Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pet Odor Air Cleaner from

Do you turn up your nose each time you come home because of pet odor? offers a pet odor air cleaner that will clear away embarrassing pet odor forever—the Pet Machine Air Purifier.

The Pet Machine Air Purifier has an inner filter that is specifically designed to remove pet odor--urine odor in particular. This filter is only one of 4 in a 4-stage filtration process that removes not only pet odor, but pet hair and dander as well as normal household pollutants like dust, dust mites, mold and mildew, pollen, bacteria and viruses.

Because it is a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier, by definition it removes airborne contaminants down to .3 microns with a micron being defined as one millionth of a meter. So not only does it get rid of pet odor, but allergy and asthma triggers that can make life so miserable.

The Pet Machine has a practically no maintenance filter, and a filter life of 5 years. Of course there are always things that you can do to prolong the life of the filter, but these are completely optional.

You could vacuum the outside of the purifier whenever you’re passing that way with the vacuum cleaner, or you don’t have to. You could change the pre-filter every couple of years to save the inner filter, or you don’t have to. If you choose, you can simply plug it in and revisit it in 5 years!

Whether you have a dog, cat, bird, bunny, ferret, guinea pig—it’s all the same to the Pet Machine. It will remove pet odor forever!
will send the Pet Machine Air Purifier to your door Tax Free, with Free UPS Shipping, and with a Free Starbucks Card for you to enjoy as well.

So call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Pet Machine Air Purifier. Stop turning up your nose when you walk into your home, and let this pet odor air cleaner get rid of your pet’s odor for good!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Air Purifier for Ferret Odor from

If you need an air purifier for ferret odor, offers the Pet Machine Air Purifier which is specifically designed to remove pet odor from your air.

Ferrets have their own unique odor, particularly males who are not altered. They also send hair and dander into the air while exploring inside or outside of their cage. Having the Pet Machine Air Purifier on duty 24 hours a day means your home smells fresh, and stays clear of hair and dander continuously.

The Pet Machine Air Purifier is designed to clean 1500 square feet and send 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds. It’s made of steel, and is tough enough to resist damage from ferrets’ inquisitiveness.

As a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier, it will also remove household pollutants such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, and dander from other household pets. It will also remove bacteria and viruses as small as .3 microns.

With ferrets this is an important advantage to have. Ferrets are able to receive and transmit viruses that cause the common cold. These viruses often use normal household airborne pollutants to travel from one host to the next. Removing these pollutants before they have a chance to spread means keeping both you and your ferret healthy.

Some of our corporate clients include Ferrets With Soule Rescue Shelter, Wags and Wiggles Dog Daycare, Friends of Pep Dog Shelter, Marquis Professional Grooming as well as hundreds and hundreds of other private individuals who, thanks to the Pet Machine, are providing the clean and odor free air for their pets and their families. will send the Pet Machine to your door Tax Free, and with Free UPS Shipping and a Free Starbucks Card. Call us now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Pet Machine Air Purifier, and make it your air purifier for ferret odor today.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bird Air Filter from

Do you need a bird air filter because your bird room and beyond are covered with wing dust? Or are you frustrated to be able to see all the tiny pieces of feathers that are just hanging about in your air? If you answered yes to either of those questions, you are right to look for a bird air filter. offers a 24/7 solution to your problem—the Bird Dander Air Purifier.

The Bird Dander Air Purifier is designed to clean bird dust, dander that is invisible to the eye, as well as feathers from the air in areas up to 700 square feet. This unit is great for smaller apartments, condos, townhouses or homes. By sending 125 cubic feet of fresh, filtered air back into your home, you make it a better place for you as well as your bird.

If you need a filter with greater cleaning capacity, offers the Pet Dander Air Purifier which will clean areas up to 1500 square feet. It comes with casters for easy positioning and will send 250 cubic feet of clean air into your home every 60 seconds. And if you need an air purifier for pet urine odor in addition to all of the other pollutants, we recommend the Pet Machine Air Purifier.

One of the best things about all of these filters is that they are designed to run 24 hours, so there will never again be a build up of pollutants in your air. These filters won’t vacuum or dust for you, but for every 10,000 airborne pollutants lingering in your air; they will remove 99,997 of them. Give your lungs and your bird's air passages a break, let these filters suck up all the stuff in the air.

As a high efficiency particle arresting (abbreviated as HEPA) air purifier, both the Bird Dander and Pet Dander Air Purifiers are designed to remove pollutants as small as .3 microns with a micron being defined as one millionth of a meter. That means not only will it remove bird-related pollutants but other household pollutants as well such as household dust, dust mite, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria and viruses. How’s that for being well rounded?

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Bird Dander Air Purifier. You’ve probably tried plenty of others; now get the bird air filter that works. You and your bird will be glad you did.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Air Purifier for Cat Hair from

You love your cat, but the cat hair—not so much. When the sun shines in through your windows does it look like it’s raining cat hair? If this describes where you are with cat hair in your home, offers an air purifier for cat hair that will get rid of airborne cat hair forever.

The Cat Dander Air Purifier is designed to remove not only the cat hair that you can see, but the invisible dander, and other airborne pollutants that go hand in hand with having a cat as part of the family. Designed to clean 24 hours a day, it is equal to the task of continuously filtering your air.

It sends 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds, and gives 2 complete room changes of air every hour for spaces up to 1500 square feet.

Not only does the Cat Dander Air Purifier clear away cat hair, and dander, but normal household pollutants such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria and viruses all as small as .3 microns.

With a 5 year guarantee, and a filter life of 5 years as well, all you have to do is plug it in, run it on high for the first hour, then set it on low, and let it go.

