Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cat Odor Air Purifier--the Austin Air Pet Machine

Need a cat odor air purifier? Have you tried numerous products for cat odor with varying degrees of success? Now try the Austin Air Pet Machine Air Purifier that will do the job 24 hours a day, even when you’re away, and even before you know your cat has made a mistake!

The Austin Air Pet Machine Air Purifier is designed to run 24 hours a day, and specifically targets and removes pet urine smell. You know how difficult it can be to get rid of cat odor when you know where it’s coming from, but when it has seeped through the carpet and has been absorbed by the padding, or onto the floor, pulling the carpet up to neutralize the odor can be an expensive cure.

With the Austin Air Pet Machine Air Purifier, the cat odor is removed constantly leaving your air fresh and odor free 24 hours a day. You no longer have to choose between having a cat, and having a fresh smelling home. You can have both starting now. And the best part is you simply plug it in and walk away!

Guaranteed for 5 years, with a filter life of 5 years, the Pet Machine is so low maintenance it’s almost no maintenance!

Call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989 and get rid of the odor for good with the Austin Air Pet Machine—the cat odor air purifier!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Air Filter for the Aviary

An air filter in the aviary cleans the air for your birds, reduces respiratory infection, and increases the life span of your birds. The Austin Air HealthMate and HealthMate JR have been proven to be effective in the Theater of the Sea Bird Aviary in Islamorada, Florida!

So if you need an air filter for the aviary, call PurerAir.com now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Austin Air HealthMate, or go online to our user friendly website at http://purerair.com/bird_dander_air_purifier.html and take a look at this air filter for the aviary.

PurerAir.com offers a 30 day money back guarantee. If it doesn’t work, send it back and receive all of your money back without a restocking fee.

Call PurerAir.com now at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the air filter for the aviary!

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Safe Air Purifier for Birds

Need a safe air purifier for birds? Then consider the Austin Air HealthMate or HealthMate JR air purifier. Why? They are used by professional aviaries and reduce respiratory infections in their birds, thus increasing their life spans.

PurerAir.com continues to send both the HealthMate and HealthMate JR air purifiers and filters to Theater of the Sea Bird Aviary in Florida. Working in an aviary is the acid test, so they will surely work for you!

The Austin HealthMate cleans 1500 square feet, the Austin HealthMate JR cleans 700 square feet. Both carry 5 year warranties, a prorated 5-year filter warranty, and a filter life of 5 years. Low maintenance, and attractive, these air purifiers produce only the freshest air for your bird, and they are designed to keep the air fresh 24 hours a day.

Call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989 and ask about the air purifier for birds, or visit us on line now at http://purerair.com/bird_dander_air_purifier.html to see the safe air purifier for birds.

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Remove Diesel Fumes with the Austin Air HealthMate Plus Air Purifier

Bethany wants to remove the diesel fumes from the office where she works. Her office in New York City is above a diesel truck garage. She said the trucks idle all day and the diesel fumes come into her office. She’s tired of breathing the fumes and is afraid of the long-term effects breathing diesel fumes might have on her health. She ordered the Austin Air HealthMate Plus Air Purifier because it is specifically designed to remove airborne chemicals like diesel and gasoline fumes.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, you can take control of your air and your health by removing diesel fumes with the Austin Air HealthMate Plus Air Purifier. Designed to run 24 hours a day with a filter that specifically targets airborne chemicals such as diesel and gasoline, the HealthMate Plus will work to keep the air in your office fresh, clean and healthy 24 hours, and will work even when you’re not there.

Guaranteed to last 5 years with a 5 year prorated filter warranty, the HealthMate Plus has one of the best warranties in the industry. Why? Because it works.

Call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989 and let us send the HealthMate Plus to your office or your home Tax Free, and with Free UPS Shipping. Try it in your space for 30 days, and if you don’t think it’s wonderful, send it back and receive all of your money back.

Call (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Austin Air HealthMate Plus Air Purifier and remove diesel fumes from your air today!

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

We Have Cat Dander--How Permanent is Cat Dander?

