Bird Dander Removal Tips

In the wild the dander would dissipate and never become thick enough to clog bird air passages. In your home, dander often accumulates and the count gets high enough to cause problems for everyone.
If you are allergic, it is the protein in the dander that can cause your body to react by trying to eject these minute particles with sneezing, watery eyes, and coughing.
Bathing your bird is an excellent and natural way to reduce dander. A shower perch is an effective way to let your bird enjoy a bird bath and will keep its skin healthy. Another alternative is to provide a small bowl of water in the cage (in addition to the water dish) that will allow your bird to enjoy bathing.
Frequent cleaning of the floor and walls with a damp cloth or mop, and vacuuming with a cleaner that has a HEPA filter will remove dander that has already fallen to the floor.
A HEPA (or high efficiency particle arresting) air purifier will remove dander and other pollutants that often clog bird’s air passages. And clogged airways often lead to disease and infection which can seriously diminish life span.
See how the Bird Dander Air Purifier can work for you and your bird at
Take good care,
Debbie Davis, President
(800) 997-2989
Labels: air cleaner bird dander, bird dander, bird dander air purifier
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