HEPA Air Purifier for Pets

If you share your home with a warm blooded pet, your pet is not all that shares your home. You surely have pet dander—the dead flakes of skin that all warm blooded creatures shed. And depending on the pet, you also have feathers, hair, fur, and maybe even odors of various sorts.
Once upon a time, pet owners and those who knew pet owners assumed that having a pet meant having a home that was less than pristine in appearance and smell. But using a HEPA air purifier that continuously filters the air makes this way of thinking a thing of the past. As a pet lover, you now have a great deal of control over how your home looks and smells if you use an air purifier designed specifically with pets in mind.
That means the air purifier needs prefilters to remove the big and medium size airborne particles such as hair and fur. It needs a high efficiency particle arresting (or medical grade HEPA) filter to remove microscopic airborne pollutants such as your pet’s dander. And it needs a filter that can remove pet odor, even if it’s urine based.
And while most people think of an air purifier as an advantage for humans. It is also a great advantage for animals as well. Since many animals that live in our homes are becoming as allergy prone as people, removing airborne pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, and their dander can only improve their health as well.
PurerAir.com offers a portable HEPA air purifier for both you and your pets at http://purerair.com/austin_air_pet_machine.html
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
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