Nail Salon Air Purifier

Tory called last night to ask about the Nail Salon Air Purifier. She owns her own business and works in a space that is about 700 square feet. She also has a room that connects to her shop where another stylist does hair.
She said she first became aware of how bad the smell in her salon was when several repair men came to do some work several weeks ago.
They couldn’t stop talking about how bad the air smelled and wanted to know whether it was safe for them to stay and do the repair.
That’s when Tory said she realized that while they were concerned about being in her shop for only an hour or two, maybe she should be concerned to0 because she works there every day from about 9:30 am to 8:00 pm.
She said she had tried another air purifier but it didn’t take out the fumes. And now she believes it was because it did not contain a carbon filter.
Tory is right about a lot, and it’s good that she has realized how bad the chemical fumes can be in her space. Being in the shop hour after hour dulls the body’s ability to smell the fumes.
But once they are absorbed into the body, they make extra work for the liver to eliminate. They also irritate the eyes, nose, and lungs and can cause acute symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, stinging eyes, dry throat and a bunch of other unpleasant side effects.
Tory decided to let us send her our air cleaner which offers 4 filters in a canister. Three of them are designed to remove particles that range in size from the ones you can see (pre-filters) to those that are as small as .3 microns in size (HEPA filter).
This cleaner also contains 15 pounds of activated carbon zeolite that is enhanced with a special additive to improve its ability to remove volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) that are all too common in nail salon products.
And one of the best features about this cleaner is that the filter is guaranteed for 5 years. It’s also low maintenance which means you won’t ever need to go inside the unit to spray, clean, wash or vacuum the filter.
Tory is looking forward to enjoying 250 cubic feet of fresh, virtually chemical-free air being sent into her salon every 60 seconds.
We can send this same purifier to you today for your salon! See the cleaner that continues to cause a buzz in your industry now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air cleaner nail salon, air purifier nail salon, clean air nail salon, nail salon, nail salon chemicals, nail salon fumes, vocs nail salon
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