Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Freshening Beauty Salon Air

Once upon a time beauty salons only did hair.  But even then the fumes from dyes and perms and the smoke from straightening combs and curling irons caused the air to smell less than healthy.

As the industry has grown, many products used in cutting-edge procedures continue to off-gas volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) such as formaldehyde.
Some salons have even resorted to offering gas masks to their customers while doing certain procedures.

The masks may help the client temporarily, but often the chemicals remain in the air long after that client has left exposing staff and other clients to the odors.

And if your salon offers manicures and pedicures the fumes from the polish, hardener, and adhesive can add another layer of pollution to an already smelly shop.

Opening doors and windows is not a reliable fix for the situation and often makes neighbors unhappy when smells start to invade their space.

Continuous filtration with a carbon based filter enhanced with an additive to improve absorption of the chemical fumes is the best and most effective solution to the problem.

PurerAir.com continues to offer an air cleaner that has helped salons around the country enjoy cleaner air.  See the Beauty Salon Air Purifier now at http://purerair.com/beauty_salon_purifier.html

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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