You can do optional maintenance to make your filter last even longer (vacuuming the outside of the purifier several times a month), but the key is that this is optional. This purifier is designed to run efficiently and effectively without having to spray, wash, recharge or do frequent filter changes which saves you time and money.

It is totally flexible in its placement in your home—high, low, it doesn’t matter. It simply requires 6 inches away from the nearest wall so that its 360 degree air intake can work properly allowing your purifier to function at its peak.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Cat Dander Air Purifier, and make it your air purifier for cat hair today.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dander Air Purifiers from

If you are searching for a dander air purifier, you have probably opened your home to a warm-blooded pet such as a cat, dog, bird, bunny, guinea pig, or ferret who now makes its home wherever you are (What a gift right?).

Since dander is a fact of life with any warm-blooded pet, a dander air purifier needs to be a fact of life as well, and offers several dander air purifiers.

The Pet Dander Air Purifier is just as its name describes—designed with all pet’s dander in mind including dog, cat, bird, bunny you name it. It is a high efficiency particle arresting air purifier that will clean 1500 square feet with 2 room changes each hour, and will send 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds.

The Pet Machine Air Purifier also cleans 1500 square feet and provides all the advantages of the Pet Dander Air Purifier plus an inner filter that is specifically designed to target and eliminate pet urine odor including that from cats, dogs, ferrets and others.

Removing airborne dander from the air means removing a well known trigger of allergy and asthma symptoms as well as just creating cleaner air for you, your family, and your pet to breathe.

Both these air purifiers not only remove pet dander, but other household pollutants that we live with daily—household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria and viruses. It is often a combination of these airborne irritants that can cause flare ups that are disrupting, or flare ups on a smaller scale that are constant and annoying.

As a pet lover, you no longer have to decide between your quality of life and your pet. Now you can have your pet and breathe too!

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Pet Dander Air Purifier of the Pet Machine Air Purifier—your choice.

Let these effective dander air purifiers make a difference for you in your home today.

Your pet will love you for it!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, January 26, 2009

Air Purifier for Dog Allergy from

If you have the smartest, most adorable, and beautiful dog, but you or your child are allergic to it, your need an air purifier for dog allergy! has the solution that you’ve been waiting for—-the Dog Dander Air Purifier.

Designed to clean 700 square feet, this is the perfect air purifier for a smaller home or apartment. It will clear the air of dog hair, dog dander and fur down to particles that are .3 microns in size—and that’s way past small and into invisible.

But if you’re allergic to dogs, it’s probably the protein in the invisible dander that is the offending culprit. And since dander will be produced 24 hours a day as long as you have your dog, you need an air purifier that can clear the air 24 hours every day to literally keep the dander down.

24 hour coverage is possible with the Dog Dander Air Purifier because of its high capacitor motor that will allow the filters to remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 particles in your air and will send 125 cubic feet of fresh, clean air into your home every 60 seconds. Its 4-stage filtration process allows pre-filters to catch the big particles you can see like dust, and hair, while saving the inner filter for the smaller and invisible particles.

Not only does it remove dog related pollutants, but the other ones that also exacerbate allergy such as household dust, mold and mildew spores, pollen, dander from other pets, bacteria and viruses.

For greater cleaning capacity we recommend the Pet Dander Air Purifier that cleans 1500 square feet and comes standard with casters. And if you need an air purifier for pet urine odor we recommend the Pet Machine Air Purifier which also comes with casters and cleans 1500 square feet.

So regardless of your problem, or its size, we have a solution you’ll love. Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Dog Dander Air Purifier. You’ll wonder why you ever lived without this air purifier for dog allergy!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

HEPA Air Purifier for Birds from

If you’re looking for a HEPA air purifier for birds, offers the Bird Dander Air Purifier that will clear the air for you and your bird.

The Bird Dander Air Purifier is designed to clean 700 square feet by sending 125 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds. Its 4-stage filtration process will remove bird feathers, dander, and wing dust as well as the usual household pollutants such as household dust, dust mite, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria and viruses. And your bird is exposed to these household pollutants in much greater concentration because he’s living with you rather than in the wild.

Flexible in its placement, this purifier can be placed high or low, and only needs to be 6 inches from any wall. With a filter life of 5 years, simply plug it in and let it go. The high capacitor motor means you can run it safely 24 hours a day whether you are home or not, and you and your bird benefit from constant fresh, clean air.

For greater cleaning capacity, we recommend the Pet Dander Air Purifier that will clean 1500 square feet and send 250 cubic feet of fresh air at you every 60 seconds. If you also want an air cleaner to remove pet urine smell, we recommend the Pet Machine Air Purifier which also cleans 1500 square feet, but has an inner filter that is specifically designed to target and eliminate pet urine odor from any warm-blooded pet! will send any of these purifiers to your door Tax Free, with Free UPS Shipping and a Free Starbucks Card.

You and your bird deserve the freshest air possible, and you can have that in 3-5 business days when UPS brings the purifier of your choice to your door.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Bird Dander Air Purifier. This HEPA air purifier for birds is just what you’ve been looking for!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pet Dander Home Air Purification from

If you have pets and are looking for pet dander home air purification, recommends the Pet Dander Air Purifier.

The Pet Dander Air Purifier will remove hair, dander, and fur from cats, dogs, birds, ferrets, guinea pigs, rabbits—any warm blooded animal who makes it home with you. And not only will it remove pet-related pollutants but all too common household pollutants such as household dust, mold and mildew spores, bacteria and viruses.

Because it is a HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting air purifier, it will remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 particles from your air by sending 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds.

