Austin Air Purifiers That Control Odors
Do you ever notice a particular smell to your home, especially after you've been away for a while? While not necessarily unpleasant, our homes contain odors that, due to their familiarity, we often don't even recognize. However, not noticing the aromas hanging in your air is not the same as containing odors.
The odors of pets, cooking smells, air fresheners, wood and tobacco smoke, furniture polish, hair and beauty aids, glass cleaners and more all commingle to create an olfactory symphony you may not even be aware of. Your nose knows, though, and shows its lack of control with sniffles, running and redness. The interplay of everyday smells with dust, pollen and mold found in your home can wreak havoc with even the least sensitive sniffer, and for people with asthma or allergies the overload can be excruciating.
That's where we at Purer Air step in. We know how much is out there attacking you and your family, and we're ready to help you fight back and take control with one of our great units from Austin Air Purifiers. Whether you need the Austin Air HealthMate for pollens and dust; the Austin Air HealthMate Plus Super Blend for chemical or gas odors; the Austin Air Pet Machine for pet odors, our air purifiers are strong enough to control any combatant and leave you the victor, again and again.
Debbie Davis, President
Austin Air HEPA Air Purifiers
The odors of pets, cooking smells, air fresheners, wood and tobacco smoke, furniture polish, hair and beauty aids, glass cleaners and more all commingle to create an olfactory symphony you may not even be aware of. Your nose knows, though, and shows its lack of control with sniffles, running and redness. The interplay of everyday smells with dust, pollen and mold found in your home can wreak havoc with even the least sensitive sniffer, and for people with asthma or allergies the overload can be excruciating.
That's where we at Purer Air step in. We know how much is out there attacking you and your family, and we're ready to help you fight back and take control with one of our great units from Austin Air Purifiers. Whether you need the Austin Air HealthMate for pollens and dust; the Austin Air HealthMate Plus Super Blend for chemical or gas odors; the Austin Air Pet Machine for pet odors, our air purifiers are strong enough to control any combatant and leave you the victor, again and again.
Call Purer Air at 800-997-2989, or Send E-mail to Customer Support for answers to other questions you may have.
Debbie Davis, President
Austin Air HEPA Air Purifiers
Labels: air purifier for odor, air purifier for pet odor, Austin Air air purifier