Friday, January 11, 2013

Dust Filters For Birds

Since dust comes in all sizes, it only makes sense that an air cleaner should have multiple filters sized to eliminate the airborne particulates that make up dust.
When you watch your bird, you know that one small shake of feathers can send an incredible number of particulates into the air. 
And even though you see a lot of particles (and you thought that was the bad news), there are probably hundreds of other particles that you don't see.
For those of you with powder-down parrots, you are all too familiar with the white dust that can settle on everything.  If you're wondering whether you have one then you don't! Powder-down birds include African Greys, Cockatoos, and Cockatiels.
If you have some other gorgeous type of bird, you are not off the hook for particles.  Bird dander is produced by all birds, and it is invisible to the human eye.  Yet it is one of the most potent allergens known.
The protein in the dander can send those with allergies and asthma literally running for air if the dander count is high enough.  And living with air that is thick with bird dust or any other kind of dust can create problems for those who formerly had none.
And the dust we're discussing is just "for the birds"!  There are normal household pollutants that no one can escape.  Dust mites, mold and mildew spores, seasonal pollen, bacteria and viruses are just a few of the particles can all add to the problem.
What is needed to keep dust and dander down is a unit that has multiple filters for particles, and one that has a motor that will allow it to run continuously.  The Bird Dust Air Purifier from does this and more. 
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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