If you’ve been shopping around to find the best air purification for you home, consider these 3 things.
1. The Pet Dander Air Purifier needs a filter change once every 5 years.
2. There is no required maintenance—simply plug it in and let it run 24 hours.
3. It carries a 5 year warranty, and the filter has a 5 year prorated warranty.

Designed to clean 1500 square feet with 2 room changes each hour, it also comes standard with casters for easy positioning, and is available for immediate shipping in 4 designer colors.

If you also need an air purifier for pet urine odor, we recommend the Pet Machine Air Purifier. It removes pet urine odor in addition to all of the other pollutants above. will send the Pet Dander Air Purifier to your door Tax Free, with Free UPS Shipping and a Free Starbucks Card as well.

Don’t wait another minute to start the Pet Dander Air Purifier working for you and your pets in your home today. Call now at (800) 997-2989 and enjoy a cleaner, fresher home with pet dander home air purification beginning now.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, January 23, 2009

Air Purifier for Macaw Parrots from

If you have a Macaw Parrot as a pet, you've invested quite a lot of time and energy in having a healthy bird. We at offer an air purifier for Macaws that can help your pet stay healthy by removing airborne pollutants that often carry viruses and bacteria which lead to infection and the disease.

The Bird Dander Air Purifier from will help keep the air clean, and fresh for your parrot by removing not only bird related pollutants such as feather, dust and dander, but also common household pollutants that your bird is exposed to in much greater quantities than it would be in the wild.

Designed to remove household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria and viruses in addition to bird dust, dander, and feathers; the Bird Dander Air Purifier cleans 700 square feet by sending 125 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds. For greater cleaning capacity we recommend the Pet Dander Air Purifier which cleans 1500 square, and the Pet Machine Air Purifier which also cleans 1500 feet and addresses pet urine odor in addition to all of the above pollutants.

Because the Bird Dander Air Purifier is a high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air purifier, by definition, it removes airborne pollutants as small as .3 microns with 99.97% efficiency. This means that for every 10,000 pollutants 99,997 of them are removed.

Macaws are known for their incredible life spans, many living 50 years or more. Using this HEPA air purifier to provide fresh, clean air constantly is just one more way you can insure a long and happy relationship between you and your bird.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and let your Macaw benefit by breathing the freshest air possible. Ask for the Bird Dander Air Purifier and make if the air purifier for your Macaw starting now.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Air Purifier for Bird Feathers from

The Bird Dander Air Purifier is not only an effective air purifier for bird feathers, but for bird dust, and bird dander as well.

The Bird Dander Air Purifier is designed to clean 700 square feet of bird-related airborne pollutants by sending 125 cubic feet of fresh, dander free air into your home every 60 seconds. It also eliminates other all too common household pollutants such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria and viruses all as small as .3 microns.

Clearing the air is a proactive way to keep your bird healthy because many avian diseases and infections spread through inhalation or ingestion of airborne contaminants. Keeping the air clear means your bird’s air passages stay clear and you give your bird, and you, the best chance of a long, healthy life.

We recommend plugging in your purifier, turning it on high for the first hour, and then turning it to low and letting it run 24 hours a day every day to virtually eliminate the pollutants that go airborne with your bird’s daily activities, and the filter needs changing once every 5 years!

If you need to clean an area greater than 700 square feet, we recommend the Pet Dander Air Purifier which cleans 1500 square feet and comes standard with casters for easy positioning. We recommend the Pet Machine Air Purifier if you need an air purifier for pet urine odor. continues to supply both the Bird Dander and Pet Dander Air Purifiers to Bird Aviary at Theater of the Sea in Islamorada, Florida. So if it works for them, it will surely be effective for you!

Call now at (800) 997-2989 ask for the Bird Dander Air Purifier. It’s time you stop getting your dander up, and your feathers ruffled. Make the Bird Dander Air Purifier your air purifier for bird feathers today!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President,air
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

HEPA Air Purifier for Dog Allergy from

If you are looking for a HEPA air purifier for dog allergy, you are going in the right direction to choose a high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air purifier. The Pet Dander Air Purifier from has the rest of what you need in a HEPA air purifier for dog allergy.

The Pet Dander Air Purifier is guaranteed to last 5 years. We know they last way longer than that because at we sell replacement filters to customers whose purifier were made before 1995! It also has filter life of 5 years, and the filter comes with a 5 year prorated warranty as well.

Both the purifier and the filter are pretty close to maintenance free! You can choose to vacuum the outside of the purifier several times a month, or whenever you have the vacuum out, but this is totally optional. There is no washing, spraying, or recharging of the inner filter. Once you plug the purifier in, turn it on high for an hour, then set it on low—get ready to enjoy clean fresh air 24 hours every day without having to do anything else.

Available in 4 designer-colors and made with wheels that allow for easy positioning, the Pet Dander Air Purifier will remove dog hair, dander, and dust that are usually the offending pollutants with a dog allergy.

Not only will it remove dog-related pollutants but other normal household pollutants that also exacerbate allergy and are all too common in our air—household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, pet dander, bacteria and viruses. And because it is a HEPA air purifier, by definition, it will remove airborne pollutants down to .3 microns with 99.97% efficiency. This means that for every 10,000 pollutants, the Pet Dander Air Purifier will remove 99,997!

If you need an air purifier for dog urine odor in addition to all the other airborne pollutants that are removed by the Pet Dander Air Purifier, we recommend the Pet Machine Air Purifier.

Call not at (800) 997-2989 and keep your dog but lose the allergy triggers with the Pet Dander Air Purifier. Make it your family’s HEPA air purifier for dog allergy today.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bird Dander Air Cleaner from

Are you a bird lover who wants an air cleaner for bird dander? Then you’ve come to the right place. offers the Bird Dander Air Purifier that will clear the air of bird dander, feathers, and dust.

