Monday, February 27, 2012

Best Hair Salon Purifier

If you own and/or work in a hair salon, chances are you remain on the cutting edge by offering the latest and greatest procedures in your shop.

Unfortunately, many of the chemicals used for these procedures cause heavy duty chemicals to evaporate into the air.

These fumes can cause acute symptoms like burning eyes and nose, dry throat, dizziness, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.

Some shops have gone to having clients wear gas masks to avoid the fumes. And that doesn’t make for a very pretty picture for anyone.

An air purifier that is designed to remove these heavy duty chemicals called VOCs is what is necessary to help keep salon air fresh and clean despite the chemicals that are frequently being used.

The cleaner should also be able to operate 24 hours a day because many times the fumes remain in the air for hours, even days.

Another great feature is to be able to control the rate at which the air is filtered. At peak times when a lot of procedures are being done, it’s a huge advantage to have a unit that can take the odors out faster. offers a cleaner that is being used by more and more professionals because of its effectiveness in keeping the air clean.

See the Beauty Salon Air Purifier from now at

Take good care,

Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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