Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Eliminating Nail Salon Fumes

Gary called today because a nail salon has moved in next door to his office. And even though he keeps the doors and windows closed, the units share common ducts for heating and cooling.

So now the fumes from the salon are coming into his office and causing his office to smell like he’s the one doing nails.

As irritating as this is, it is becoming increasingly common as the nail salon industry continues to expand. Short of asking the landlord to provide filtration for all of the units, or asking the nail salon tenant to filter their air the problem will remain for Gary.

He searched decided to proactive about his problem and searched for an air purifier that can remove volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) that typically evaporate from salon products.

What he found is that activated carbon zeolite with a potassium iodide additive is and unbeatable combination for absorbing the chemicals from his office air.

PurerAir.com offers the Nail Salon Air Purifier that is designed to run 24 hours a day to work at removing these fumes.

See it now and put it to work in your office today. Go to http://purerair.com/nails.html

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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