Friday, January 18, 2013

Bird Owner's Air Purifier

If you own a bird or three, you know that you have a lot more particles in the air than most folk do.  Although their colorful appearance and personalities surely make it all worthwhile for you! 

But keeping the air clear with an air purifier is a must for the continued good health of your avian friends and you.

The first thing an air purifier must be is safe.  The only by-product you should allow your filtration to produce is fresh air.  Don’t risk any amount of ozone or ionized particles. 
These filtration methods are controversial and different studies show different results. There is no sense taking a chance until all agree on what the effects are.
The cleaner needs to be able to stack the deck against particles by having multiple sized filters.  The filters need to be able to eliminate the visible to invisible particles from the air.
The unit also needs to be able to run continuously to keep particulates from building to levels that are unhealthy for birds and humans.
From the birds’ perspective, having to continually inhale air that is thick with particles clogs their tiny air passages. This often opens the door to disease and infection which can shorten their lives.
For humans, air thick with particles can exacerbate existing respiratory conditions such as asthma and allergies, and can also cause the onset of problems where none existed. offers the Bird Dust Air Purifier that can keep you and your bird healthier.  See it now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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