A client called yesterday to ask about cat dander. “We have cat dander. Is cat dander permanent?” she asked. As long as you have a cat, cat dander is being produced. But cat dander doesn’t have to be permanent in your air!

You can practically eliminate airborne cat dander in your home with a high efficiency particle arresting cat dander air purifier—the Austin Air HealthMate HM400 HEPA Air Purifier.

Designed to remove not only cat dander, but cat hair and fur, dust from the litter box and many other airborne pollutants found in the cleanest of households such as dust, dust mites, pollen, mold and mildew spores, the Austin HealthMate will remove these airborne pollutants as small as .3 microns.

Since most cat dander is approximately 2.5 microns the HealthMate will remove cat dander so it doesn’t have to be permanent in your house.

Call PurerAir.com 24 hours and ask for the HealthMate HM400 air purifier, and make it your cat dander air purifier today!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Pet Air Purifier—The Austin Air Pet Machine is the Pet Air Purifier

If you are looking for a pet air purifier because you own a pet and want to eliminate the airborne pollutants that come with pet ownership—hair, dander, odor and more—the Austin Air Pet Machine is the answer to your problem.

The Pet Machine will clean pet hair, dander, and odor in spaces as large as 1500 square feet, and will eliminate particles as small as .3 microns 24 hours every day! As a result, when you walk into your home, the only things that will greet you at the door are your pets, and not the odor, sight of hair, dust, dander, and fur that may be greeting you now.

Why try the Austin Air Pet Machine? The Pet Machine is a high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air purifier that by definition removes particles down to .3 microns. HEPA technology is the same technology that is used in hospitals, and as such this pet air purifier is no ordinary purifier, but is a medical grade air purifier!

What does this mean to you and your pet in your home? If there are 10,000 pollutants floating around in your air, the Austin Air Pet Machine HEPA air purifier will remove 99.97% of them—or 99,997 particles—leaving only 3 sub-micron size particles. Even hospitals call that clean air!

The Pet Machine will also remove urine based odors that often linger in the air even after the offending matter has been cleared away. And as a pet owner you know that odor can be the hardest thing to get rid of!

If you are really looking for a one-time, permanent solution to eliminating pet odor, hair, dander and other pollutants, the Pet Machine is the answer.

PurerAir.com will send the Austin Air Pet Machine to your door Tax Free, with Free UPS Shipping today. Take 30 days to try it out with your pets and see what you think. If you love it, keep the Starbucks Card that comes with it, if it doesn't meet your expectations, send it back to us, and receive all your money back without a restocking fee! We wouldn't make that kind of offer unless it worked!

So call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Austin Air Pet Machine—the pet air purifier.

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Inexpensive Air Purifiers—Cleaning Your Air with Inexpensive Air Purifiers

Are you looking for an inexpensive air purifier to help filter pollutants from the air you and your family breathe? If you’re looking for an all around air purifier for household pollutants such as dust, dust mites, pet dander, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria and viruses; the Austin Air HealthMate is the inexpensive air purifier for you.

Why? It cost you less than a quarter a day to purchase for the 5 years that it’s guaranteed to filter your air. And it will filter your air of particles as small as .3 microns, a micron being one millionth of a meter! That’s because the Austin HealthMate is a high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) medical grade air purifier like the ones used in hospitals to insure the cleanest air possible.

The HealthMate power usage is no more than a 60 watt light bulb, and the filter life is 5 years. So for a quarter a day your air is filtered of harmful pollutants, many of which have been proven to cause serious long-term health issues.

And if that doesn’t make the HealthMate an inexpensive air purifier, here are a couple more perks. PurerAir.com will send the Austin Air HealthMate to your door (won’t cost you gas to go get it) Tax free (we’ll settle with Uncle Sam), with Free UPS Shipping (no money out of your pocket), and a Starbucks Card as well. That makes the Austin Air HealthMate air purifier downright cheap!

Remember, an inexpensive air purifier is only inexpensive if it works. If by buying an inexpensive air purifier you have to buy more than one to get it right, then you’ve spent double the money without finding a solution to your problem.

