Filtering Fall Allergens

Fall brings change of weather, leaf color, and lots weed pollen in the air. This can translate into stuffy nose, nasal drip that causes a nagging cough, and nasal congestion that seems ever-present.
You can’t do anything about the outside air, but you can drastically reduce the amount of pollen that is present in your indoor air.
Pollen is light enough to ride in on air currents through windows and doors, attach to clothing, hair and packages. And once indoors it can remain airborne to cause allergies to flare when inhaled.
One of the best ways to control allergies while indoors is to eliminate triggers from the air. If you have allergies generally flare ups are do to exposure to a number of allergens.
In addition to seasonal pollen, there are also chronic indoor allergens lurking in the air that work in concert with Ragweed and other weed pollens.
Indoor allergens that are always present include household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander (even if you don’t have pets), bacteria and viruses. Filtering all of these allergy triggers from the air can give you huge advantage towards having fewer flare ups.
Because pollen and many of the other indoor allergens are particles, the best type of purifier is one that is effective at eliminating particulates. offers an air purifier that has 4 filters specifically designed to trap particles.
See the Allergy Machine Air Purifier from now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: fall allergens, fall allergy relief, fall lallergies, ragweed
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