Smoke and Dust Mites--Which Austin Air Purifier Is Best?
I recently had a customer to ask which Austin Air purifier gets rid of both tobacco smoke and dust mites.
The answer is the Austin Air Allergy Machine. The Allergy Machine (HEGA) is always the best choice for smoke removal. The HEGA filter has a higher absorption capacity because of the military carbon cloth and is very efficient for smoke removal. The dust mites would also be captured by the Allergy Machine because it's made with True Medical Hepa.
Hope this information helps!
Call Purer Air at 800-997-2989, or Send E-mail to Debbie at for answers to other questions you may have.
Debbie Davis, President
Austin Air Allergy Machine (HEGA) HEPA Air Purifier
Austin Air HealthMate JR (HEGA) HEPA Air Purifier
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air purifier dust mite reoval, air purifier smoke removal, air purifier tobacco smoke, austin air allergy machine, austin air jr allergy machine