Bird Dust Case Study

Jackie called about the dust that her 30 year old Moluccan Cockatoo creates. She reports that when he flies about you can literally see a cloud of dust in the air.
In the rain forest he would get a bath everyday, but she said her schedule does not allow her to do that.
Of course she loves her bird and wants to clean up the air for his sake and her family. She says she had an ozone-producing air purifier, but she heard that they were not safe, and they didn’t really do the job. So she was looking for an effective cleaner.
Cockatoos, Cockatiels, and African Grey Parrots are powder down birds, which mean they produce wing dust above and beyond what is usual for other birds. Breathing air that is thick with these particles day in and day out can cause repiratory problems for birds and humans.
An air cleaner that only produces fresh air is the best solution. And it should have numerous filters that are designed to remove particles that range from visible to microscopic.
Having a range of filters means that not only is the dust removed while it is airborne, but invisible particles such as bird dander, dust mites, and other more normal household pollutants such as mold and mildew spores.
Being able to run the cleaner continuously insures that the amount of particles in the air stays low. This benefits you and your bird by making the air purer, and makes clean up less of a chore.
Nothing will remove all of the dust, but the Bird Dust Air Purifier comes pretty close. See it now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air purifier bird dust, air purifier powder down birds, bird dust, cockatoo dust, moluccan cockatoo
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