Eliminating Pet Urine Odor from Your Home

As much as you love your pet, you are most definitely not in love with the odors that sometimes go with sharing your home with a cat, dog, bird, ferret, or other warm blooded beauty.
Stains, odors, hair, fur, feathers, and air thick with dander are probably not what you envisioned when you brought your pet home, but they all seem to go with the territory when owning a pet—or do they?
There are things that you can do to keep your home looking and smelling fresh and clean despite your pets. Having your carpets and floors cleaned professionally on a regular basis can remove stains, hair and dander that have fallen out of the air.
And even though cleaning will help, it still won’t take away ongoing odor problems. Puddles on the floor can happen anytime, and if you’re not there to remove, clean, and neutralize the accident, you can walk into a home that reeks of urine odor and worse.
That’s why PurerAir.com offers an air purifier specifically designed with pets and their people in mind. It has a high efficiency particle arresting (abbreviated as HEPA) filter and inner filter designed to remove pet odor, (and especially urine odor) and is one of the best innovations to come along for pets and their people in a long time
Not only will the HEPA filter in this pet air purifier eliminate airborne hair, fur, feathers and dander from cats, dogs, birds, ferrets, bunnies and others; it will also eliminate household pollutants that you would have anyway even if you didn’t have a pet.
Airborne dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, bacteria and viruses are all eliminated by the HEPA filter and will make the air in your home safer for you, your family, and your pet.
PurerAir.com offers the Pet Machine Air Purifier that does an incredible job of eliminating pet odor 24 hours every day. See it now at http://purerair.com/austin_air_pet_machine.html
Labels: pet air purifier, pet odor air purifier, pet urine odor, pet urine odor air purifier
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