box Clean—This keeps your cat happy with the litter box. A fresh smelling box greatly increases the chances that your cat will use it properly. Their noses are even more sensitive than ours. Clearing the box promptly avoids problems all around.

Reduce as Much Dander As Possible—The protein in dander is what most often triggers reactions in people who are allergic or asthmatic. Keeping the dander count down will make it easier for people to visit you in your home. Selecting upholstery, window treatments and floors that can be wiped down easily will greatly reduce the amount of dander that can adhere to surfaces. And less dander on surfaces means less dander is likely to go airborne with daily activities around your home.

Eliminate Urine Odor Created by Mistakes
—Be quick to find and neutralize mistakes on carpets and rugs. If necessary have the carpet professionally cleaned. Getting the odor out discourages your cat from continuing to eliminate inappropriately there.

There is an air purifier that is specifically designed to remove cat urine odor as well as airborne hair and dander. And it can work 24 hours a day to keep the air in your home smelling fresh and clean, making life with your cat a pleasure.

See it now at http://purerair.com/austin_air_pet_machine.html

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Cat Dander Problem Solved for Farrel

We often talk about cat dander because it is such an issue for so many people; but the letter we received from one of our clients today about how she has solved the cat dander problem with our air purifier says it all.

Farrel wrote:

I just wanted to write and tell you how happy I am with your service and with my new purifier.

As a cat lover, it has been very difficult for me to go through life not being able to share my home with a cat due to allergies that began when I was in my early 20s. I am currently 56 years old.

Then about a year ago I heard about a breed called Siberians, or Russian Forest Cats, that were allegedly hypo allergenic. After much discussion with my husband (who loves cats, but was apprehensive about getting one) we bought a little female from a breeder in Kent, Washington and brought her home to Alaska on September 8th of this year.

During the day I can be around her without suffering any symptoms, but nighttime is a different story. You can imagine my alarm when I woke early the first morning after getting her, with the familiar tightness in my chest that usually signals a pending asthma attack. Keep in mind, the cat was not allowed in the bedroom, at all.

After much research, I chose the Cat Dander Air Purifier and it has made a huge difference. I can’t come up with any other explanation why my symptoms are virtually gone.

The Cat Dander Air Purifier can work for you too! See it now at http://purerair.com/cat_dander_air_purifier.html

If you have a similar story to tell, write to me at debbiedavis@PurerAir.com and we’ll share your story here as well!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Home Entertaining Despite Cats—5 Suggestions for Dealing with Cat Odor

A lady called yesterday who said she had nine cats that she loved dearly. She said she had tried a number of things to keep the odor down, but what she had tried was just not working.

And worse still she felt she could no longer entertain in her home because friends and family find the urine odor so objectionable. If you are in a similar situation because of cat odor, here are 5 suggestions that will help.

1. Keep the litter box as clean as possible. You can do this by buying cat litter that is especially effective at neutralizing the smell, or there are even those boxes that will automatically remove droppings almost immediately after they have been left.

2. Try to contain all of the boxes to one area of the house, but not too close. Even cats like privacy when they’re doing their business.

3. Keep close check on their health. Many times a strong smell can indicate health problems that can be diagnosed and treated by a vet. If you have multiple cats, it’s easy for problems to spread from one cat to another. So schedule wellness appointments and keep them.

4. Make sure that they are using the litter box rather than making deposits in places that you cannot see and clean.

5. Use an air purifier specifically designed to eliminate cat urine odor. This means the air in your home is constantly being filtered 24 hours a day.

PurerAir.com offers the Pet Machine Air Purifier that will not only eliminate cat urine odor, but airborne cat hair and dander as well. See it now at http://purerair.com/austin_air_pet_machine.html and get ready to entertain again!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dust Mite Facts—8 Great Things to Know

If you suffer from a dust mite allergy, you know how tough they can be to eliminate. Here are 8 facts about mites and their habits that may help you become more effective at coping with your allergies.

