Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Austin Air Replacement Filters---Top 3 Questions Answered

Austin Air replacements lasts so long that it’s easy to misplace the information about the filters by the time you’re ready for a new filter. Here are answers to the 3 most frequent questions that we are often asked here at

1. How can I tell if the filter needs replacing?

Your nose knows when the filter is at the end of its life. A carbon filter that is full will put out a sweet odor. And even if it doesn’t, anytime the air smells anything but fresh, and clean when your purifier is running is an indication that your filter is full.

2. Can I replace the filter with a different filter than the original one?

If your purifier is a standard size and was made after 1995, then your case is big enough to hold any of the newer replacement filters including the Pet Machine and the Bedroom Machine filters.

The same is true for junior size purifiers. If it was made after 1995, you can replace your filter with any junior size filter.

However, if your filter was made before 1995 (and there are plenty of them out there that still work), the case is only big enough for the HEGA or Allergy Machine replacement filter.

3. What difference does the light or dark-colored filter make?

This color choice is totally aesthetic. For purifiers that are white or sandstone, a light-colored pre-filter makes the unit look more cohesive through the tiny holes on the bottom two thirds of the unit. And if your purifier is Black or Silver, the dark-colored pre-filter looks better. They both work the same way.

See the complete line of Austin Air Replacement Filters from now at

Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989

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