Cat Dander Room Air Purifier

Cat dander goes everywhere. It’s sticky and can catch a ride on book bags, clothes, hair, and fine particles in the air. So if you have a heating or cooling system that uses forced air, a room air purifier may only help slightly. You will still have cat dander that has been circulated by your blower throughout your entire space.
What is more to the point towards eliminating cat dander is an air purifier that has the capacity to clean the air throughout your home. Here are 5 features that a cat dander air purifier must have in order to be effective.
1. Motor that is powerful enough to run 24 hours daily.
2. HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) that can remove cat dander that is microscopic in size.
3. Safe for your cat and you because the only by product is fresh air.
4. Can remove airborne particulates to which cat dander attaches.
5. Is low in maintenance and suggests that you vacuum the outside of the purifier only as often as you vacuum your home.
If this sounds too good to be true—it’s not. Solve your cat dander problem once and for all and see it for yourself now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: cat dander, cat dander air purifier, cat dander room air purifier, eliminate cat dander
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