They are most often found in your bed.

2. Dust mites are killed by sunlight.

3. They can not be totally eliminated

4. They feed on dead skin, and it doesn’t matter whether it belongs to you or your pet.

5. Water that is 140 degrees Fahrenheit or hotter will kill them.

6. Allergies are generally triggered by the protein in their feces.

7. Dust mite covers can prevent them from taking up residence in your pillows and mattress.

HEPA (or high efficiency particle arresting) filtration is effective at taking them out of the air.

See the air purifier that can take them out your air 24 hours a day every day at http://purerair.com/healthmate_hm400.html

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Birds of a Feather

You know the old saying---Birds of a feather…? Well my 6 year old is going through the joke phase right now. So I decided to join her by asking, “Do you know what they say about birds of a feather”? She did not. So I filled in the blank for her. Birds of a feather need an air purifier! She laughed and said, “Oh Mommmm!”

On a more serious note, the fact that pet birds need an air purifier is no laughing matter. Indoor air in our homes is often filled with dust, dust mites, pollen, odors, gases, and airborne chemicals that are not healthy for us and can be devastating to a bird’s health.

Adding to those pollutants are the ones generated by any bird’s natural growth and development—mainly feathers, dust, and dander. Even though these particles are present when birds live in the wild, they are able to dissipate into the atmosphere without causing a problem.

In our homes, unless we take proactive measures to correct it, these pollutants go round and round through one vent and out the next without any way of getting out of the air. As a result, the air becomes thick for you and your bird.

For you this may result in allergy and asthma flare ups, and in rarer instances the spread of what some call Bird Fanciers Lung—a respiratory condition that affects humans when they inhale airborne dust from bird droppings.

For your bird, these airborne pollutants clog air passages which lead to illness and disease that often go undetected until it is too late to reverse the condition.

Using a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier for your bird is the best way to keep your home healthy for all. That’s why PurerAir.com offers an air cleaner that will work 24 hours a day to keep you and your bird happy and healthy.

See it now at http://purerair.com/bird_dander_air_purifier.html

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Beauty Salon Air Quality

Many women feel that a trip to the beauty salon is one of the great luxuries in life. You go in feeling very ordinary, and if all goes well, you come out feeling fabulous. As a beautician this is exactly the experience you want your customers to have time and time again.

One of the best ways to have your customers relax and enjoy their experience at your salon each time is to control the atmosphere and thus your shop’s ambiance. Lighting should be soothing, colors should create a space that is inviting yet relaxing, and the air quality should literally be a breath of fresh air.

Creating air that smells fresh in a beauty salon can be a bit of a challenge. Many of the hair and nail products used allow volatile organic chemicals to become airborne leaving evidence of their existence with odors that are unpleasant as well as unhealthy.

Clients who have any respiratory conditions or sensitivity to chemicals will find the exposure to these chemicals memorable, but not in a good way. So keeping the air fresh is good for every one's health, and good for your business as well.

Filtering the air continuously is the best and most effective way to improve air quality by eliminating airborne chemicals, smoke, and particulates, including those that are sent into the air with sanding and grinding of nails with manicures and pedicures.

That's why PurerAir.com offers an air purifier with 4 filters. The first two filters trap large and medium particles such as dust, hair and other particles you can see. The 3rd filter is a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filter that eliminates particles as small as .3 microns (including bacteria and viruses). And the 4th filter is a carbon based filter enhanced with potassium iodide that does an exceptional job of eliminating airborne chemicals.

See how it can help your shop now at http://purerair.com/beauty_salon_purifier.html

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, October 16, 2009

H1N1 Vaccine Becomes Available

A note came home from school Tuesday (October 13, 2009) that said the elementary school that my little girl attends will be giving the H1N1 (Swine Flu) vaccine at school, free of charge beginning several weeks from now. It was both a surprise and a relief for us because we feel it gives her and our community an added level of protection. Here are some of the criteria that have been set in our district.

