Filtering Bird Dander

Bird dander can be a major health issue for both your bird and you. These microscopic flakes of dead skin can cause serious respiratory issues for birds because they have such small air passages.
Dander also functions as carriers of bacteria and viruses that, when airborne, can be inhaled and/or ingested by all who share the space.
Actively filtering the air of bird dander and dust is a health concern that is addressed by professional bird people by continuously filtering the air with a filter that is able to trap airborne particulates and viruses. Continually filtering the air insures that particulate levels remain low and do not cause problems that can prematurely shorten life spans of birds in captivity. continues to supply the Joshua Rescue Foundation for Birds as well as the Theater of the Sea Aviary in Islamorada, Florida with medical grade air purifiers that do just that. Keeping air passages of both birds and humans clear can only have positive results for all.
See the air purifier that can work continuously to filter bird dander from your air now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: bird dander, bird dander air cleaner, bird dander filter, bird filter, filter bird dander