Thursday, December 27, 2012

Removing Airborne Pet Dander

One of the biggest advantages of a warm-blooded pet is that they are warm and fuzzy and lovely to snuggle with. 

One of the big disadvantages of these warm, furry creatures is that they shed dander continually.

Cats, dogs, birds, bunnies, ferrets all shed these fine flakes of dead skin  as their bodies make way for newer healthier skin that is more effective at defending their bodies against disease and infection.
Many pet owners believe that you can see dander when in fact it is invisible to the human eye.  It is also sticky and can adhere to the pet’s hair or feathers.  It also sticks to larger and more usual airborne particles such as household dust.
The protein in the dander is a powerful allergen that can cause owners with existing respiratory problems such as allergies and asthma to become unable to tolerate their own pet.
The most effective way is to literally keep the dander count low and the air quality high is to clean the air with a high efficiency particle arresting or HEPA filter, and a unit that can clean 24 hours is essential.
The Pet Dander Air Purifier has not only a HEPA filter, but 3 other filters for particles as well as a split capacitor motor that allows it to run 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
See the air cleaner from that can keep the dander down for good at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-29989

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