1. Parents must complete and sign a form about the child’s medical history including allergies (particularly to eggs), existing condition such as asthma, and note any adverse reaction to medications including the flu shot in previous years.

The answers that you give to these questions will help health personnel determine whether your child is an acceptable candidate for the vaccine, and if so, whether the injection (inactive virus) or mist (weakened live virus) is better.

2. It is mandatory that a parent or guardian accompany their child when the shot is given if they are in second grade or lower.

3. This is not something the school requires in order to be able to attend. Whether to inoculate your child or not is a decision that is left completely to your family.

4. Children who are 9 years and younger will need a second dose to be given not sooner than 4 weeks later for maximum effectiveness. The school will also provide that dose.

5. If any student is upset and refuses to take it, neither the injection nor mist will be given.

6. Emergency Medical Technicians will be on site to immediately handle any adverse reactions any child might experience.

7. These inoculations are being offered to students from preschool through the high school level at every school in our district. Bravo to our county officials.

After attending a meeting at the school today, I immediately called our pediatrician’s office to see if they were able to vaccinate. They had not received the vaccine, and did not know when it would be available in their office. But they said they did not have a problem with my daughter receiving the vaccine at her school.

Check with your child’s school, and local health department to see if this is something that is planned for your community as well.

However, one of the best ways to keep cold and flu from spreading is still by washing hands frequently. And since the virus is also airborne, removing airborne bacteria and viruses is another way to continually increase your child’s chances of staying health.

PurerAir.com offers an air purifier that can be your family’s partner in good health, not only during this H1N1 season, but from now on. See it now at http://purerair.com/healthmate_hm400.html

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Got Dog Hair? Get Rid of It For Good

Do you love your dog, but the dog hair not so much? Are you tired of watching dog hair float in the air when the blowers for the air conditioning and heating units start? Unless you take this hair problem into your own hands, dog hair will rule for as long as you have your pooch.

What is needed is an air cleaner that can be as constant at removing the hair as your dog is at producing it. And not only should it be able to be able to remove airborne hair, but the invisible flakes of dead skin called dander.

A purifier with a high efficiency particle arresting or HEPA filter can remove a wide variety of particles down to .3 microns in size. Not only will it remove dog-related particles but normal particulates that are often found in the air in homes and offices. These filters can eliminate dust, dust mites, plant spores, pollen, human hair and other triggers that can serve to aggravate respiratory conditions such as asthma and allergies.

And because studies now show that allergies are becoming increasingly common in dogs, removing these airborne pollutants will not only yield a cleaner indoor environment for you but possibly help your pooch as well.

PurerAir.com offers a purifier that can run 24 hours a day to eliminate the dog hair and dander from your life permanently. It won't vacuum for you, but it will get the hair out of your air. See the air purifier that can set you free at http://purerair.com/pet_dander_air_purifier.html

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Bird Cage Air Purifier

If you have dedicated a room in your home for your bird you have provided a wonderful environment that you and your bird can enjoy.

But even the cleanest of homes have airborne pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, and dander from other pets. And having a bird as a pet adds additional airborne pollutants such as bird feathers, dust, and dander.

Having an entire room serve as your bird’s home gives your birded added enjoyment by being able to move beyond the bars of a cage. But unless you keep your bird’s air sacs clear by removing these pollutants that can so easily clog air passages, your bird room affords little advantage.

Because birds are very sensitive to temperature and drafts, keeping the air clean must be handled carefully. And it must be a continuous effort that is effective in literally keeping the dander down for both your sake and your bird's.

PurerAir.com offers an air purifier with a HEPA filter that by definition removes 99,997 particles out of every 10,000 as small as .3 microns. The high efficiency particle arresting filter is one of 4 filters in this air purifier that eliminate particles.

This air will gently send 125 cubic feet of fresh, clean air into your bird’s room every 60 seconds making it a great place for you and your bird to spend many happy hours.

