Friday, October 29, 2010

Keeping Salon Air Fresh

If you own a beauty salon probably one of the most pressing concerns for you is how the air smells when customers open the door.

A busy salon does perms, coloring and highlighting of hair. And shops that offer more services do manicures, pedicures, and full body massages.

Unfortunately, many of the products used to make us beautiful make the air smell bad. And smelling bad is only the half of it.

The chemicals that evaporate into the air from these products are volatile organic chemicals that can cause symptoms in the healthiest person who is forced to breathe them over a prolonged period of time.\

As shop owner or stylist, the amount of chemicals that you are exposed to is many times greater than the average customer. You may have already noticed some of the symptoms that come with this problem. They include headache, dizziness, dry throat or cough, watering or burning eyes, and a general feeling of lethargy. You may also notice that once you are away from the shop these symptoms subside.

Knowing that the air where you work is making you feel bad is an awful thing to have to face. And studies have shown that long-term exposure to these chemicals can have serious consequences to your health. offers a heavy-duty air purifier that works 24 hours a day to remove the harmful airborne gases, chemicals and odors that beauty salon products often produce. We continue to send it to salons across the United States and Canada.

See the air purifier offered by that is specifically designed to trap and eliminate airborne chemicals found in beauty salons at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Home Aviary Odor Elimination

If you’ve made a space in your home and your life for birds, you’ve taken on a lot of responsibility. Keeping your bird healthy and your home smelling and looking fresh and clean should go hand in hand.

Bird odor can be very off-putting for you, your family and friends. Particles such as bird dander and dust, feathers, dried feces can all clogged your birds’ air passages and cause disease and infection in the birds, and possibly humans.

As long as you have an aviary in your home your air will need to be filtered 24 hours a day in order to keep all who live there healthy. offers an air purifier that uses carbon with a special additive for odor. It also contain as high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filter that can take out airborne particles, bacteria, and viruses as small as .3 microns. This cleaner will send 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your space every 60 seconds.

See the air purifier that can keep your birds healthy and eliminate odor in your home aviary 24 hours every day at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Nail Salon Odor Remover

Can you smell the nail polish?

If you own a nail salon or work in one, you don’t need anyone else to tell you how the chemical fumes can make the air uncomfortable to breathe.

If you work in a salon that is popular with lots of technicians, that’s good news for the business. But the number of chemicals that are sent into the air because of nail polish, remover, hardener, and other chemicals used grows exponentially.

Once you’ve been in your salon for a while, you may no longer smell what your customers smell when they walk in. But you may experience symptoms such as dry throat, watering eyes, congestion, dizziness, and a dry cough. These symptoms are signs that your body is trying to get rid of the volatile organic chemicals that evaporate into the air from many of the chemicals used in nail salons.

You probably know from experience that opening doors and windows isn’t effective, and often isn’t possible in extreme hot or cold weather. The only way to get rid of the chemical odor in the air is to filter the air continuously. This insures that you breathe clean, fresh, healthy air all day every day, and that your customers enter a salon that smells inviting enough for them to want to stay. has sent the Nail Salon Air Purifier to salons across the United States and Canada, and we can get one on its way to your salon today. We provide Free UPS Shipping and have it in stock right now in beautiful designer colors.

See the Nail Salon Air Purifier from now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dog Odor Air Purifier

Living with a dog brings a lot of joy in a thousand ways---a head in your lap, a lick on the face, lying on your foot. But sometimes your home can start to smell because of your pooch.

Regardless of whether it’s because of something it rolled in outdoors, or urine smell, odor can be unpleasant to come home to every day.

There are lots of things you can do to eliminate the cause of the odor. Keeping your dog well groomed and bathed will help.

Making sure it knows the rules of the house will help minimize inappropriate elimination.

And keeping rugs and carpets clean will keep odors from lingering.

But the bottom line is that dogs will be dogs and you can’t always anticipate or be there when problems are happening. So the best way to eliminate unpleasant smells 24 hours a day is to filter the air.

Carbon has long been proven to be the best at absorbing odors. And by adding a special additive that removes urine, this combination cannot be beat for eliminating any kind of pet odor. offers an air purifier that will remove not only odors with the special carbon filter, but dog hair and dander as well with the high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filter.

See the air purifier that is best at eliminating dog odor 24 hours a day at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Austin Air Purifier Information—3 Reasons to Choose Austin Air

Deciding on an air purifier these days can be overwhelming.

