Saturday, November 03, 2012

HEPA Filter For Birds

A HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filter by definition must be able to remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particulates that are .3 microns or greater, with a micron being defined as one millionth of a meter.  This type of filtration is safe and produces no ozone or ionized particles.
And since birds typically produce invisible, micron-sized dander as well as other visible pollutants such as dust and feathers, it makes sense to have a cleaner that is effective at removing these airborne particles. 
 If you are lucky enough to own a powder down bird such as a Cockatoo, African Grey, or Cockatiel you are dealing with a white powder in addition to all the usual particles that our avian friends can produce.
The HEPA filter is a very specialized filter and should be really used just to eliminate invisible particles.  So multiple filters that can remove the bigger particles would save the time and expense of having to constantly replace this expensive filter.
The Bird Dust Air Purifier is set up with this concept in mind.  There are 3 other filters in addition to the HEPA that are designed to remove big to medium size particles.  These are known as the large and medium pre-filter. 
And just as the name implies they are filters that come before the HEPA, so they are the first line of defense against the visible particles.
The presence of these additional filters means that you will have fewer filter changes, and longer filter life.  In addition to the HEPA and 2 pre-filters, this air cleaner also contains carbon cloth which has dual advantages. 
Because this filter is made of carbon, it can remove noxious odors, gases, and airborne chemicals; and because it is woven like a cloth, it can remove additional particles.
With a 4-stage filtration process, the Bird Dust Air Purifier will go a long way towards keeping the air clean for your birds and you.
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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