Friday, February 26, 2010

Hair Salon Air Cleaner

Working in a hair salon for any length of time means you are constantly being exposed to some pretty heavy duty fumes and airborne chemicals. Unfortunately, these volatile organic chemicals off gas from many of the beauty products that are used by professional beauticians.

If your salon is a full service salon and offers manicures and pedicures, you are exposed to even more harsh fumes from polish, polish remover, hardeners, glues and other products that you can probably name better than I can.

Without constant filtration, these chemicals are simply building up in the air every time a stylist uses hair spray, creates smoke with a curling iron, gives a perm, or does a customer’s nails. Breathing these fumes day in and day out is bad news. And whereas acute symptoms can present as a headache or dry throat, the long term risks are far more serious.

You can make the air quality healthier all the time by using a portable air cleaner that is specifically designed to remove airborne chemicals 24 hours a day. This means that these chemicals as well as other particulates are constantly being filtered so that your lungs don’t have to do it.

See the air cleaner that beauticians all over the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico are using to help them keep air quality high and preserve their health—the Beauty Salon Air Purifier. See how it can work for you in your salon now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Parrot Dust Air Cleaner

Lucky for the world, there are a number of different types and colors of parrots. All of them produce dander, but some also produce a white powder or dust that is a very natural part of their growth and development. If you have an African Grey, Cockatoo, or Cockatiel you’re dealing with dust in addition to dander.

In the wild neither dust nor dander are a problem because they are able to dissipate into the air rather than build up in an enclosed environment. Inside your home is different. And unless you filter the air, these airborne pollutants are simply being recycled. Even though you may have a filter on your central heating and cooling system, it is not generally able to keep up with bird generated pollutants in addition to the normal household particles and odors it is designed to filter.

That’s why using a special heavy-duty, HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) air filter will let you keep the air in your bird room clear of particulates. 24 hour filtration means your air stays clean and this avoids having your parrot’s air passages fill with dust and dander.

Keeping your bird’s air passages clear increases their quality of life, and can lengthen your parrot’s life as well. And since you live in the house with your parrot, you get to enjoy the same benefits of breathing clean air.

See the air cleaner that can clear away parrot dust, dander, and other household pollutants now at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pet Cockatoo Care

One of the best ways to take good care of your Cockatoo beyond food and water is to provide clean, filtered air in the bird room. Keeping the air free of their wing dust, dander and other normal household pollutants will greatly reduce their chance of developing disease and infection.

Breathing clean air will also keep your Cockatoo’s air passages clear. And the caretaker at the Theater of the Sea Aviary in Islamorada, Florida feels that filtered air provided by the air purifiers from is what has helped their parrots live way past the ripe old age of 60!

In addition, some of the diseases that Cockatoos are susceptible to can also be hazards to human health. So cleaning the air constantly just makes sense for everyone in the house.

When caring for a Cockatoo, you are probably already aware that not only are you dealing with dander, but that white powdery dust from their wings. Let the filter absorb the dust rather than your lungs or those of your bird.

See the air purifier that will help you provide the best care possible for your Cockatoo at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, February 22, 2010

African Grey Air Purifier

If you’re lucky enough to own an African Grey Parrot, you have an incredibly beautiful, intelligent and potentially long-lived bird. Opening your home to this bird is not only a monetary investment but a daily investment of time, and love.

Making sure your bird stays healthy and enjoys the best quality of life means managing the dust that they create, not just for your sake but for theirs as well. Because birds have such small air passages, they can easily become clogged. This can lead to disease and infection.

In the wild birds are programmed to hide symptoms of illness for as long as possible to avoid being attacked. But this is bad news for their owners because once the problem progresses to the stage where you observe symptoms, it is often too late to help.

Clearing the air of the white powder dust they constantly produce is one of the most important things you can do to keep your bird healthy. Clean air is right up there with food and water. And even though you may use filters for your central heating and air conditioning, they are often no match for the incredible amount of powder Greys produce.

Constantly filtering the air with a heavy duty portable air purifier that can run 24 hours a day and be placed in the room with your bird is essential. Not only will it keep your bird’s air passages clear, but yours as well. offers the Bird Dust Air Purifier that has filters specifically designed to remove large volumes of airborne particulates including bird dust and dander. Eliminating this dust will also reduce the amount that you will need to clean from other surfaces in the room.

