Cat Allergy Air Purifier

If you have a cat that makes you sneeze, cough, and wheeze whenever it comes close to cuddle, more than likely you are allergic to it.
This can be devastating news if getting rid of the cat is not an option---and of course it’s not!
Most people who have symptoms such as these are allergic to the powerful protein in the cat’s dander. Dander is invisible to the human eye, and is small flakes of dead skin that your pet will shed throughout its life. These dead flakes are pushed off by newer, healthier skin that is better able to protect and defend against disease and infection.
Dander is sticky stuff so it is able to attach to your cat’s hair, and other airborne particles in your home such as dust, mold and mildew spores. Once airborne any of these particulates are available to be inhaled, and voila, chance are your allergies will flare.
One of the most reliable ways to prevent allergic reactions is to avoid or reduce exposure to the irritant. Filtering your air 24 hours a day with a filter designed to remove airborne allergens is a proactive yet non-invasive way to reduce the amount of irritants in your air and in turn your symptoms.
HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting technology is the filtration that is best suited for the problem. This is the same type of filtration that hospitals use to insure clean air.
By definition it must be able to remove airborne particles as small as .3 microns in size with 99.97% efficiency. This means that for every 10,000 particles it will remove 99,997 of them.
See the air purifier that can keep your cat allergies under control for good at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: allergict to cat, cat allergies, cat allergy, cat dander, cat dander air purifier, cats
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