This bird dander air cleaner will clean not just bird-related pollutants, but airborne particulates from other pets as well. It will also remove normal household pollutants such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew, pollen, bacteria, and viruses that your bird would not have to deal with in such high concentration in the wild.

Removing these airborne pollutants from your bird’s air helps keep their air passages clear thus reducing the chance of infection and disease which ultimately helps to lengthen their lives. It helps you by removing pollutants that are well known triggers for those who suffer from allergy, asthma, and other chronic respiratory conditions. And having a bird dander air cleaner will also just give you a cleaner, fresher home to enjoy!

The Bird Dander Air Purifier is designed to clean 700 square feet by sending 125 cubic feet of fresh air into you home every 60 seconds. If you need to clean a larger space we recommend the Pet Dander Air Purifier which is designed to clean 1500 square feet by sending 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds. If pet urine odor is a problem in addition to the other pollutants, we recommend the Pet Machine Air Purifier which also cleans 1500 square feet. So whether you have one bird or many, a combination of birds, cats dogs, you name it, has the air cleaner for your situation.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Bird Dander Air Purifier. Let us send you the bird dander air cleaner that really works.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Cat Odor Filter from

If you have cat odor, and need a cat odor filter, offers the Pet Machine Air Purifier that will remove cat urine odor for good.

The Pet Machine Air Purifier removes daunting cat odor with a special inner filter of ammonasorb.

Designed to not only remove cat odor, but to eliminate urine odor from puppies, dogs, bunnies, ferrets, birds or any warm-blooded pet.

Odor is not all the Pet Machine will remove. It targets pet-related particulates such as hair, fur, and dander as well as normal household pollutants such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria and viruses all as small as .3 microns.

How is it able to do all of this? The Pet Machine Air Purifier is a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier that by definition removes 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne pollutants with 99.97% efficiency.

Available for immediate shipping in 4 designer colors, the Pet Machine is attractive as well as efficient. And will ship it Tax Free and with Free UPS Shipping!

Don’t spend another minute with embarrassing cat odor. Call now at (800) 99-2989 and ask for the Pet Machine Air Purifier. It’s time for you to experience a cat odor filter that works!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Air Purifier for Parakeet from

If you need an air purifier for your Parakeet to minimize dust, feathers, and dander from the air, offers the Bird Dander Air Purifier.

Even though there are hundreds of species of Parakeets with many more sub-species, the Bird Dander Air Purifier will remove airborne pollutants from any of them down to .3 microns in size.

The Bird Dander Air Purifier is designed to run 24 hours a day every day to keep ahead of the dander, dust, and feathers that can cause your bird’s airways to become clogged and infected. Removing these airborne pollutants also stops them from exacerbating existing allergy and asthma in you or family members.

Designed to clean 700 square feet, it comes with a 5 year warranty, and a 5 year prorated filter warranty. Maintenance is so low, it’s practically no maintenance. There is no washing, spraying, or recharging the filter. Simply vacuum the outside of the purifier occasionally to pull the large particles away from the pre-filter, and that’s it. Expect a filter change in 5 years.

For more cleaning capacity, we recommend the Pet Dander Air Purifier which cleans 1500 square feet and comes standard with casters. And if pet urine odor is an issue, we recommend the Pet Machine Air Purifier which also cleans 1500 square feet and comes standard with casters.

With proper care Parakeets can live up to 10 years, and one of the best ways to make this happen is by keeping their air passages clear by keeping the air in your home as clean and fresh as possible. Cleaning the air is a safe, effective, and proactive way to assure a long and happy life for your Parakeet—and you too!

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and get you and your Parakeet on the road to good health. Make the Bird Dander Air Purifier the air purifier for your Parakeet today.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Air Purifier for Sun Conure Parrot from

If you need an air purifier for your Sun Conure Parrot, offers the Bird Dander Air Purifier that will virtually eliminate the bird dander, feathers, and dust that go airborne when you have a pet bird.

The Bird Dander Air Purifier is designed to clean 700 square feet 24 hours every day, and comes with not only a 5 year warranty for the purifier, but a 5 year pro-rated warranty for the filter.

The high capacitor motor makes it possible for the Bird Dander Air Purifier to run safely 24 hours a day and the HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) filter removes the bird-related airborne pollutants as well as normal household pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, and dander from other pets, bacteria and viruses---all as small as .3 microns.

Maintenance is optional in that you can choose to vacuum the outside of the purifier several times a week to prolong the life of the inner filter; or you can choose not to. The purifier will continue to pump 125 cubic feet of fresh air into your room every 60 seconds for 5 years.

If you have a larger home, and your bird is placed in a more central location, the Pet Dander Air Purifier is designed to clean 1500 square feet.

So regardless of where your Sun Conure makes its home in your home, has an air purifier that will keep your bird healthy by cleaning the air, help keep your Parrot’s airways clear, reduce the chance of disease and infection, and ultimately contribute to a longer healthier life for your Conure.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Bird Dander Air Purifier. Make it the air purifier for you Sun Conure today!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Air Purifier for Dust and Dog Hair from

If you’re looking for an air purifier for dust and dog hair, offers the Pet Dander Air Purifier.

The Pet Dander Air Purifier will remove dust, dust mites, dog hair, dander and fur, as well as mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria, and viruses, and just about any other particulate down to .3 microns.

Using a 4-stage filtration with both a large and medium particle pre-filter saves you money and costly filter replacements you may have experienced with other cleaners. As a result you can expect your filter to last 5 years, and the filter comes with a 5-year prorated warranty. We know of no other company that warrants their filter.