See the purifier that will really make a difference for you and your Grey now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bird Dust Air Purifier

If you share your home with an African Grey, Cockatoo, or Cockatiel you have a beautiful and exotic companion. But in addition to the love and affection you receive, these parrots all produce a white powder or dust that constantly coats everything in the bird room.

Dusting to clean the room simply stirs up the dust and vacuuming can often do the same. And whereas the dust doesn’t look that great, it can be a health hazard to you, your family and your bird.

Nothing will completely eliminate bird dust because it is a natural part of your bird’s growth and development. But using a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air filter will greatly reduce the amount in the air and thus the amount you see on the surfaces in your room.

Taking particulates out of the air whether it is dust or dander is one of the best ways to keep your bird’s air passages clear. And the clearer their airways remain the less chance that disease and infection will strike.

Many of these parrots have life spans that rival humans. Insuring that they have clean air to breathe will give you and your bird the best quality of life possible.

See the air purifier for bird dust that millions of other parrot owners use. Go to now!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Air Cleaner for Hairspray

If you and the other stylists use hairspray in your salon frequently, your air quality can really take a dive because of the airborne chemicals that it puts into the air each time you spray.

But the hairspray smell for many clients is proof positive that they have had their hair professionally done. And besides it does a good job of adding sheen and staying power to the beautiful styles that your salon turns out daily.

So what is the solution to keeping salon air clean while using not just hairspray, but many salon products that do a good job on hair but cause air quality to become hazardous? The answer is an air cleaner that is specifically designed to remove airborne chemicals that evaporate from the numerous products you use in your shop.

As we all become more health conscious, cleaning up your salon air makes everyone breathe easier and healthier, and wins big points with your clients who want to only be associated with green environments. And that approval helps increase your bottom line. continues to send such an air purifier to hundreds of salons, day spas, and nail salons to remove the airborne chemicals that are such an integral part of the beauty you create.

See the air purifier that can remove hairspray, perm smell, smoke from curling irons and hot combs, and numerous other airborne chemicals at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Nail Salon Air Filter

If you are looking for a way to remove the chemical fumes from you air and make it smell fresh and clean again, an air filter in your nail salon will make an immediate and permanent difference. And not only will you and your co-workers enjoy being in the salon doing nails again, but your customers will like returning to your salon again and again.

If an air filter is to be effective against the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are released from many of the products used in the nail salons, it must contain a filter that is specifically designed to eliminate airborne chemicals.

Whether your nail salon is part of a beauty salon, day spa, or is a nail salon only, removing these chemicals will reduce the health risks associated with constant exposure to these fumes. And because so many more of your clients are more environmentally conscious of conditions both outside and indoors, you will score big points with clients looking for green businesses. continues to supply this purifier to nail salons, beauty salons, and day spas, and we can supply your salon with as many as you need starting today.

Available in four designer colors, see this powerful and portable air purifier that ships daily now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Cat Allergy Air Purifier

If you are searching for a solution to your cat allergy or your child's allergy, an air purifier can help. Because cat allergies are most often triggered by cat dander, reducing the amount of dander that you are exposed to is an immediate, non-invasive, and permanent solution to the problem.

Your cat is shedding dander constantly. And whereas this is a good thing for cat and a natural part of its growth and development, it’s not so good for allergies. Dander is sticky, microscopic, and light weight, which makes it tough to manage.

When dander goes airborne because your cat shakes, jumps, scratches its post, or rubs against you, this makes it easy for it to be inhale and/or ingested—neither of these is a good thing for someone with allergies.

So constantly filtering the air with a high efficiency particle arresting (abbreviated as HEPA) filter is the only way to literally keep the dander count down. Having a cleaner run 24 hours a day means the amount of dander is constantly kept at a very low level (nothing can completely eliminate it) and reduces the risk of an allergy flare-up. has sent such an air purifier to thousands of cat lovers looking for a way to keep and enjoy their cat while successfully managing their allergies too.

See the air purifier that continues to keep cats and cat lovers happy 24 hours a day at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Air Purifier for Home

If you are searching for an air purifier for your home, choosing the right one is an effective and proactive step towards better indoor air quality and quality of life.