See it now at http://purerair.com/bird_dander_air_purifier.html

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, October 09, 2009

Beauty Salon Supplies

As a beauty shop owner, beautician, or manicurist you probably think of restocking your shelves with products such as shampoos, conditioners, curling and straightening irons, blow dryers, perms, towels, gloves, nail polish and remover, and hundreds of other products. But an air purifier that can get the myriad of chemical fumes these products produce out of the air should also find its way onto your list.

If you own or work in a shop with a number of stylists, you know that when business is good, the air can smell pretty bad. Breathing polluted air day in and day out can cause acute problems such as runny nose, burning eyes, dry throat, sneezing, headaches and lots of other unpleasant symptoms. And the long term health effects are known to be much more serious.

If you are a full service salon that offers manicures and pedicures, you know from first hand experience how powerful the fumes can be from just one manicure.

That’s why the Beauty Salon Air Purifier needs to be at the top of your beauty salon supply list. Designed to run 24 hours a day, you can be all done with breathing air that smells bad and is bad for you. Just imagine how refreshing 250 cubic feet of fresh air coming into your salon every 60 seconds would be. It eliminates the airborne chemicals with a carbon based filter, and airborne particles, bacteria, and viruses with a HEPA filter.

HEPA filters are used in hospitals to insure clean air and by definition remove 99.97% of particulates as small as .3 microns. Which means from now on it will remove 99,997 particles out of every 10,000 particles in your air.

You owe it to yourself, your health, and your clients' health to see what other beauticians throughout the United States and Canada already know. See it now at http://purerair.com/beauty_salon_purifier.html

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Thursday, October 08, 2009

Beauty Salon Air Purifier

If you own a beauty salon you are constantly being exposed to volatile organic chemicals that smell bad and are bad for you. Opening the doors and windows do very little towards a permanent solution.

Using a fan can blow some of the chemicals fumes out, but it looks unprofessional and is not a very pleasant option if the weather is extremely hot or cold. So what is the solution to a problem that is constantly occurring in your shop day in and day out?

An air purifier that is specifically designed to eliminate airborne chemicals is the answer. Carbon based filters have been shown to best at successfully eliminating odors, and the Beauty Salon Air Purifier has additional additives that are effective at constantly eliminating the chemical fumes that result from styling hair, and giving manicures and pedicures.

You probably know from experience that breathing these fumes can cause watery and burning eyes, headaches, dry throat, dizziness, and sometimes nausea. And over a long period of time, the health issues can increase.

Using this purifier in your salon means 250 cubic feet of fresh air will be pumped into your shop every 60 seconds, and there’s no down side to that right?

Clear the air in your shop for good, and see the air cleaner that can do it at http://purerair.com/beauty_salon_purifier.html

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Clean Air for Baby

If you’ve just had a baby, you know what a precious gift a baby is. Providing the best that life has to offer is sure to be a top priority, and clean air should be number one on your list.

Removing the impurities from normal household air can make a world of difference to your baby’s growth and development.

Airborne pollutants such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, and especially bacteria and viruses can be detrimental to a newly developing body.

Providing clean air continuously can help your child avoid allergies, asthma, and increase their chances of fewer cold and illnesses that are transmitted by airborne viruses.

And as important as clean air is to the baby, adults can benefit from it too. Reducing allergy and asthma triggers for those with existing respiratory conditions can greatly reduce the number of flare up and their severity. And if the adults in the house are healthier, baby will get better care too.

PurerAir.com offers a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier that uses the same technology that hospitals use. It eliminates 99.97% of airborne pollutants as small as .3 microns.

It is available in beautiful designer colors, and with beauty and function going for it, your baby has everything to gain.

See it now at http://purerair.com/babys_breath.html

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Eliminating Viruses That Cause Cold and Flu

Because cold and flu symptoms are so similar, it’s hard to know when you’re over reacting or when there is a real problem. And with the added anxiety that the swine flu virus is causing, health care personnel are likely to be even more overloaded than usual with calls about symptoms.