Air purifiers are often inexpensive because the manufacturer cuts corners where it matters most—material used for the shell of the purifier, the filter makeup, and a motor that is just not up to speed. The old adage “You can’t get something for nothing” should go more like “You can pay something and get nothing”! Don’t let that happen to you.

So call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989, and ask for the Austin Air HealthMate Air Purifier, it’s one of the best inexpensive air purifiers you can buy!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Remove Cat Hair from the Air—The Austin Air HealthMate Air Purifier will Remove Cat Hair from the Air

Do you want to remove cat hair from the air because you can see it swirling all around in your air? Would you like to suck all that cat hair right out of your air for good? The Austin Air HealthMate air purifier for cat dander and hair can help.

The Austin Air HealthMate will remove cat hair from the air in spaces as large as 1500 square feet 24 hours a day quietly and efficiently while only costing pennies a day to use; and the best part is the purifier is guaranteed for 5 years and needs a filter change only once every 5 years! How's that for low maintenance?

Designed to keep up with the hair and dander your cat sheds, shakes, paws or licks off, not only will the Austin HealthMate remove cat related pollutants but other typical household pollutants as well. Because the Austin Air HealthMate is a high efficiency particle arresting air purifier (HEPA), it is designed to remove airborne pollutants as small as .3 microns—household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, bacteria and viruses!

Call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Austin Air HealthMate Air Purifier. Stop using your lungs to filter the air, and start letting the HealthMate remove cat hair from your air today.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Air Purifiers—3 Benefits of Using Air Purifiers

Air purifiers, and specifically, high efficiency particle arresting air purifiers are designed to purify the air of harmful indoor airborne pollutants such as dust, dust mites, pet dander and hair, mold and mildew spores, bacteria and viruses, volatile organic chemicals and a host of other allergens that often trigger asthma and allergy.

Thank you for taking care of our order. After speaking with you I decided to order another air purifier for my child's room. Kristen....California

Here are 3 top benefits of using an air purifier.

  1. Let the air purifier trap pollutants rather than you lungs.

  1. Increase you energy level because of fresher air.

  1. Live longer and feel better because of decreased exposure to pollutants.

If any of these reasons sound like winners, the Austin Air HealthMate Air Purifier is a high efficiency particle arresting air purifier that will remove dust, dust mites, pet dander and hair, mold and mildew spores, bacteria and viruses, volatile organic chemicals all down to .3 microns.

Better yet, it’s guaranteed to work for 5 years, and the filter carries a 5-year prorated warranty as well.

I just want to say thank you! I’ve got my HealthMate up and running and already notice a huge difference, the air is so clean! I’m completely satisfied with my choice! James.....South Carolina

PurerAir.com will send the HealthMate to you too! Call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Austin Air HealthMate, and start reaping the benefits of using an air purifier!

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President


(800) 997-2989

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Odor Air Purifier—Getting Rid of Lingering Odor with an Odor Air Purifier

Are you searching for an odor air purifier to get rid of the unpleasant odors that greet you at your door? Then the Austin Air Allergy Machine Air Purifier is the odor air purifier for you.

The Allergy Machine air purifier contains a military carbon cloth filter which is specifically designed to remove smoke and odor. The Austin Air Allergy Machine also contains a High Efficiency Particle Arresting (HEPA) filter that removes particles that are sub micron in size as small as .3 microns. So not only does the Allergy Machine remove odor, but other household particulates such as dust, dust mites, pollen, mold and mildew spores, hair, and dander.

So regardless of what’s causing your odor problem--a smoker, musty carpet, or odors from last night's dinner--the Allergy Machine Air Purifier is designed to send 250 cubic feet of odor-free, fresh air into your home every minute of the day. With the Allergy Machine you don’t have to wait until spring to have your home smell fresh as springtime. You can have that fresh clean smell in your home now.

PurerAir.com will send the Allergy Machine Air Purifier to your door tax free, with Free UPS shipping so you can try it in your space for 30 days. If you love it as much as we think you will, keep it. If not send it back and receive all of your money back—no questions, no hassle.