Normal household pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, bacteria and viruses are all present in the cleanest of homes. But without constant filtration these airborne pollutants continue to increase and multiply until they can cause the healthiest person to loose energy and focus. And for those with asthma, allergies and other respiratory conditions they can cause symptoms that range from irritating to life threatening.

As technologies have allowed our homes to become more insulated, exchanging air by opening doors and windows ranges from less frequent to not at all. And at best this exchange is just that, letting out old pollutants and letting new ones in. That’s why an air filter is a must to safeguard healthy living in your home. continues to send portable high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air purifiers to homes around the world to help keep them safe and healthy places to come home to. This type of filtration greatly increases you and your family’s chances of staying healthy after being exposed to the multitude of germs at school and work.

See the HEPA air purifier that can work in your home starting now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Recycled Office Air Hazards

If you work in an office or own a business that is located in an office where opening doors and windows are not an option, your office air is being recycled. And this can mean spreading airborne viruses and bacteria, dust, mold and mildew spores, and other chemical fumes that may be generated from office copiers and other supplies.

These hazards in polluted office air can trigger allergy and asthma flare-ups, make it a miserable place to be for those with chemical sensitivities, and left unchecked, this bad air can be the beginning of sick building syndrome.

And even though you may not be in control of the entire building’s filtration system, you can control the air where you are. Using a portable but heavy-duty air purifier that is specifically designed to remove a variety of airborne pollutants can boost your office’s indoor air quality to a healthier level.

And healthy air quality means your team has more energy, has better attendance and can really concentrate on improving your bottom line. continues to offer a portable HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) air purifier that can remove airborne particulates that make office air “sick”. This cleaner also has a filter that is specifically designed to remove chemical fumes from all sorts of office products that may be necessary for you to use to run your business.

See the air purifier that can restore healthy air to your office now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Air Purifier For Mildew

If you are allergic to mildew, you are fighting an invisible enemy that occurs naturally and will never go away. Even though that probably is not what you wanted to hear, the good news is that airborne spores can in fact be reduced significantly enough to give you relief.

The best way to get rid of this invisible irritant is by filtering your air. Filtration needs to be continuous to keep up with the constant and natural production of mildew spores. Using a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier is a cost effective and low maintenance way to handle the problem with the least amount of effort from you.

A cleaner that is able to run 24 hours a day will drastically reduce the mildew population and let you feel comfortable in your own home again. And because the cleaner contains a HEPA filter, it can also remove other allergy and asthma triggers such as airborne dust, dust mites, mold spores, pet dander, bacteria and viruses.

Being proactive with mildew spores can not only make you feel better, but can keep you from having to spend thousands of dollars in repair once mildew spores find moisture and damage occurs.

See the air purifier that can continually reduce mildew spore population now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Sunday, February 07, 2010

Art Studio Air Filter

An art studio should spark creativity because it’s a pleasant place to be. The last thing you want on your mind is whether the air you’re breathing is a health risk. As an artist you realize that many of the materials you use to capture beautiful moments for the rest of us contain volatile organic chemicals.

Paints, acrylics, varnish, stains, inks, and many other products can cause the air quality to become hazardous. Keeping the level of these fumes low means you reduce the risk to your health, and you can focus all of your attention on creating new masterpieces. offers an air purifier that is specifically designed to remove airborne chemicals and fumes from the air 24 hours a day whether you are there or not. This continuous filtration insures that your studio always invites you in with fresh clean air that will get your creative juices flowing. And if your art studio involves children, an air purifier is as essential as the paint.

See the air purifier that can constantly eliminate chemical fumes from your art studio at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, February 05, 2010

Asthma and Parrot Dander

You are probably just now only painfully aware that asthma and parrot dander don’t mix very well. But now that your parrot has become a very permanent part of the family, you are looking for a solution that will allow you to enjoy your bird rather than have to distance yourself from it.

Constantly filtering the air to remove the airborne dander is the solution. An air cleaner with a high efficiency particle arresting (abbreviated as HEPA) filter is best for several reasons. First, it can remove airborne particulates (which include but are not limited to dander, feathers, dust, pollen, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, as well as bacteria and viruses) as small as .3 microns.