Dust and dog hair don’t stand a chance against the Pet Dander Air Purifier that is designed to clean 1500 square feet by sending 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds. No more watching dog hair get blown around in the air when the heat or air conditioning come on.

It comes standard with casters for easy movement, and is available for immediate shipping in 4 designer colors.

If you also need to remove dog urine smell, we recommend the Pet Machine Air Purifier.

Don’t let another day pass with dust and dog hair floating around in your air. The Pet Dander Air Purifier won’t vacuum or dust for you, but it sure will eliminate the airborne dust and dog hair and make the air in your home fresher, cleaner and healthier for everyone!

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and make the Pet Dander Air Purifier your air purifier for dust and dog hair today!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Air Purifier for Cat and Baby from

If you had a cat and now you also have a baby, you need an air purifier for cat and baby. offers the Cat Dander Air Purifier that will allow you all to live happily and well together.

Cat dander, hair and fur are all too frequent asthma and allergy triggers for adults, and for a baby these offending airborne pollutants can be more than the little one’s young systems can handle. And if getting rid of the cat who was your first “baby” is way too painful to think about the Cat Dander Air Purifier is the solution you've been looking for.

As long as you have your cat, it will produce dander, hair, and fur, and the Cat Dander Air Purifier is designed to safely, quietly, and effectively remove them all 24 hours every day. And because it uses high efficiency particle arresting (abbreviated as HEPA) technology it will remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 particles of dander with 99.97% efficiency.

The Cat Dander Air Purifier comes with a 5 year warranty and has a filter life of 5 years! What makes the filter in this purifier able to last so much longer than others? The answer is its 4 stage filtration process. It uses large and medium particle pre-filters that increase the life of the inner filter, saving you the costly and frequent filter replacements you may have experienced with other cleaners.

Designed to clean 1500 square feet with 2 room changes every hour, it sends 250 cubic feet of fresh air into the room virtually free of cat dander, hair, and fur.

And not only does the Cat Dander Air Purifier remove cat-related pollutants but normal household pollutants as well—household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria, and viruses—all of which can be respiratory irritants for your baby.

If you also want to remove cat odor (cat urine odor in particular), we recommend the Pet Machine Air Purifier. This will do all that the Cat Dander Air Purifier does and is designed with an inner filter that specifically targets and removes cat urine odor as well.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and let the Cat Dander Air Purifier help you, your cat, and your baby live happily ever after. It won’t vacuum for you, but it sure will make your baby’s air a lot cleaner and healthier to breathe. Make the Cat Dander Air Purifier the air purifier for your cat and baby starting today!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Air Purifier for Ferrets from

If you have an adorable, cuddly and furry ferret, but need an air purifier for your ferret because the hair and dander are driving you crazy, you need the Pet Dander Air Purifier from

The Pet Dander Air Purifier is a high efficiency particle arresting (abbreviated as HEPA) air purifier that will remove ferret hair and dander as small as .3 microns with 99.97% efficiency. This means that for every 10,000 particles of ferret hair floating in the air, 99,997 of them will be removed.

Imagine 250 cubic feet of fresh air being sent into your home every 60 seconds 24 hours day. With this air purifier you don’t have to imagine it because 24 hour coverage is made possible by the high capacitor motor that is a standard feature. And while we’re talking about standard features, the Pet Dander Air Purifier comes with wheels that make repositioning it as easy as a push of your finger.

We suggest plugging in the purifier (no assembly is necessary) and letting it run on high for the first hour, then setting it on low and letting it run continuously. This will allow the purifier to constantly eliminate ferret hair and dander as well as other common household pollutants such as household dust, mold and mildew spores, pollen, dander, fur and hair from other household pets, as well as bacteria and viruses.

If odor is also an issue, either from your ferret or other pets, we recommend the Pet Machine Air Purifier which does everything the Pet Dander Air Purifier does but has an added inner filter that is specifically designed to remove pet urine odor.

The Pet Dander Air Purifier requires zero maintenance, Obviously there are always things you can do to prolong any filter's life, but with the Pet Dander Air Purifier those things are optional. There is no weekly cleaning, changing, recharging or spraying necessary for this unit to function effectively—and what a relief, right? We continue to supply filters to Ferrets with Soule Rescue Shelter, so we are confident that it will be effective for you in your home.

Call now and let the Pet Dander Air Purifier help you eliminate ferret hair and dander for good. Make it the air purifier for your ferret today!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Air Cleaner for Cockatiel Dust from

Looking for an air cleaner for Cockatiel dust? offers the Bird Dander Air Purifier that will remove the airborne particles of dust that your Cockatiel creates with 99.97% efficiency.

Not only will the Bird Dander Air Purifier remove Cockatiel dust, but feathers and dander as well. Removing the dust from the air will help keep your Cockatiel’s air passages clear by reducing the number of airborne pollutants that are present to clog airways. Clogged air passages lead to poor health in the form of respiratory infections and can greatly reduce your Tiel's life span.

Because Cockatiels are a dustier species, any air purifier that will be able to make a difference needs to be able to keep up with the constant dust that Cockatiels produce. The Bird Dander’s high capacitor motor makes 24 hour filtration safe, and effective and does so using the same amount of energy that a 60 watt light bulb uses.

Designed to clean 700 square feet by sending 125 cubic feet of fresh air into you home every 60 seconds, the Bird Dander Air Purifier carries a 5 year warranty, a filter life of 5 years, and a 5 year prorated filter warranty as well.

For greater cleaning capacity for a Cockatiel that is placed in a more central location in your home, we recommend the Pet Dander Air Purifier which cleans 1500 square feet and comes standard with casters for easy positioning.