Call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989. An expert is standing by ready to answer questions and take your order. So go ahead, make the call, you've got nothing to lose but the odor. Ask for the Austin Air Allergy Machine and make it your odor air purifier now!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Air Purifier for Toddler’s Room—Austin Air Baby’s Breath Air Purifier is Excellent Choice for Air Purifier for Toddler’s Room

Need an air purifier for your toddler’s room? The Austin Air Baby’s Breath Air Purifier is designed with your toddler in mind. It is small in stature, but is powerful enough to remove the harmful airborne pollutants that are present in the cleanest of homes.

What kind of airborne pollutants will it remove? The worse kind—the kind you can’t see; pollutants such as dust, dust mites, pet hair and dander, pollen, mold and mildew spores, fragrances from household products, chemical off-gassing from pressed wood furniture, carpet, paint, and the list goes on and on. These pollutants are often part of everyday life, but can wreak havoc with the still developing lungs, and respiratory systems of a toddler.

The Austin Air Baby’s Breath Air Purifier is a High Efficiency Particle Arresting (HEPA) air purifier which means it removes airborne pollutants as small as .3 microns, and with an efficiency rate of 99.97%. What does that really mean? If there are 10,000 pollutants in the air, the Austin Air Baby’s Breath air purifier will remove 99,997—all but 3!

Prices for air purifiers run the gamut, but this air purifier for your toddler’s room is guaranteed to last for 5 years, and most last way longer than that! So if you divide the cost of the purifier by 5 years or 1825 days, you’re paying a penny and a half a day to send 125 cubic feet clean air every 60 seconds into your toddler's room for the next 5 years. Good deal? You bet!

So call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Austin Air Baby’s Breath HEPA Air Purifier—the air purifier for your toddler’s room.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

HEPA Air Purifiers Are High Efficiency Particle Arresting Air Purifiers

HEPA Air Purifiers by definition are high efficiency particle arresting air purifiers. How high is their efficiency? HEPA purifiers are designed to remove airborne pollutants as small as .3 microns, and a micron is defined as one millionth of a meter. Too small for the human eye to see without magnification, yet many of the airborne pollutants that have the potential to cause the most problems come in micron-size.

HEPA technology is the technology used in hospitals to scrub the air, and works by using a series of filters that filter smaller and smaller particles, the last filter catching the micron-size particles.

This technology is available to you for use in your home with portable but heavy-duty Austin Air HEPA Air Purifiers. Austin Air has designed an entire line of air purifiers geared towards removing sub-micron size pollutants. All Austin Air Purifiers will remove dust, dust mites, pet dander, mold and mildew spores, viruses and bacteria, but the inner filter of each of the 3 basic models targets different pollutants.

If you need to remove smoke and odor the Austin Air Allergy Machine HEPA Air Purifier will work for you.

Austin Air has designed a HEPA Air Purifier with your little one in mind--the Austin Air Baby’s Breath HEPA Air Purifier which is available in pink or blue.

If you have more general filtration issues such as household dust, mold and mildew spores, dander, the Austin Air HealthMate HEPA Air Purifier will work for you.

If you have chemical sensitivity problems the Austin Air HealthMate Plus HEPA Air Purifier has a filter that is geared to take out airborne chemicals in the home or office that are emitted from carpet, copiers, pressed wood, formaldehyde, paint, scents from household cleaners and more.

If you have pets, and you want to remove dander and other particles as well as odor, including urine smell--the Austin Air Pet Machine HEPA Air Purifier will work.

So regardless of who you have in your family, and what your needs are, Austin Air HEPA Air Purifiers can clear your air!

Now you don’t need to go to the hospital to take advantage of HEPA technology. PurerAir.com can send any Austin Air HEPA Air Purifier to your door to get you started breathing clean air today.

Call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989 to talk with an expert about which Austin Air High Efficiency Particle Arresting Air Purifier is best for you.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Pet Dander Air Purifier Will Cleanse Your Air of Pet Dander

Airborne pet dander is generated every day of your pet’s life. Whether it’s because your pet is moving or whether it’s because normal daily activities that you and your family do cause it to go airborne---pet dander is in the air.

You can get pet dander, hair, fur, dust and all the other pollutants that come with pet ownership out of your air by using a pet dander air purifier.

