Cat Allergy Air Purifier

If you are searching for a solution to your cat allergy or your child's allergy, an air purifier can help. Because cat allergies are most often triggered by cat dander, reducing the amount of dander that you are exposed to is an immediate, non-invasive, and permanent solution to the problem.
Your cat is shedding dander constantly. And whereas this is a good thing for cat and a natural part of its growth and development, it’s not so good for allergies. Dander is sticky, microscopic, and light weight, which makes it tough to manage.
When dander goes airborne because your cat shakes, jumps, scratches its post, or rubs against you, this makes it easy for it to be inhale and/or ingested—neither of these is a good thing for someone with allergies.
So constantly filtering the air with a high efficiency particle arresting (abbreviated as HEPA) filter is the only way to literally keep the dander count down. Having a cleaner run 24 hours a day means the amount of dander is constantly kept at a very low level (nothing can completely eliminate it) and reduces the risk of an allergy flare-up. has sent such an air purifier to thousands of cat lovers looking for a way to keep and enjoy their cat while successfully managing their allergies too.
See the air purifier that continues to keep cats and cat lovers happy 24 hours a day at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: cat allergies, cat allergy, cat allergy air purifier, child allergies, feline allergies
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