Saturday, July 07, 2012

Managing Cat Allergies

Many people who are sensitive to cats are usually reacting to the protein in the dander. These microscopic flakes fall off, get scratched off, or shaken into the air continually as these bits of older skin are replaced by newer, healthier skin.

Dander will be a fact of life for as long as you have a cat. And because it is lightweight and sticky, it can stay around even if you don’t have a cat.

And while nothing will get rid of all of the dander, you can drastically reduce the amount in your air by filtering the air as continuously as this allergen is produced.

HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filtration is an excellent solution to the problem. Designed to remove particles as small as .3 microns in size, it can easily eliminate airborne dander that is invisible to the human eye. But for allergy sufferers, this tiny allergen can cause huge problems that display as watering eyes, congestion, and sneezing.

An air purifier with this type of filter as well as a motor that can run 24 hours a day means that the amount of allergens are kept low all the time. Cleaner air means a higher quality of life and more time to enjoy your cat.

See the Cat Dander Air Purifier from now at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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