A pet dander air purifier like the Austin Air HealthMate is designed to run 24 hours to keep up with your pet’s busy schedule. Made of steel so there is no off gassing, the only thing the Austin Air HealthMate air purifier produces is 250 cubic feet of pet-dander-free air every 60 seconds.

Warranted for 5 years and with a 5 year prorated filter warranty as well, the HealthMate has the most comprehensive warranty in the industry. There’s a reason that Austin Air can continue to warrant the Austin Air HealthMate—it works!

Not only does the HealthMate remove airborne pollutants associated with pets, but it also removes run-of-the-mill household pollutants that are found in the cleanest of homes—pollutants like mold and mildew spores, dust mites, pollen, household dust, airborne viruses and bacteria all down to .3 microns in size. The Austin Air HealthMate doesn’t just clean up after your pet but after life itself!

Call PurerAir.com 24 hours a day at (800) 997-2989. A real live person with knowledge about the HealthMate stands ready to answer any questions you might have, and we promise not to make you wait with a recording about which number to press to get service! Let us send the Austin Air HealthMate Air purifier to you today, and you’ll wonder how and why you ever lived without this pet dander air purifier in your home.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Infant Air Purifier—Austin Air Baby’s Breath Infant Air Purifier

An infant air purifier is one of the best ways to give your baby a healthy start in life. The Austin Air Baby’s Breath air purifier literally improves the air quality of every breath your baby takes by removing airborne pollutants that we are exposed to every day, but that your baby’s respiratory and immune systems are often not tough enough, not mature enough, and not strong enough to take on.

The Austin Air Baby’s Breath air purifier removes airborne pollutants such as pet dander, household dust, mold mildew spores, volatile organic chemicals, fragrances, smoke and a host of other pollutants that often linger in the cleanest of homes and cause breathing problems for your infant. And the worse part about these pollutants is that they are often unseen by you, and your infant is unable to tell you how awful they make him feel.

If your baby is known to be allergic or asthmatic, there is no better way than using an infant air purifier to make sure that every breath is a breath of clean, fresh air. If your baby is not allergic, the Austin Air Baby’s Breath infant air purifier can help you make sure that your indoor air quality is the best it can possibly be and that by sending 125 cubic feet of fresh air into the nursery every 60 seconds for your baby to breath, you and this powerful infant air purifier are allowing his body to grow and develop as it should.

Not only is the Austin Air Baby's Breath Air Purifier powerful, efficient, and quiet--it's also pretty. There are 6 beautiful color choices to compliment any nursery--pink, blue, white, sandstone, black, or silver. So there's no need to sacrifice style for function!

There is no greater peace of mind in knowing that you are doing the very best for your baby. The Austin Air Baby’s Breath air purifier is a must have in your baby’s nursery.

Call PurerAir.com at (800) 997-2989 and give your baby the gift of clean air with an infant air purifier.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Puppy Dander Air Purifier is the Best Way to Remove Airborne Puppy Dander

Wondering how to remove airborne puppy dander, and fuzz that your new little puppy is constantly generating? Well now you can have your puppy and enjoy it too—without the puppy dander. You need a puppy dander air purifier—the Austin Air HealthMate JR HM200 HEPA Air Purifier!

Puppy dander, fuzz, and fur all come with the territory when you add a puppy to the family, but it doesn’t have to hang around in your air! You can get rid of airborne puppy dander, fuzz, and fur with the Austin Air HealthMate JR which removes dander, fuzz, and fur as small as .3 microns.

Because it’s designed to run 24 hours, the Austin Air HealthMate JR is built to keep up with the puppy dander your little guy is sure to send airborne with his adorable antics! And you’ll thank yourself again once the puppy fur starts shedding for real to be replaced by the mature coat!

The Austin Air HealthMate JR cleans 700 square feet quietly and economically and is warranted by Austin Air--the manufacturer--for 5 years. The filter (which is included with the purifier) comes with a prorated warranty for 5 years as well.

This puppy dander air purifier will not only remove dander from your puppy but will continue to do the job as your puppy grows up. So whether you have a puppy or an older dog who continues to be a puppy-at-heart, the Austin Air HealthMate JR is up to the job.