So even though the dander may be the trigger that is causing asthma flare ups, removing all the other combinations of triggers from the air can only improve your health as well as your parrot’s well being.

And because asthma attacks are often triggered by pollutants that also cause allergy flare-ups, a cleaner that specifically targets airborne asthma and allergy irritants is best.

See the air purifier that will allow you to co-exist very happily with your parrot while keeping your asthma under control at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Got Ferret Dander Allergies?

If you have a ferret, you have dander. And if you are allergic to ferret dander the protein component is probably what is causing the problem. Because all warm-blooded animals produce dander, your sensitivity will most likely continue for as long as you have your pets, which hopefully will be for a long, long time.

So how can you deal with your sensitivities to this very natural phenomenon and still enjoy your pets? One of the easiest and least invasive ways is to filter your air. Constant filtration will greatly reduce the amount of dander in the air. This helps you manage your allergies by dealing with the problem rather than treating the symptoms.

There is an air purifier that is specifically designed to remove not only airborne dander (which is what you are able to inhale or ingest), but hair and odor. This cleaner is effective because it uses high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filtration which removes particulates as small as .3 microns.

And because the HEPA filter will also filter other common indoor pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, dander from other pets, bacteria and viruses, it can help your allergies by removing a wide variety of triggers.

In addition to HEPA filtration, this unit also has a filter designed to remove odor, including urine odor. This is an important feature to have with any pet because, as you know, mistakes happen. And to top it all off, it comes standard with heavy duty casters which make it very portable. continues to supply this air cleaner to Ferrets for Soule Rescue Shelter, Sandra’s Second Chance Cat Sanctuary and many other professionals and individuals who love animals and share their lives with them.

See this air purifier created with ferret dander allergies and odor in mind at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Bad Office Air Quality?

If your office is making you sick and tired, and you’re tired of being sick and tired, improving office air quality can help. If your office has climate control (air conditioning and heat) and insulated doors and windows, you are in the middle of a perfect breeding ground for bad air.

Unhealthy or bad air is caused when air continues to be re-circulated day after day month after month. Dust, dust mites from carpets, mold and mildew spores, bacteria and viruses accumulate to levels that can cause everything from minor irritation to just feeling ill. Add to this menagerie chemical fumes from copiers, inks, glues and other typical office products and your office air becomes downright hazardous.

Unless proactive steps are taken, productivity can drop, absences can increase, and the office morale can go through the floor. This is no time to have your team working at anything other than 100%. continues to offer an air filtration solution to small businesses, corporations, school systems including The United States Government. More specifically some of ou corporate clients include The United States Navy, The United Nations, The New York City Ballet, California Department of Veteran Affairs, Wright Printery, Marathon Marine Manufacturing, BM&M Screening Solutions, City of Vancouver, British Columbia, UBS Financial of Puerto Rico, USA Handbags, United States Department of Agriculture, University of Toronto, Vancouver City Hall Councillors Office, Vision Biosystem and the list goes on and on. Be sure to check out the "What Our Clients Say" page for our complete list of clients when you visit our website.

But first things first, see the air purifier that can make your bad office air healthy again now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, February 01, 2010

Achieving Purer Indoor Air

Even though indoor air looks clean, and may even smell clean, if you walk indoors to your home or office and immediately start to feel less than 100%, chances are something in the air is at the root of the problem.

Opening doors and windows can let in different air, but that air is not necessarily cleaner. Often it is just different with a different set of pollutants. So what is the best way to achieve healthy indoor air, and keep that air healthy? Air filtration is the answer. But with so many types available on the market today, the real question is which type is best.

The filtration technology that removes the most pollutants with zero side effects (other than fresh air) is HEPA (or high efficiency particle arresting) filtration. By definition this method removes 99.97% of airborne pollutants as small as .3 microns. This means that for every 10,000 particles light enough to float in your air (dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, pet dander, bacteria, and viruses) 99,997 of them are removed with 97% efficiency leaving only 3 out of every 10,000. has been helping families, school systems, small businesses, corporations, and the United States and Canadian Governments achieve purer indoor air 24 hours a day every day with the use of portable HEPA air purifiers.

For all around filtration of airborne pollutants including chemicals, odors, and particulates, see the air filter that has made a difference in the lives of so many others, and that can make a difference in yours starting today at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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