Minimizing Your Allergy Symptoms
If you suffer with allergies because of airborne triggers, it can be tough to survive the season that triggers your allergies.
But whether you suffer from tree, grass, or weed pollen in the spring, summer, or fall minimizing your symptoms can not only make you feel better, but can give you a psychological boost as you turn the proverbial lemons into lemonade.
Find out for sure what your triggers are. You can keep a journal and look for patterns that will help you narrow the list of possible suspects. In addition, get professional help by sharing your journal with an allergist.
You can also get concrete proof by getting tested for sensitivity to various irritants. This involves being injected with small amounts of allergens to see what and how severely your body reacts.
Be consistent about avoiding the outdoors at peak times for your allergens. You can keep abreast of how much and what is in your air with the daily pollen count found online at various weather sites, through national weather channels, and in your local daily paper.
You can also make your indoor area a haven by continually removing airborne irritants such as pollen, dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander as wells as gases, odors, and chemicals.
The Allergy Machine from is one of the best ways to minimize your allergies and can improve your lifestyle in a proactive yet non-invasive way.
See the air purifier designed specifically to help manage allergies at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: airborne allergies, allergies, allergy air purifier, allergy irritants, allergy symptoms, manage allergies
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