If you have other pets in addition to your Cockatiel, and pet smell is an issue (urine odor in particular) we recommend the Pet Machine Air Purifier which will clean 1500 square feet as well, but comes with an inner filter specifically designed to eliminate pet urine smell.

So regardless of what your needs are, has an air purifier that will solve your problem and make your home healthier for you and your Cockatiel.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and get rid of Cockatiel dust by asking for the Bird Dander Air Purifier. Make it the air purifier for Cockatiel dust today!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Bird Room Air Purifier from

If you need a bird room air purifier, offers the Bird Dander Air Purifier that will literally clear the air for you and your bird.

Birds in captivity are subject to a lot more dander, dust, and feathers than they would be in the wild. As such, they are depending on you to keep the air filtered, giving them the best chance of keeping clear air passages and avoiding respiratory infections that can be deadly.

The Bird Dander Air Purifier is designed to remove airborne pollutants such as household dust, mold and mildew spores, pollen, animal dander, bacteria, and viruses all as small as .3 microns from areas up to 700 square feet. Imagine 125 cubic feet of fresh air being sent into your bird room every 60 seconds, and its high capacitor motor means it can do this 24 hours a day every day.

Removing these pollutants is great for your bird, and it’s also great for you if you suffer from chronic allergy or asthma, or if you just want to make your bird room a nicer place to be.

The Bird Dander Air Purifier will also remove dander, fur, and hair from other warm blooded animals such as cats, dogs, bunnies, and ferrets.

Guaranteed for 5 years with a filter life of 5 years, you’ve got nothing to lose but the airborne pollutants in your bird room. Call now at (800) 997-2989 and make the Bird Dander Air Purifier your bird room air purifier today!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Air Purifiers for Newborns from

If you’re looking for an air purifier for your newborn, offers the Baby’s Breath Air Purifier that is built with the needs of your newborn in mind.

The Baby’s Breath Air Purifier is designed to remove everyday airborne pollutants that our bodies have become accustomed to handling, but that for a newborn can cause problems with respiratory systems that are not fully developed.

These everyday pollutants are found in the cleanest of homes—pollutants such as household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, pollen, bacteria and viruses.

As a high efficiency particle arresting air purifier (abbreviated as HEPA) the Baby’s Breath Air Purifier by definition will remove 99.97% of airborne pollutants as small as .3 microns. This means that for every 10,000 particles floating in the air, the Baby’s Breath will remove 99,997 of them; and HEPA technology is the same technology hospitals use to insure clean air.

So whether your baby is having trouble breathing, or you want to make sure he doesn’t, the Baby’s Breath Air Purifier is a must if you are to call your nursery well equipped.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and start to provide your baby with the best gift of all—clean air. Make the Baby’s Breath Air Purifier your newborn’s air purifier today.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Air Purifier for Pets in the House from

Need an air purifier for pets in the house? offers an air purifier that is made for your house pets—the Pet Machine Air Purifier.

The Pet Machine is a high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) filter that is different from most because of its inner filter that is able to effectively remove pet smells, and urine smell in particular. And the Pet Machine’s high capacitor motor allows it remove the smell 24 hours a day every day for about the same cost of running a 60 watt light bulb.

Because it’s an air purifier that is designed for all pets, it doesn’t matter whether you have a cat, dog, bird, bunny, ferret, guinea pig or any other warm blooded pet, the Pet Machine will be effective.

Made of steel, it tough; available in four colors it’s attractive, and you can’t beat that combination. Repositioning the purifier is as easy as a push of your finger because of the casters, and you get to control how fast you filter the air with the 3 speed fan control.

The Pet Machine cleans 1500 square feet twice each hour by sending 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds—air that has had household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, pet dander, hair, fur, odor, feathers, feather dust, odor, bacteria, and viruses removed down to .3 microns in size.

If you’re reading this, you love your pet and obviously want to make your home a healthy place for you, your family, and your pet. So don’t spend another minute thinking you have to sacrifice the freshness of your home because you love your pet.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Pet Machine Air Purifier or visit our website by clicking on any of the links in this aritcle. Make the Pet Machine your air purifier for the pets in your home today!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, January 09, 2009

Air Purifier for Baby's Dog Allergy from

If you need an air purifier for your baby's dog allergy; but your dog was the baby before your real baby came along, let the Pet Dander Air Purifier save you from even having to think about making a choice between the baby and the dog!

The Pet Dander Air Purifier is designed to remove the airborne dog dander that is most probably at the root of your baby’s dog allergy, and it will also remove other common household pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria, and viruses. These are all removed down to .3 microns in size and with 99.97% efficiency.

Here are a few more reasons why the Pet Dander Air Purifier is the perfect choice. The 5 year warranty insures that it is durable, and a 5 year prorated filter warranty takes the longevity up another notch. Casters are standard making repositioning the unit almost effortless. The 3 speed fan control allows your purifier to change filtration speed when your situation changes. The high capacitor motor allow the Pet Dander Air Purifier to run 24 hours every day to insure the air quality remains high for your baby, your dog, and the rest of the family too.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and let us send the Pet Dander Air Purifier to you today. It’s time you made it your baby’s air purifier for dog allergy!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Thursday, January 08, 2009

Air Purifier for Preschool Classroom from

Are you searching for an air purifier for your preschool classroom? Are you tired of watching your children get sick from each other? Do you catch their colds because there’s no place to hide from the germs? offers an air purifier for your preschool classroom that will eliminate the airborne pollutants causing the problems—the Allergy Machine Air Purifier.

The Allergy Machine Air Purifier is effective because it is a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier that uses a 4-stage filtration process that lets it remove all kinds of airborne pollutants that contribute to unhealthy air in your classroom—pollutants such as dust, mold and mildew spores, pet dander and hair from pet friendly homes, and the all too common bacteria and viruses.