Since both the common cold and the flu (short for influenza) are spread by airborne viruses, it’s easy to be proactive and remove viruses from the air before they spread. Viruses are most often spread in the moisture that is emitted with sneezing or coughing, and they can remain a menace for up to 8 hours outside the body. The other way that viruses travel is by attaching household pollutants that are airborne such as dust, mold and mildew spores, pollen, and pet dander.

It’s not hard to understand that by removing these indoor airborne particles, you can reduce the pollutants and number of viruses in your air. This can only increase your chances for good health, not only during flu season but all year long.

A medical grade high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier by definition removes 99,997 out of every 10,000 particles that are .3 microns in size or greater. With that kind of protection 24 hours every day, not only will your home be your castle, but a safe and healthy haven as well.

This year try something different. Don’t wait for the flu to find you. Go on the offensive and eliminate the problem rather waiting for the symptoms to appear.

PurerAir.com offers the HealthMate Air Purifier. See why it can help you stay healthier during the flu season and beyond at http://purerair.com/healthmate_hm400.html

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Saturday, October 03, 2009

Preventing the Flu

There were easily 100 parents with their children at the pediatrician’s office today as my daughter and I went to get her annual flu shot. This was our doctor’s first offering of the vaccine this year, and it was pretty clear that parents have a heightened concern about getting the shot this year.

As we waited for our turn, parents exchanged information about schools and the anxiety that several cases of swine flu in a nearby elementary school were causing. And whether you opt for the mist or the shot, the vaccine is a crucial way to give your child a better chance of staying healthy.

With so many people so close together, it was still hard to avoid sneezing and coughing from children who were there because they were sick. And whereas the shot helps you fight germs that have been ingested or inhaled, it doesn’t lessen the number of airborne germs to which you and your family are exposed.

But a medical grade HEPA air purifier is designed to eliminate bacteria and viruses from the air as small as .3 microns with 99.97% efficiency. Using an air cleaner that can remove the bacteria and viruses from the air before they have a chance to invade the body gives an increased level of protection not only during the flu season, but all during the year.

And because a high efficiency particle arresting (often shortened to HEPA) air purifier will also remove airborne pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, and pet dander, it also offers relief for those who suffer with chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma and allergies.

PurerAir.com offers the HealthMate Air Purifier that is designed to constantly work at keeping the air clean and healthy.

See what other are saying about the HealthMate now at http://purerair.com/healthmate_hm400.html

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, October 02, 2009

Day Spa Air Purifier

If you own a day spa, you’re in the business of pampering, soothing, and creating a feeling of elegance, beauty and relaxation for you clients.

Not only should the colors in your spa be soothing, but the music serene, and the air pure. If you offer pedicures, manicures, and a full service hair salon as part of the package, keeping the air pure may not be so easy.

Airborne chemicals from nail polish, hardeners, acrylics, and adhesives can waft through the air creating an atmosphere that is far from serene. And if your clients suffer from the least bit of chemical sensitivity, or are just trying to live a healthier life style, they will not want to pay to inhale chemical fumes in your spa.

PurerAir.com offers an air purifier that is specifically designed to remove airborne chemicals that evaporate into the air because of the chemicals used when doing hair and nails.

Designed to run 24 hours a day, it is equal to the task of constantly keeping your spa smelling fresh and clean. It also contains a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filter that removes airborne particles that result from sanding or grinding nails.

Not only does the HEPA filter remove beauty related particles but normal airborne particles found in the cleanest of indoor spaces such as dust, mold and mildew spores, bacteria and viruses. And by definition this filter will remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 particles.

Find out for yourself why beauty salons, nail salons, and day spas around the country use this air purifier in their businesses.

See it now at http://purerair.com/beauty_salon_purifier.html

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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