Birds of a Feather

You know the old saying---Birds of a feather…? Well my 6 year old is going through the joke phase right now. So I decided to join her by asking, “Do you know what they say about birds of a feather”? She did not. So I filled in the blank for her. Birds of a feather need an air purifier! She laughed and said, “Oh Mommmm!”
On a more serious note, the fact that pet birds need an air purifier is no laughing matter. Indoor air in our homes is often filled with dust, dust mites, pollen, odors, gases, and airborne chemicals that are not healthy for us and can be devastating to a bird’s health.
Adding to those pollutants are the ones generated by any bird’s natural growth and development—mainly feathers, dust, and dander. Even though these particles are present when birds live in the wild, they are able to dissipate into the atmosphere without causing a problem.
In our homes, unless we take proactive measures to correct it, these pollutants go round and round through one vent and out the next without any way of getting out of the air. As a result, the air becomes thick for you and your bird.
For you this may result in allergy and asthma flare ups, and in rarer instances the spread of what some call Bird Fanciers Lung—a respiratory condition that affects humans when they inhale airborne dust from bird droppings.
For your bird, these airborne pollutants clog air passages which lead to illness and disease that often go undetected until it is too late to reverse the condition.
Using a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier for your bird is the best way to keep your home healthy for all. That’s why offers an air cleaner that will work 24 hours a day to keep you and your bird happy and healthy.
See it now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air purifier birds, air purifier pet birds, bird dander, birds, pet birds
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