Summertime and the Grass Pollen is Airborne

It’s summertime, and the living is supposed to be easy. But if you’re allergic to grass pollen, summer can be a trying time.
Grass is one of the most popular ground covers, and the pollen can travel for miles on a gentle breeze making it very nearly impossible to avoid.
Here are 3 tips to help you navigate successfully through summer while still having a great time.
1. Keep your immune system working at its best by getting adequate sleep, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly. Not only will this plan of action keep your body healthy and more able to fight off infections, but will help you have a more positive outlook and keep cool when life’s daily stresses nip at your heels.
2. If your allergies are severe, consult an allergist and get help with a management plan that can help you navigate through the season without major disruptions in work and vacation time.
3. Use a HEPA air purifier in your home that can filter airborne pollen as small as .3 microns. This makes your home a haven, and allows your body, mind, and spirit time to rejuvenate. HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting technology is the same technology the medical community uses in hospitals to provide clean air. offers the Hay Fever Air Purifier which is a HEPA air purifier designed to remove not only grass pollen, but numerous other kinds of pollen that make their appearances all during the year.
Economical to run, easy to maintain with a filter life of 5 years—you’ll want to see it now at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: grass pollen, grass pollen air purifier, grass pollen relief, pollen air purifier
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