With so many brands, types of technologies, sizes and filter choices, it can cause you to want to throw up your hands after only a few inquiries.

Here are 3 things that are true about Austin Air Purifiers and should be true about the purifier you choose.

Continuous Cleaning—--Because of the split capacitor motor, 24 hour filtration is possible. And since the pollutants that are problems don’t take a break, your air cleaner shouldn’t have to take one either. 24 hour filtration means that pollutants are never allowed to build to unhealthy levels.

5-Year Filter Life---Many people wonder how a filter can last 5 years when others on the market last only 6 months to a year. The answer is that it is a 4-filter cleaner. The “filter” should really be "filters" because there are 4 of them in every cleaner (except for the new Bedroom Machine Air Purifier which has 5 filters).

2 pre-filters, a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA), and a carbon filter are able to efficiently handle a variety air quality issues---particulates and gaseous. This means that you replace the filter substantially less than other cleaners and spend far less money for replacement filters as well.

Interchangeable Filters---Nothing in life stays the same, in fact the only thing that is guaranteed is change. So when your filtration needs change, its nice to know that you don't have to buy a new purifier if it's still working well for you, simply change the type of filter you use.

For instance, if you originally bought a purifier because of allergy issues, but now you find you have pet odor problems, you can simply replace the allergy filter with one for pets.

There are many other reasons to choose an Austin Air Purifier, and you can shop with your need in mind now at or call (800) 997-2989 for expert advice now. Either way, we're here for you!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Effectively Removing Pet Smells

Being able to keep pet smells under control can be a tough job. And whether the smell is just a unique smell to your pet or type of pet, or is urine odor from mistakes that you know about or can’t find, it’s not a good feeling to open the door and be greeted by the odor.

As a pet owner, you probably love your pet enough to overlook the smells sometimes, but you have probably found that the smell is very off-putting to friends and family, and it probably stops you from entertaining in your home as often as you would like.

We all work too hard not to be able to have our home be a place where we can relax with friends and family. So if you’re searching for a safe, low maintenance, and continuous solution to the problem, you've come to the right place.

See how you can come home to purer air every day by getting rid of pet smells, including urine odor at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Clean Air for Baby

If you have just brought a baby safely into the world, for sure, your first thoughts are to keep them safe. And while you’re in the hospital, the air is being filtered with HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting technology.

A HEPA filter by definition is designed to keep the air clean by removing 99,997 out of every 10,000 particles from the air. This is standard operating procedure for hospitals in the nurseries, and rooms for moms and dads, and all the other patients.

If you’re wondering how to continue that level of filtration at home, you can relax. offers a portable, plug-in, HEPA cleaner that can start to purify the air even before you bring the baby home.

Our air purifier can run 24 hours a day, and will take out particulates because of the HEPA filter, and will also remove odor, gases and chemicals because of the carbon cloth filter.

If you’ve just painted or wall papered the nursery, and put in new furniture, there can be lingering chemicals smells in the air that we are not aware of but that baby’s still developing respiratory system may have a problem with. Our cleaner will remove those as well.

And because this purifier uses a 4 step filtration, baby’s air is sure to be kept clear of normal household pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, pet dander, as well as bacteria and viruses.

If you want the best for your baby, and we’re sure you do, this air cleaner is as important as the crib and diapers. Take a look at what an effective purifier this is and let us send it to you today with Free UPS Shipping.

There are lots of things new parents will worry about, but clean air for baby doesn’t have to be one of them. See the air purifier that will keep your baby happy and healthy now at Then call us at (800) 997-2989 and let us know which color to send!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Eliminating Dorm Room Dust

Have you ever wondered what generates dust in a dorm room? Is it dust that has settled from the central heating and air conditioning system? Or is it small bits of drywall or plaster that has become airborne with movement from above the room or within? Whatever the source, having your student breathe it into their lungs day in and day out is a disaster waiting to happen.

Even a student without respiratory problems such as asthma and allergies can find themselves congested and miserable if they are forced to breathe air that is laden with fine particles. And with flu season just around the corner, viruses and bacteria are known for their uncanny ability to travel from one host to the next on tiny particles floating in the air.

And even though you can’t be there every moment anymore now that they are in college, you can send a portable, medical grade air purifier that can be there for them. has sent this powerful solution to thousands of college campuses to insure co-eds have the freshest air possible to breathe.

