Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Air Purifier for Child Day Care from

If you are searching for an air purifier for child day care facilities you are choosing a good way to go on the offensive against health issues that cause problems for your little clients. offers the Allergy Machine Air Purifier as an immediate and effective solution.

Using an air purifier, and not just any air purifier but a HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting air purifier like the Allergy Machine, allows you to remove airborne pollutants such as dust, dust mites that go airborne from mats and blankets, mold and mildew spores that blow in through open doors and windows, pet dander brought from pet friendly homes, harmful chemicals that may be off gassing from carpet, pressed wood furniture and cleaning solutions, as well as smoke and odors.

Prolonged exposure to all of these airborne pollutants have been proven to be harmful to healthy children and can trigger allergy and asthma flare ups in those who have chronic conditions. And having children come home sick from your day care is tough on the children, and on your business.

The Allergy Machine Air Purifier cleans 1500 square feet by pumping 250 cubic feet of fresh air into your facility every 60 seconds. It will also remove bacteria and viruses as small as .3 microns with a micron being defined as one millionth of a meter. And you know all too well how fast germs can spread through the air with sneezing and coughing. By keeping your clients and staff healthy not only will you improve everyone’s health, but your bottom line as well.

The Allergy Machine from ships Tax Free, with Free UPS Shipping, and a Free Starbucks card to make break time a little more festive.

Call now at (800) 997-2989, ask for the Allergy Machine Air Purifier, and make it the air purifier for your child day care today!

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