Zero Dander Dogs

Unfortunately, there is no such animal. All dogs produce dander, albeit some more than others.
But these dead flakes of skin are the body’s way of getting rid of old, weakened and sometimes damaged skin to make way for newer healthier skin. The newer skin is more able to protect the body against disease and infection.
However, if you are looking for a dog without dander, chances are the protein in the dead skin is causing allergies, asthma, or other respiratory conditions to worsen.
This is not surprising since pet dander is one of the most potent allergens known. That fact does nothing to help you if the puppy dog that you love is causing you to sneeze.
Removing pet dander is probably one of the most “Googled” search terms, so you are not alone in reacting poorly to this allergen. One of the tried and true solutions for getting relief from airborne triggers like this one is to avoid it.
Filtering the air is one of the best ways to drastically reduce the amount in your indoor air, thus reducing your contact with the allergen and the symptoms it causes. A HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filter is the best type to have for the job.
It can remove not only pet-related allergens but other normal household irritants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, smoke, seasonal pollens, as well as bacteria and viruses. And it can remove them down to .3 microns in size, with a micron being defined as one millionth of a meter. has provided relief to hundreds of clients by sending the Pet Dander Air Purifier to them. Designed to run 24 hours a day every day it sends 250 cubic feet of fresh clean air into your home every 60 seconds. So even though there are no zero dander dogs, this is the next best thing.
See this air cleaner that can really make a difference in your life now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air purifier baby allergic to dog, dog dander air purifier, dog dander relief, dogs, dogs no dander, zero dander dog
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