Eliminating Unpleasant Pet Odors

Have you ever walked into a home where the first whiff smelled like an animal or even worse, pet urine?
Have you ever walked into your own home and had the same thoughts?
Pet odor can range from unpleasant to urine odor that is offensive. No one should have to live with these odors day in and day out.
The best type of filter to remove odors is a carbon-based filter. These types of filters are well known for their ability to absorb gaseous pollutants such as odors.
Ammonia is the most offensive element in urine, and even carbon needs help removing it. That’s why any effective air cleaner for this type of odor must have an additive that is specifically designed to remove ammonia.
In the air purifier offered by PurerAir.com, ammonasorb has been used effectively to enhance the ability of carbon to take out this eye-stinging pollutant in both private and commercial setting that want to keep eliminate urine smell.
So whether you are a pet owner with one or several pets or a kennel with lots of animals we have a purifier that continues to offer an effective solution.
Not only does this air cleaner have a filter for odor, but 3 additional filters for particles for particles that range in size from very visible hair, fur, and dust to the invisible particles such as dander, bacteria and viruses.
Don’t suffer another miserable moment breathing in air that smells bad. See the air purifier for pet odor from PurerAir.com now at http://purerair.com/austin_air_pet_machine.html
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air purifier pet urine, eliminate urine odor, pet odor, pet smell, pet urine
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