Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cockatoo Parrot Air Filter

Cockatoos are gorgeous parrots and can often live for 40 years or more.  One of the best ways to insure longevity is to provide the cleanest air possible 24 hours every day. 

This can be especially challenging with this type of bird.  Not only does it produce the usual dander and feathers but a white wing dust as well.

For those who already own and love a Cockatoo, you know this white dust is relentless and can become overwhelming. 
Not only is it unsightly, but it is unhealthy for you and your pet.  It can hang in the air, and once it settles it can be sent airborne again with the slightest movement from you or your bird.
Bird’s air passages are tiny and Cockatoos are no different.  So having to breathe air that is thick with particles can cause health problems for them quickly.  Clogged airways are usually the start of more serious diseases and infections.  Many times the condition can go unnoticed until it is too late to reverse the damage.
Filtering the air with a cleaner that is specifically designed to reduce airborne particles without producing questionable by-products such as ozone or ionized particles is best.  HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filters by definition are designed to remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particles that are .3 microns or larger in size.
The Bird Dust Air Purifier contains a HEPA filter as well as 3 other filters for particles.  The motor in the unit is designed to run 24 hours every day to insure that airborne particles are kept to a minimum.
Let it send 250 cubic feet of fresh, clean air into your home every 60 seconds 24 hours a day starting today.  Send for it now at http://purerair.com/bird_dust_air_purifier.html
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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