Fall Midwest Allergy Relief

If it’s fall, you suffer from airborne allergies, and you live in the Midwestern United States chances are your body is reacting to weed pollen. And Ragweed is one of the most potent pollens known.
Unless you lock yourself in a glass bubble until after the first frost, it is next to impossible to avoid coming in contact with this allergen. However, you can control how much of it is in your indoor air.
Pollen is lightweight and can and does cling to hair, packages, pets that go in and out from your home, book bags, and grocery bags.
That leaves it free to go airborne in your home again and again with normal movements. This means your home is almost as irritating as the outdoors.
Even after all the research about allergies, most professionals agree that the best way to minimize allergies is to avoid the trigger. Filtering the indoor air continuously is a proactive yet non-invasive and effective way to keep pollen levels low indoors.
The best type of filter for removing airborne particles is the HEPA filter. This type of filter can remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particles as small as .3 microns from the air. And most pollens are quite a bit larger that even 1 micron.
PurerAir.com offers a HEPA allergy air purifier that is designed to remove weed pollen in the fall as well as tree pollen in the spring and grass pollens in the summer.
In addition to pollen this air cleaner can also remove other airborne irritants that can work in conjunction with seasonal pollens. These include but are not limited to dust, dust mites mold and mildew spores, pet dander, mold, and mildew spores.
See the Hay Fever Air Purifier that can minimize triggers in the fall and year round now at http://purerair.com/hay_fever_air_purifier.html
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air purifier ragweed, fall allergies, midwest allergies, midwest pollen, pollen relief, ragweed pollen
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