Monday, January 26, 2009

Air Purifier for Dog Allergy from

If you have the smartest, most adorable, and beautiful dog, but you or your child are allergic to it, your need an air purifier for dog allergy! has the solution that you’ve been waiting for—-the Dog Dander Air Purifier.

Designed to clean 700 square feet, this is the perfect air purifier for a smaller home or apartment. It will clear the air of dog hair, dog dander and fur down to particles that are .3 microns in size—and that’s way past small and into invisible.

But if you’re allergic to dogs, it’s probably the protein in the invisible dander that is the offending culprit. And since dander will be produced 24 hours a day as long as you have your dog, you need an air purifier that can clear the air 24 hours every day to literally keep the dander down.

24 hour coverage is possible with the Dog Dander Air Purifier because of its high capacitor motor that will allow the filters to remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 particles in your air and will send 125 cubic feet of fresh, clean air into your home every 60 seconds. Its 4-stage filtration process allows pre-filters to catch the big particles you can see like dust, and hair, while saving the inner filter for the smaller and invisible particles.

Not only does it remove dog related pollutants, but the other ones that also exacerbate allergy such as household dust, mold and mildew spores, pollen, dander from other pets, bacteria and viruses.

For greater cleaning capacity we recommend the Pet Dander Air Purifier that cleans 1500 square feet and comes standard with casters. And if you need an air purifier for pet urine odor we recommend the Pet Machine Air Purifier which also comes with casters and cleans 1500 square feet.

So regardless of your problem, or its size, we have a solution you’ll love. Call now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Dog Dander Air Purifier. You’ll wonder why you ever lived without this air purifier for dog allergy!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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