Call PurerAir.com at (800) 997-2989 now (doesn’t matter what time it is, we’re open 24 hours) and ask for the Austin Air HealthMate JR air purifier Make it your puppy dander air purifier today!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bird Dander Air Purifier—the Austin Air HealthMate JR is a Bird Dander Air Purifier

Is your bird room thick with bird dander, bird feathers, and dust? If you could make the air in your bird room fresher would you enjoy spending more time with your bird? Then you need a bird dander air purifier to remove the airborne pollutants that result from having a bird. You need the Austin Air HealthMate JR bird dander air purifier.

This bird dander air purifier is designed to clean 700 square feet 24 hours for only pennies, and will remove airborne bird dander, dust, and odor as small as .3 microns. The Austin Air HealthMate JR is no ordinary air purifier. It’s a High Efficiency Particle Arresting (HEPA) air purifier—is the same filter technology used in hospitals, and the same air purifier that PurerAir.com has been supplying Theater of the Sea Bird Aviary with for the past 3 years!

Not only will this air purifier for bird dander make the air you breathe fresher, but will also help your bird’s health. Removing the airborne bird dander, feathers and dust helps your bird’s air passages stay clear, and will very likely contribute to lessening the number of respiratory infections your bird develops, thus helping your bird live longer.

The Austin Air HealthMate JR air purifier for bird dander comes in 4 beautiful colors, is guaranteed for 5 years, and has a filter life of 5 years with normal use. So try the Austin Air HealthMate JR in your space for 30 days, and if you don’t absolutely love, it send it back and receive all of your money back—no questions, no hassle.

Call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989 and treat you and your bird to 125 cubic feet of fresh air every 60 seconds, 24 hours every day. Ask for the Austin Air HealthMate JR—the bird dander air purifier!

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Got Cat Odor and Litter Box Odor?—The Austin Air Pet Machine Removes Cat Odor and Litter Box Odor!

Got cat odor and litter box odor too? You need an air purifier that can remove them both--the Austin Air Pet Machine HEPA Air Purifier.

Odor of any kind is one of the hardest pollutants to remove, particularly urine- based odors. But with the Austin Air Pet Machine’s ammonasorb filter that is designed specifically to focus on urine smell from pets, your air will be so fresh guests won’t know you have a cat until they see it!

The Austin Air Pet Machine is designed to clean 1500 square feet, and produces 250 cubic feet of fresh, odor-free air every 60 seconds. It is designed to run 24 hours to keep up with your pet, and not only removes odor, but the high efficiency particle arresting filter also removes cat dander, cat fur, cat hair, dust from the litter box as well as other pollutants that are not necessarily connected with your cat such as airborne pollen, mold and mildew spores, household dust, viruses, and bacteria. The Pet Machine removes all of these pollutants down to .3 microns in size.

So not only do you get an air purifier for cat odor and litter box odor, you get one that will take out particles as well.

You’ve probably tried a million different things to help with cat and litter box odor. Now try the one that works—The Austin Air Pet Machine. Call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989 and remove cat odor and litter box odor for good.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Remove Airborne Cat Litter Dust-- the Austin Air HealthMate Air Purifier Will Remove Airborne Cat Litter Dust

Do you want to remove airborne cat litter dust from your air? Does your cat or kitty think of a good time as playing in the box and sending cat litter and dust everywhere? You can literally clear the air with Austin Air HealthMate Air Purifier which will remove airborne cat litter dust.

Whether your cat’s litter box is in your bathroom, laundry room, bedroom, or living room the Austin Air HealthMate will send 250 cubic feet of clean fresh air into your room every 60 seconds removing the airborne particles of cat litter that often trigger irritating symptoms such as congestion, watery eyes, and sneezing.

Designed to run 24 hours every day to keep up with the dust your cats create, the HealthMate cleans 1500 square feet, costs pennies a day to run, is guaranteed for 5 years, and has a 5 year prorated filter warranty. And with normal use, filter changes are necessary only once every 5 years!