Designed to clean 1500 square feet, it will send 250 cubic feet of fresh, clean air into your room every 60 seconds. The wheels are standard making it easy to reposition, and it comes in 4 colors to match or accent any décor.

And because it will share the room with preschoolers, it is tough—as in made of steel. It has a powder coat finish that is safe (lead free) and it requires a filter change once every 5 years—yep, that’s right, 5 years before it needs a new filter. And the filter change takes 10 minutes—tops!

There is no filter washing, spraying, or recharging necessary, simply plug it in, run it on high for the first hour, then turn it to low and let it go. We suggest running it 24 hours a day so there is never a build up of pollutants in your room; that way you always walk in to a room that smells fresh and clean each morning because it is. It can be placed anywhere in your room as long as it is 6 inches for the wall. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Allergy Machine Air Purifier—make it the air purifier in your preschool classroom today. You and your students will be so glad you did!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Air Purifier for Child Day Care from

If you are searching for an air purifier for child day care facilities you are choosing a good way to go on the offensive against health issues that cause problems for your little clients. offers the Allergy Machine Air Purifier as an immediate and effective solution.

Using an air purifier, and not just any air purifier but a HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting air purifier like the Allergy Machine, allows you to remove airborne pollutants such as dust, dust mites that go airborne from mats and blankets, mold and mildew spores that blow in through open doors and windows, pet dander brought from pet friendly homes, harmful chemicals that may be off gassing from carpet, pressed wood furniture and cleaning solutions, as well as smoke and odors.

Prolonged exposure to all of these airborne pollutants have been proven to be harmful to healthy children and can trigger allergy and asthma flare ups in those who have chronic conditions. And having children come home sick from your day care is tough on the children, and on your business.

The Allergy Machine Air Purifier cleans 1500 square feet by pumping 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your facility every 60 seconds. It will also remove bacteria and viruses as small as .3 microns with a micron being defined as one millionth of a meter. And you know all too well how fast germs can spread through the air with sneezing and coughing. By keeping your clients and staff healthy not only will you improve everyone’s health, but your bottom line as well.

The Allergy Machine from ships Tax Free, with Free UPS Shipping, and a Free Starbucks card to make break time a little more festive.

Call now at (800) 997-2989, ask for the Allergy Machine Air Purifier, and make it the air purifier for your child day care today!

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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Austin Air Purifiers— Answers a Frequently Asked Question

How Can I Tell If My Purifier is Pulling In Air?

Recently I had a client who called us because she had held a tissue to each side of her Austin Air HealthMate to test how effectively the purifier was drawing in air from her home. She noticed the tissue was not held up by the purifier and wondered if this was an indication that the purifier was not taking the air in from her home and cleaning it. Here is our answer to this question that is asked frequently.

It is important to know that the air coming out of the unit has to pass through the filter first. Therefore when air is coming out there is defiantly air coming in.
By putting the on object (i.e. Tissue) on the sides you are hoping to see if it’s sucking the air into the unit. You are probably trying to compare this with a vacuum cleaner where the intake much smaller causing the tissue to get sucked in. Because there is so much face area (a 360 degree intake area) around the unit, the air speed on the input sides is not high enough to notice this. Going slow on intake is important so that the purifier has enough time for the air to pass through the carbon to remove all the gaseous contaminants in the air. Whatever is sucked in is purified and sent out from the louver side which you will definitely feel because it is at a higher velocity and because the outlet area is smaller.

If you have other questions about Austin Air HealthMate Air Purifier call now at (800) 997-2989. We can help!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, January 05, 2009

Air Purifier for Pet Hair from

Do you need an air purifier for pet hair because you have a cat, dog, bunny, ferret, guinea pig or some other lovable and furry pet as part of the family? And it doesn't whether you pet sheds a little bit all the time, or a lot some of the time, there’s always hair in the air!

This year rather than letting your lungs filter the air, let the Pet Dander Air Purifier from do that for you and your family.

The Pet Dander Air Purifier will remove hair, fur, and dander down to point .3 microns and will do it with 99.97% efficiency. Designed to clean 1500 square feet by sending 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds, the Pet Dander Air Purifier’s high capacitor motor makes it capable of keeping up with the pet hair that is constantly being sent airborne.

Available in 4 designer colors, and equipped with casters for easy positioning, the portability of this purifier means that it can go where you go, whether that’s on vacation with your pets, or to a new apartment or home entirely. Fresh, clean air is always as close as the nearest outlet.

And even though your pet might take a lot of work, the Pet Dander Air Purifier doesn't. In fact it's so low maintenance it’s practically no maintenance. Vacuuming the outside of the purifier several times a month will pull big particles away from the pre-filter and prolong the overall life of the filter—but that’s it for maintenance. Pet owners are amazed that there is no washing, spraying, drying, or recharging of the filter—it just plugs in and does the job.

The Pet Dander Air Purifier carries a 5 year warranty, and the filter life is 5 years and also carries a prorated warranty. If you know of any other manufacturer that prorates its filter please let us know. As of this writing we know of no other manufacturer that stands behind its filter for 5 years as well!

Just because you love your pet doesn’t mean you have to constantly breathe pet hair. See for yourself what a difference it can make in your life. Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Pet Dander Air Purifier—make it your air purifier for pet hair today!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Austin Air HealthMate or Allergy Machine--Which Air Purifier is Best for You?

Austin Air HealthMate Air Purifier or the Austin Air Allergy Machine Air Purifier—wondering what the difference is between them and which one is best for you? Here is a comparison of the two that will help.

