African Grey Dust
If you own an African Grey, you know how very special these birds are. Whether you have a Congo or Timneh they are intelligent, many are well-spoken, and all are beautiful to watch!
And as
unsightly as it is, letting this powder accumulate can cause health problems for your
bird and the humans who love it.
The respiratory systems of
your avian friend can easily become clogged when they are forced to inhale air
that is thick with dust. Clogged airways make it easy for disease and infection to interfere with your birds’ health, and often it is impossible to reverse the condition.
Bird dust can also cause some health issues for humans as well including the exacerbation of allergies and asthma and the onset of respiratory problems that were not formerly a problem.
Cleaning with a damp moth and cloth solve the problem once the dust has fallen from the air. But truly ddressing the problem means reducing the amount in the air so there is less to fall out of the air.
Filtering the air 24 hours a day is the most effective way to reduce the number or particulates in the air. HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filters are best at removing particles that are as small as .3 microns in size.
The air cleaner you choose for your bird room should have multiple filters that are designed to remove a wide range of particulate sizes.
The Bird Dust Air Purifier from offers 4-stage filtration and includes a HEPA filter, 2 pre-filters and carbon cloth. We continue to send it to be used by aviaries and bird lovers around the country.
See it now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President 997-2989
Labels: african grey dust, bird dust, bird dust air purifier, parrot dust, white bird powder
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