Now that they’ve made it to college, they deserve every advantage. So keep the air clean and fresh for them 24 hours a day with a purifier that requires a filter change every 5 years. That means you put one in when they go to college and change it again when they graduate. Sound good?

See the Dorm Room Air Purifier now at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Bird Air Filter

Filtering the air for a pet bird is just as important as continually providing it with clean water and a healthy diet.

Particulates in the air build much more rapidly for birds in captivity when the air is not cleansed of the bird dander and dust plus other normal household particulates that they are subjected to when they live with humans.

Choosing the right type of filter will make all the difference in whether it can efficiently remove the particles that can cause your bird’s air passages to become clogged. and clogged airways are often the first step in developing disease and infection that are often hard to reverse.

Professional aviaries have found that HEPA (or high efficient particle arresting) technology is best for the job because as its name suggests, it is incredibly efficient. To be designated as a HEPA, a filter must be able to remove 99,997 airborne particles out of every 10,000 with 99.97% efficiency. The other reason most professional bird people use this type of filter is that its only by-product is fresh air. continues to send this type of filtration to institutions such as the Joshua Rescue Foundation for Birds, and the Theater of the Sea Aviary in Islamorada, Florida. We continue to supply these filters to them because they work even with the number of birds they have. And if they work for them they can work for you.

See the bird air filter that can really make a positive and healthy difference in air quality for both you and your bird now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, October 08, 2010

Living Without Pet Odor

If you love a pet, you are probably not aware of the odor until you walk in from being gone for a while, or you note the reaction of family and friends when they enter your home. And pet smells can range from just a musty smell to urine odor.

Whether you have opened your home to a cat, dog, ferret, bunny or any other warm blooded animal, some odor is normal.

But you no longer have to choose between having a home that smells fresh and clean and having a pet.

By continuously filtering the air with a carbon filter that has an additive especially designed to be effective against pet odor, you can have your pet and a clean smelling home as well. continues to supply this portable, heavy duty air purifier to kennels for cats, dogs, and ferrets. And if can keep the air clean for them, it can surely keep the air in your home fresh and clean as well.

See the air purifier especially designed to eliminate pet odor now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Removing Airborne Cockatoo Dust

Cockatoos are gorgeous birds. But in captivity, the powdery dust they produce is a threat to their health and the health of the humans who love and care for them. This feather dust keeps their wings soft and they will continue to produce it all their lives.

In the wild this is less of a problem because it dissipates into the atmosphere or the bird flies away. Either way they are not forced to breathe air that has high levels of the dust for very long.

Living in homes, regardless of how beautiful, can mean a different story for your beautiful bird. Most homes are well insulated from the outdoor heat and cold and there is little chance for air to be exchanged. This means the dust from your Cockatoo is circulated again and again causing pollutant levels to continue to rise.

Filtering the air constantly is the only way to insure that the pollutants are removed and the air stays fresh and healthy. HEPA (short for high efficiency particle arresting) filters by definition are designed to remove particulates as small as .3 microns.

This type of filter will trap the dust from your Cockatoo as well as other particulates that are normally found in homes—household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, and seasonal pollens.

See the HEPA air purifier that can greatly reduce the Cockatoo dust that you and your bird are exposed to now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, October 04, 2010

Nail Technician Air Purifier

Nail technicians have an opportunity to use their most creative side each day in a nail salon. But they also are most susceptible to the chemical fumes and particles that result from their creativity.

Nail polish, polish remover, hardener, and particulates from grinding and sanding can thicken the air to an unhealthy quality.

And while it is not good for customers, they are exposed to these harmful chemical fumes for only a fraction of the time of a nail tech.

These volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) that evaporate into the air cause symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, dry throat, nausea, and sometimes a dry cough. Long term inhalation of many of these chemicals has been shown to cause serious health problems.

So why take a chance on your good health when there is a way to eliminate the chemical fumes? There’s no reason to any more because offers an air purifier that is specifically designed to remove chemical fumes and particulates from the air.

This air cleaner is effective not only because it is able to operate 24 hours a day every day, but also because it contains both a carbon based filter impregnated with an additive for chemical absorption, and a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filter for particle elimination.

We continue to send this cleaner to nail salons across the country because—quite simply--it works!

See the air purifier designed with nail technicians in mind now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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