Austin Air Replacement Filters from
Here at we are often asked about the differences between Austin Air filters, and the uses for which they are intended. Here is a brief description of the filter make-up of the 5 filters Austin Air offers, and the best uses of each. The following descriptions apply to both the standard and junior size filters.
All of the filters contain a large and medium particle pre-filter for removing particles you can see; a HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filter for eliminating particles down to .3 microns in size. It is the 4th and 5th filter that will be described below.
HEGA Filter—-Contains a 4th filter of military carbon cloth. This gives an extra level of particulate removal, and its carbon composition makes it excellent for removing gases and odors.
HealthMate---The 4th filter contains carbon zeolite. This makes it an excellent all-purpose filter that is effective at chemical, odor, and gas elimination.
HealthMate Plus—-The 4th filter contains carbon zeolite “plus” potassium iodide. This makes it effective at removing airborne chemicals.
Pet Machine---The 4th filter contains carbon zeolite with ammonasorb. It is best at removing pet urine odor.
Bedroom Machine Air Purifier---This is a combination of the HealthMate and the HEGA filters. The 4th filter is carbon zeolite as in the HealthMate, and the additional 5th filter is carbon cloth that is found in the HEGA series. Endorsed by the National Sleep Foundation, it is the newest addition to filter series.
All replacement filters are in stock and ship free. Shop for Austin Air Replacement Filters now at or call us now at (800) 997-2989.
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: austin air, Austin Air replacement filters, austin air replacements, buy austin air
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