Monday, July 30, 2012

Managing Parrot Dander

All parrots produce dander so managing it is exactly the right approach to take.  You will never be able to get rid of all of it, but by filtering the air with a cleaner that is designed to remove a wide range of particles, you can drastically reduce the amount in your air.

The reason you need a cleaner that has various sizes of filters is because dander is sticky stuff.  It will often attach to feathers, and other more normal particulates in the air that are bigger.
These bigger particles are very visible and include household dust, feathers, and bird dust.  By having a variety of filters, the particles that are visible are eliminated without having to use a finer grade of filter that is best used to eliminate micron-sized particles.

So what filters should an air cleaner for parrots included?  It should contain 2 pre-filters for large and medium size particulates, a HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) filter that is designed to eliminate particles as small as .3 microns in size; and a carbon cloth filter that gives dual protection against both gases and particulates.

Many parrots produce mostly dander.  But there are some parrots that produce a white powder that can keep air quality consistently clogged with particles. 
Included in this group of birds are the African Grey, Cockatoos, and Cockatiels.  They produce this powder in addition to dander.

The Bird Dust Air Purifier from has a 4-stage filtration process that is effective in taking out dander, bird dust, and other pollutants that may have dander stuck to them.

See this amazing air cleaner now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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