Austin Air HEGA or HealthMate? ---That Is the Question

If you have an Austin Air purifier that was made after 1995, you are one of the lucky people who have the wonderful option of interchanging your filter.
And so the question often arises—which replacement filter is better—the HEGA or the HealthMate? The answer is that they are different. Let’s explore their similarities and differences.
Both filters have a medical grade HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filter. This means that both will remove airborne particulates as small as .3 microns including dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, as well as bacteria and viruses.
Both have large and medium particle pre-filters that are important in prolonging the life of the inner filter.
The difference between the two filters lies in the inner filter. The HealthMate contains carbon zeolite—6.5 pounds in the junior size unit, and 15 pounds in the standard size unit. The carbon zeolite has proven to be excellent at removing odors, gases, and some airborne chemicals making it great for all purpose filtration.
The HEGA (or high efficiency gas adsorption) contains military carbon cloth which is best at removing smoke and the fine particulates that are a by-product of combustion whether from a cigarette, a wood burning stove, or a wildfire. It is also super efficient at removing gases and odors—superior in this aspect to the HealthMate.
If you are at all sensitive to carbon, the HEGA filter is a better choice because it contains less carbon. This also makes the filter lighter in weight if that needs to be a consideration in your decision.
Successfully filtering your air depends on matching your filter with the airborne pollutants you need to remove from your air. If you have more question about these or any other Austin Air replacement filters (, please give us a call at our 24 hour toll free number--(800) 997-2989. We’ll look forward to helping you choose the best filter for you.
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
Labels: austin air, Austin Air replacement filters, healthmate filter, HEGA filter
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