Both are high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA)air purifiers that will remove dust, dust mites, pet dander, mold and mildew spores, bacteria and viruses.

Designed to clean 1500 square feet, each sends 250 cubic feet of clean air every 60 seconds, casters are standard, available in 4 colors, high capacitor motor allows you to operate it 24 hours safely, effectively, and economically.

The HealthMate weighs 45 lbs and contains 15 lbs of activated carbon. The Allergy Machine is slightly lighter and weighs 35 lbs and uses strategically placed military carbon cloth.

The HealthMate is more of an all purpose filters whose activated carbon filter will remove a variety of airborne pollutants. The Allergy Machine’s military carbon cloth specifically targets smoke, odors, and noxious gases.

Click on any link for the Austin Air HealthMate and the Austin Air Allergy Machine to view the filter animation showing how they work.

If you still have questions, call us now and we promise not to make you listen to the entire message because “our menu has recently changed!” Ugh! Instead you will find a real live helpful person on the other end of the phone ready and able to answer your question about these or any other Austin Air Purifiers.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask about the Austin Air HealthMate Air Purifier and/or the Austin Air Allergy Machine Air Purifier. You’ll come away with the answers you need and the best purifier for you and your family.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989


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Saturday, January 03, 2009

Pet Dander Air Purifier from

If you need a pet dander air purifier for your cat, dog, bird, or any other warm-blooded pet, offers a high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air purifier that will eliminate your pet’s dander for good—the Pet Dander Air Purifier.

Designed to clean 1500 square feet by sending 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds, it will remove not only pet dander that is invisible to the human eye, but pet hair, and other normal household pollutants such as mold and mildew spores, pollen, household dust, dust mites, bacteria, and viruses. And because it’s a HEPA air purifier, it will remove these airborne pollutants down to .3 microns with 99.97% efficiency.

If you need to remove pet urine odor in addition to dander, the Pet Machine Air Purifier has an inner filter that is specifically designed to remove pet urine odor. The Pet Machine is also a HEPA air purifier that will clean 1500 square feet, and like the Pet Dander Air Purifier, comes standard with casters for easy positioning.

We recommend running the Pet Dander Air Purifier on high for the first hour, turning it back to low and letting it run 24 hours a day. The high capacitor motor makes this safe, efficient, and economical to do, and you get an air purifier that can constantly remove the dander that your pet is constantly producing.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and let us send the Pet Dander Air Purifier to your door Tax Free, with Free UPS Shipping, and with a Free Starbucks Card. All you have to do is make the call to get the Pet Dander Air Purifier on its way to you today!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, January 02, 2009

HEPA Air Purifier for Dust from

Do you need a HEPA air purifier for dust? You’re right to look for a high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air purifier, and offers the HealthMate Air Purifier as an effective way to constantly eliminate dust from your air.

Dust comes from many different sources—outside air, minute pieces of clothing, upholstery, and curtains, dirt trapped in carpet that goes airborne with daily activities, dander, small pieces of hair, even metal shavings from door hinges that become dislodged when opening and closing doors! But whatever the source, dust is one of the biggest aggravations of indoor living, and if you’re allergic, or if you just want to have a cleaner, healthier home, you need help that is as persistent as the dust.

Because the HealthMate Air Purifier is a HEPA air purifier, it will remove not only dust, but other pollutants that can cause and aggravate asthma, allergy and other respiratory conditions—pollutants such as dust mites, pollen, mold and mildew spores, pet hair and dander, bacteria and viruses. By definition, HEPA air purifiers eliminate pollutants as small as .3 microns with 99.97% efficiency. And the HealthMate’s high capacitor motor allows it to run safely 24 hours every day whether you are home or not to keep ahead of airborne dust.

So this year stop moving the dust around when you dust and start removing it with the HealthMate Air Purifier.

Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the HealthMate Air Purifier. See for yourself what a difference this HEPA air purifier for dust can make in your air quality and quality of life!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Thursday, January 01, 2009

Air Purifier for Parrots from

Are you looking for an air purifier for Parrots because of their dust, feathers, dander, or all of the above? offers several solutions that will fit your situation exactly, whatever it is.

Since Parrots are such social birds, you probably have your parrot located in a central spot so it can be sure to see and feel a part of all that goes on. If the total space that you need to clean is 700 square feet or less, the Bird Dander Air Purifier is a great solution. It is designed to removed Parrot dust, feathers, and dander as small as .3 microns, and to give 2 air changes twice each hour by sending 125 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds.

If you need to clean an area larger than 700 square feet the Pet Dander Air Purifier does all that the Bird Dander Air Purifier will do but is designed to clean areas up to 1500 square feet by sending 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your home every 60 seconds. It comes standard with casters making it super easy to reposition whenever the need arises.

If you need to remove odor from your Parrot or other pets such as dogs, cats, bunnies, ferrets, guinea pigs or any other warm-blooded animal, the Pet Machine Air Purifier is your best choice. It also sends 250 cubic feet of fresh air into you home every 60 seconds, comes standard with casters, and for only $50 more the Pet Machine will remove pet urine odor in addition to Parrot dust, feathers, and dander.

All of these air purifiers are high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air purifiers that will not only remove Parrot-related airborne pollutants but common household pollutants as well such as household dust, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria and viruses with 99.97% efficiency.

So make 2009 the year you start enjoying your Parrot without the dust, feathers, and dander. If you still have questions about which one of these purifiers is best for you and your Parrot, call now at (800) 997-2989 where a knowledgeable representative is ready to talk with you about what you need.

Ask for the air purifier that best fits you and your Parrot’s needs—ask for the air purifier for Parrots. You’ll be glad you did!

Happy New Year!

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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