In addition to cat litter dust, the HealthMate will filter cat fur, dander, hair, as well as other indoor pollutants such as pollen, mold and mildew spores, bacteria and viruses all as small as .3 microns in size.

PurerAir.com will deliver the Austin Air HealthMate to your door tax free, with Free UPS Shipping, and give you 30 days to try the HealthMate in your space with your cat. If you are not completely satisfied with the job it does, send it back and get all of your money back—no questions, no hassle.

Call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989. Ask for the Austin Air HealthMate Air Purifier today and remove airborne cat litter dust forever.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Downloadable Manual for Austin Air HealthMate Air Purifier

The Austin Air HealthMate Manual is available to view, download, and/or print through PurerAir.com. Visit PurerAir.com now at http://purerair.com/manuals.html, and then click on the link that says Austin Air Manual.

This downloadable manual for the HealthMate is the same manual that came with your Austin Air HealthMate, but is available conveniently, and in its entirety for you to peruse and use at your convenience.

If you have other questions that are not answered in the manual, please feel free to give us a call 24 hours a day at (800) 997-2989. We’ll be happy to put our expertise to work for you!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Friday, September 05, 2008

Dog Hair Machine—Air Purifier for Dog Hair

A dog hair machine and more specifically an air purifier for dog hair is what you need if you have a dog that sheds constantly. As a dog lover, dog hair is a fact of life, but you can eliminate dog hair from the air you breathe with the Austin Air HealthMate HM400 air purifier.

The Austin Air HealthMate air purifier is a High Efficiency Particle Arresting (HEPA) air purifier that will suck the dog hair, dander, dust and other pollutants out of your air—pollutants as small as .3 microns. Not only will it remove airborne dog hair, but other pollutants as well such as mold and mildew spores, pollen, dander, bacteria, and viruses.

If you’ve tried other air purifiers that simply move the air around, you owe it to yourself to try an air purifier for dog hair that works.

Call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989 today. Stop moving dog hair around, and start eliminating it from your air today. Ask for the Austin Air HealthMate HEPA Air Purifier—the air purifier for dog hair!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Remove Pet Odor from Your Air With the Austin Air Pet Machine Air Purifier for Pet Odor

Do you need to remove pet odor from your air because you brought home adorable puppies that aren’t quite house broken? Or do you have an older and beloved pet that is becoming incontinent? Or is your cat on an independent streak and just not using the litter box? Whatever the reason for the pet odor in your air, you don’t have to tolerate it another minute. Why? The Austin Air Pet Machine is designed with a filter that specifically targets pet odor and urine smell.

The Austin Air Pet Machine is the air purifier for pet odor because of its ammonosorb filter takes out urine and other pet odors effectively and economically. Designed to clean 1500 square feet all day every day for just pennies a day, the Austin Air Pet Machine will also remove airborne particles as small as .3 microns; particles such as hair, fur, dander, dust from the litter box, and numerous other particles that go airborne when your pet runs to greet you at the door or jumps up on your bed to snuggle at night.

So stop feeling like you have to make a choice between your pets and having clean smelling air in your home. The Pet Machine delivers 250 cubic feet of fresh air every 60 seconds! Call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989 and have your pets and clean air too with the Austin Air Pet Machine Air Purifier and remove pet odor from your air today and forever.

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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Monday, September 01, 2008

Cockatoos—Air Purifier for Cockatoos

Do you own a cockatoo and need an air purifier that will eliminate feathers, dander, and dust that they create? Look no further, the Austin Air HealthMate JR is one of the most effective air purifiers for cockatoos.

This bird dander air purifier eliminates airborne dander, feathers, dust, and odor that your cockatoo creates 24 hours a day because it is designed to work 24 hours a day, and is guaranteed by Austin Air to last 5 years. The filter life is prorated for 5 years, and the Austin Air HealthMate JR is the air purifier PurerAir.com supplies to the bird aviary at Theater of the Sea in Florida.

Take 30 days to try it out with your Cockatoo, and see for yourself what a difference it makes!

Call PurerAir.com 24 hours at (800) 997-2989 and ask for the Austin Air HealthMate JR air purifier—the air purifier for cockatoos!

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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