Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tobacco Smoke Air Purifier

If you are a smoker or live with a smoker you are breathing particles and chemicals that result from the burning of the cigarette. This makes the air unhealthy not only for the smoker, but for those who are forced to breathe the air that results.

One of the by products from smoking is tiny almost microscopic particles. These float in the air for a while but eventually settle on furniture and upholstery if they are not inhaled by you and those who live or work with the smoker.

You may feel that there is very little you can do to get out of the way of the smoke. Short of asking the smoker to leave and never smoke again or moving, you are being forced to breathe air that is unhealthy at best.Continuous filtration with the right kinds of particle and chemical filters can help.

Nothing beats having the smoker stop smoking, but an air purifier with carbon cloth, a HEPA filter and several pre-filters will go a long way towards clearing the air.

PurerAir.com offers a Smoke Air Purifier that will give your lungs a break. See it now at http://purerair.com/smoke_air_purifier.html

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, January 09, 2012

Pet Hair Air Purifier

If the cold weather has forced you and your warm-blooded pets indoors, you’re probably seeing pet hair everywhere.

Since most furry animals are programmed to thicken their coats with less sunlight and colder temperatures, you’re probably not imagining the increase in hair.

Shaking it out, having it come out when it rubs against you, or just having it groom itself can send hair airborne continuously, only to have it float down on the dinner table or someplace else which proves to be hugely embarrassing.

You can stop the continuous shower of pet hair from dogs, cats, bunnies, ferrets, and other loveable creatures by filtering the air as continuously as they send it into the air. This means using a purifier that is designed to run 24 hours. In order to do this the motor needs to be a split capacitor that can run continuously without worries about safety.

An effective cleaner for pet hair also needs to use HEPA filtration. This type of technology produces only fresh, clean air without worries of ozone or ionized particles. It is also recognized as the best technology for particle removal and is used by hospitals to insure clean air

By definition a high efficiency particle arresting filter must be able to remove all but 3 particles out of every 10,000 that are .3 microns or larger in size. The wonderful thing about this filter is that it really doesn’t care whether the particles are pet related or not.

That means it will remove more normal household pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, seasonal pollen, and the dander or dead skin flakes found on pet hair.

All of these particles are the stuff allergy and asthma flare-ups are made of. Being able to remove them in addition to pet hair is a real bonus.

See the HEPA air purifier from PurerAir.com that remove pet hair and all the other particles from your air day in and day out at http://purerair.com/pet_dander_air_purifier.html

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, January 06, 2012

Effective Asthma Control

Depending on what triggers your asthma, cold weather can drive you indoors and put you up close and personal continuously with indoor triggers.

Knowing what’s in your air and what causes flare-ups is crucial.

Unfortunately, normal indoor pollutants are often the source of the problem.

Normal things such as dust, dust mites, mold spores, seasonal pollen, and pet dander can all work in concert to increase symptoms.

An inhaler can help in an emergency, and prescribed medication can reduce sensitivity and decrease the quantity and severity of problems.

However, one of the best ways that most physicians who deal with respiratory issues agree on is that reducing exposure to the trigger is the best and least invasive way to manage asthma.

Continually filtering the air with multiple filters designed to remove both particulate and gaseous pollutants is what most physicians recommend as an important part of an effective management plan.

PurerAir.com offers a medical grade HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) purifier that also has a filter that can eliminate gaseous pollutants such as odors, smoke, and airborne chemicals.

Don’t let your asthma get the best of you, but rather let this air purifier help you get the best out of life every day despite asthma. See it now at http://purerair.com/allergy_machine.html

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Sunday, January 01, 2012

Bird Room Air Purifiers

An air purifier in your bird’s room can mean the difference between a healthy environment for you and your bird and one that’s not.

There are natural pollutants in every one’s indoor air. Dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, seasonal pollens, bacteria and viruses are often an unfortunate part of indoor air.

With a bird in the house, you add to these ever-present pollutants with bird dust, dander, and feathers to mention the most obvious ones.

In the wild these bird-related particles would dissipate into the air and/or the birds would fly away. So a build up of particles in the air would never become an issue.

In captivity, the build up of these little particles can become a huge problem for you and your bird. Because avian air passages are so small, they can become clogged very easily, and once this happens it can lead to serious diseases and infections that are often impossible to reverse.

For humans these particles can exacerbate existing respiratory conditions and cause the onset of allergies and asthma in people who were previously healthy.

An effective air purifier for the bird room is crucial. And it needs multiple filters that can eliminate a wide range of particle sizes. It also needs to be able to provide 24 hour filtration to prevent the particle level from rising to a level that is hazardous to both birds and their owners.

PurerAir.com offers a high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air purifier with 3 other filters for particles including carbon cloth and several different sized pre-filters.

See the air purifier that professional aviaries use at http://purerair.com/bird_dust_air_purifier.html

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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